Naomi Black

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  • Naomi Black


    Usually polite and friendly, she doesn't like serious confrontation if she can help it. When first arriving to the state, all she wished for was to live a simple life as a ranch hand, but has since grown into herself and has grown braver to protect herself, friends, and property. She still isn't a fan of getting involved in major situations, such as a shootout, and would rather run from wolves than kill them, however she will stand up and fight back when she needs to.

    Early Life 

    Naomi Ann Black was born in Chicago on the 5th of October, as an only child to Emmerson and Mary Black. Her parents owned and managed a long-running candy store which Naomi started helping with at the age of 5 and continued to work with the family into her mid-20's. She felt destined to continue the business after her parents until newspapers started showing articles of the gold rush out west, including photos of mountains taller than any city buildings and magical scenery of trees and rivers and open land... everything Chicago wasn't. It was mesmerizing to her and she wanted to see what the country was like out of the bustling city.

    Leaving home was a difficult decision to make, but a quick one, so she said her good byes to the candy business and her family, packed only essentials, and took a train for Seattle, Washington. One day her train was attacked and raided and the thieves stole the only thing valuable to her: her savings, which meant she didn't have money to purchase a connecting train ticket to continue further travel, let alone be able to find and pay for a place to live.

    Luckily she kept her life and with a bit of guidance from a gentleman passenger, he suggested she get off the train in New Alexandria at a place called Valentine. He explained how it was a central hub and she might be able to find work there to continue moving west. She decided to take the advice, but Valentine wasn't at all what Naomi had in mind it would be. It was a culture shock to arrive at such a small town smelling like animal and not having a single paved road in the entire town, and she was beginning to regret every decision she'd made. Luckily after hanging around and talking with people, she met a rancher who offered to take her in with exchange for work on a farm to help her situation. It was an easy, done deal, and Naomi then began life working on Emerald Ranch.

    Present Life 

    June - Present 1899 : Naomi has dedicated her life and time to Emerald Ranch, where she met Lillith Lucifer and others who were in the beginning stages of setting up a trading post on the property. She offered her assistance and the Tipsy Cow Trading Post became an official licensed business on June 18th 1899. Starting out as a ranch hand, she assisted with horse care, worked the basics of the trading post and offering said trades, then over the months began to work as an active host setting up the ranch before anyone else was awake. Her hard work was seen by other lead TCTP workers and it was agreed upon that a manager position be offered to her, which she proudly accepted. In mid-October, official ownership of the Tipsy Cow was passed from Lillith and Cualli to Naomi and Charity Lawson.



    "Yeah, I shot Antonio Delgato with his own father's gun."
    "Fuck OFF!"
    "Oh... My god."
    "Fuck you, elk!"


    Prides herself in being able to recognize nearly all horse breeds with a simple glance over the coat.

    Knows more about being a Deputy than most recruits, despite the fact she's never worked for the New Alexandria Sheriff's Department.

    Jokingly known as "Deputy Most Wanted" by Deputy friends for being stubborn against joining the department despite begs and pleas, while simultaneously acting as the best criminal in the state to have a list of crimes for which she's never been caught doing, therefore, no one has proof.
    Some of her accused crimes are:
    - 1st Degree Horse Robbery
    - 17 Counts of Escaping Sisika
    - 34 Counts of Obstruction
    - 11 Counts of Shooting a Guy
    - 97 Counts of Aggravated Assault to the people of Valentine
    - Suspicious Vicious Viewing of the town of Valentine













    October 5, 1875


    Chicago, Illinois



    Marital Status:



    Emmerson Black (Father, alive)
    Mary Black (Mother, alive)



    "Deputy Most Wanted"
    "Queen of the Heartlands", Self-Proclaimed

    Faction Affiliations: