The New Alexandria Sheriff's Department (NASD) is an arm of the President, Governor, and the State Marshal's office. The County Sheriffs are appointed by the Governor with the affirmation of Congress and is tasked with enforcing the laws and ordinances of the state. The Sheriff is responsible for the actions of the Deputies they appoint. The Sheriffs and those under their charge are held accountable by the State Legislation, State Marshal's office, Federal Marshal, or Congress. They are to uphold the peace, carry out the law, and maintain order in the state.
Current Law Enforcement Official Command (LEOC)
US Marshal – Milo Reines, Jack Carter, Chester Williams, Max McQueen, Jen Acree, John Reid
State Marshal – Blake Lynderly
Lieutenant State Marshal - Rose Smith
Deputy State Marshals:
Tod Jones
Poppy Beckett
Olivia Howard
Shawn Hurst
Western Sheriff - Ria Lasky
Western Undersheriffs - Valeria Cortez, Marcus Church
Eastern Sheriff – Damon Lasky
Eastern Undersheriffs – August Bishop, Rocket Moody
Central Sheriff – Darion Rueb
Central Undersheriffs – Amelia Grimm
New Alexandria Sheriff's Department (NASD)
Blake Lynderly
Deputy State Marshal(s):
Rose Smith
Tod Jones
Poppy Beckett
Olivia Howard
Shawn Hurst
Eastern Sheriff:
Western Sheriff:
Central Sheriff:
Darion Rueb