Nino Moretti

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  • Nino Moretti


    Nino is a man of violence, and will never hesitate to do harm to any worthy the punishment. Honor and truth stands higher than anything. if you get caught lying and showing disrespect you will be punished. he is a loyal man to his family most and friends secondly, he is a man of revenge and punishment, and does not hesitate to get his hands dirty. he is also a leader of a smaller group within the family, little known to everyone else on the outside. only those deemed worthy is allowed to be a part. he is calculated, and tries to see most things from several perspectives. he might not sound or look evil at the beginning, but not let that fool you. he is a wolf in sheep's clothes, he is nice in the beginning, but when gained trust he acts. Family is more than anything else. his life were completely different 2 years before coming to america. his family had been killed in a rivalry with an other family. he was more lively. now he is a mere shadow of his past. and changed after revenging his murdered Family. finding those responsible for the murders took him over 1 year. ending their life, one by one. this is when Nino's father decided to send his son to America to help out Luca Castillo's plan of expanding into New Alexandria, after being allowed by his father. a new change for Nino, a new place to start over and heal


    Early Life 

    The Moretti family is a part of the Castillo family that branched out. It started when Nino Morettis Grand mother Rosetta Castillo married a man named Valentino Moretti. Her brother would end up to become Luca Castillo’s Grandfather. Which means they are 2nd cousins.

    Rosetta and Valentino settled down in Monreale Sicily where Valentino came from and started to grow their empire there. The beginning they were just humble farmers. Harvesting Grapes and making wine. Almonds and olives was a part of the farm too.The family were peaceful in the beginning. serving the locals firstly, and helping where it was needed. it wasnt before the Castillo side of the family, got in touch, they started to earn money on more illegal stuff. weapon, drugs, and smugling to america. this kept on even when Nino's Father Luciano took over as the boss of the family. Nino's father would grow tighter bonds to the Castillo side, aiding them whenever he could. smuggling people away. hiding people on the run. killing and shooting law if needed. When money came in, nearby farms were forcefully transferred over to them, giving them bigger lands to grow on. Having more people working for them. Starting also to export fine wines to other countries.

    Nino’s early life were mostly safe and well protected. He were expected to not taking to many risks and getting himself caught up in illegal work. Something he also managed. He were truly supposed to take over after his father, he were working on the family farm. harvesting almonds and learning to make wine.Grandmas food was the best which he would still argue is in his mid 30s and miss dearly. he were taught how to read and write. he were taught to run some Businesses. Nino were more interested in the illegal part of the life. farming and working in the family store, selling wine weren't his thing

    - A simple necklace with a wooden Raspberry. given by Sonny Harris(darmon), Sonny told Nino it was given to him from his brother for good luck, he wanted to pass this necklace over to Nino for the same reason. To this day Sonny is the only person beside of Ninos brother and Luca that knows of the history of his life before NA, Nino has worn it since the day he got it (now given to Lip Darmon since he believes lip needs it more than himself)
    - 2 Colt SAA (peacemakers) one with a longer barrel than the other. the similarities are the same, same ivory grips with golden inlays, engravings.
    - A silver Necklace. He holds this dear. its a near replica of the same Necklace his wife had. it can be opened and locked. he has managed to get the only remaining pictures of his family inside of it. he never leaves his house without it. and he only takes it off when he is alone.
    -A golden bracelet, just because he could and wanted something shiny in gold
    -A small notebook containing journals and important personal information, all written in Sicilian Italian.
    -2 golden pocket watches, passed down from his father when he got married, this sadly took some damage on the trip to NA. he still has it in his home but never got to fix it. the other one is something he bought in SD
    -Used to have his and his wife wedding ring in a chain around his neck, these have now been buried on the island at O'Creagh's run

    - He has a scar across his face, there are no cool story behind it, even if he wished. he got this after a boating accident involving a waterfall and him falling off the boat, and when trying to surface from the water he hit the boat on the way up, getting knocked out, local fishermen dragged him up and brought him to safety.
    - Scar after a bullet hitting his upper left hand during a shootout in SD.
    - Nino was a devoted Christian before getting to SD. and self punishment was a part of his belief. His back has scars going across his back in a X shape. from Left shoulder to the right lower back and the same from Right shoulder and towards the left lower back.

    -Highly suspicious of everyone beside of those seen as family
    -highly Functional alcoholic. will start to feel the withdrawals if he hasn't been drinking something for a long time. usually has some kind of alcohol on himself or horse at any time. withdrawals tends to start with his hands shaking, until he gets angry and annoyed by anything. it calms off when given alcohol
    -enjoys hurting and killing those who are deemed enemies. takes pride and joy of doing it
    -NEVER SMILES. hence the nickname Smiley given by Ylva Castillo. when observed smiling, friends tends to become uneasy and worried.
    -Has a strong feeling of responsibility of protecting his family, would often put them first before his own health.
    -Could be seen as cold and heartless, and not caring about anyone at all, and at some point rude if you dont know him to well
    -is always dreaming of his late wife and child, is always hesitant to jump into a new relationship due to what have happened in the past. is longing for the day he can se them in the afterlife again


    Present Life 

    The Conflict: The reputation of the Moretti family could be traced all over sicily. being ruthless against competition, enemies and foes. they wouldnt stop for anything. this lead up to a conflict with an other family The Venturi's. after killing Ninos grand father Valentino Moretti. the head of the family at that time when nino were a kid. a conflict that lasted over 10 years. a rivalry over land and money. influence and business opportunities. this lead to many deaths on both side of the families.

    this was also the same time Ninos Father Luciano Moretti Succeeded his father, grabbing the power and lead the war against the Venturi's. as Nino grew older, his participation in the war grew more intense. killings and tortures on his fathers command. catching leaders and soldiers from the enemy. Having help from The Castillos, bolstering the ranks and strength of the family. This is when the Venturi's noticed who Nino was. an unafraid warrior, with a reputation of being cold and gruesome, with no respect of life. attacks on Venturi's hometown near Partinico sicily. attacking stores and scaring civilians. forcing them to pay for the sins of the Venturi's. The Venturi's werent done yet. they had now put a target on Ninos back. a man to inherit the power of the Morettis. a man with a fierce reputation. a man to be stopped at all cost

    The Loss of family:
    Nino were luckily Married to a woman named Adelina Moretti. they both got a son called Dante. they were a happy family, considered all the conflict the family had been through the last 6 years. Dante now 10 were spared for all the struggle the family were through and lived a happy life. but the life would turn to the darker, the more desperate the Venturi's became, when they figured out they were going to lose the war.

    it was a bloody conflict that lasted for way to long, the last year was the time the conflict reached its peak. while Nino were away on a business trip, The son of the Family head of the Venturi's broke into ninos home with some of his most trusted men, lit the house on fire and murdered Ninos Family in cold blood. even to cold for the Leader of the Venturi's who had ordered no women and childs were to be hurt.

    it was a shock for Nino to find his family dead, and broke him completely, the sight of them , it al sent him down a dark path filled with death and missery. he swore revenge. to hunt down those responsible. to end all life of those that stood in his path

    The Hunt:
    The Hunt for revenge kept Nino awake for several days. his father had given him the rights off a fully deserved revenge. kill whoever that is responsible, but no harm in kids or wife's in retaliation, because he didnt want his own family to sink that low. Nino knew that his life in crime would end in deaths of friends and family. but not his wife and son. the conflict had reached a new peak. there were no mercy anymore

    through contacts all over Sicily, he had found out who the perpetrators was and where they were staying. it was just in due time until they all were laying in the dirt for what they did. through contacts he knew now that the responsible were in the Venturi's main house outside of Partinico. so Nino and a few of entrusted men went to that place. staking it out for a few days before they struck. Venturi's were laying low, but some how the security were low. "weird, why are they not having any security" said one of the trusted men to Nino. "after all the shit we have done to them, after all the men we sent home in coffins, im not surprised they have that few left. After what they did to me, im surprised they have any support left in Partinico when they found out they killed a wife and her son" he said back. as the night came, they were getting ready. No guns were to be used until it was necessary. and due to the lack of men, it was no hard job to take down the few men outside, keeping an watch. this is when Nino went inside. looking for the Venturi's leaders son. But he was nowhere to be found, without them knowing he had left the house few hours before for some business. instead he went into an office and found the leader of the Venturi's himself. the old man turned White. shocked of the man standing in front of him. not expecting to see Nino at his house at all. "Youre out after my son arent you" he asked. "yes i am, and i will take his head for what he did to me" Nino answered. "i cant let you do that, i cant let you take my son, my own flesh and blood" he said. "Then you will die to. just another name, another face, just another bullet, i will not cry, i will not shed a tear. my last tears were gone after my family perished" Nino said. "are you insane, there have been to many deaths already this has to stop" he shouted to Nino. "i dont care, where is your son old man" Nino yelled. "i wont tell you, this war is over now" the old man yelled.
    "so death it is then" Nino said calmly. "wait wha........." said the old man, as Nino fired his gun into his chest. the old man slumped back into his chair, holding his chest, in total shock over what happened. his white shirt, turning more red over time. This is also the time Nino heard some Noise outside of the house. people were fighting. and a shot went off. barely any minutes later, his trusted men, came in with the son of the Venturi leader, beaten. "Nino look who decided to show up, we took out the people that came with him, but we left this one for you" Nino's guy said. "fantastic" Nino replied. the old man barely alive in his chair, looked in total disbelief over seeing his only son, captured by his enemies. "see this is what happens when you stand in my way" Nino said to the son "people dies". "father" the son mustered to say before the old man took his last breath and passed in his chair. "Now what are we to do with you" Nino said. "am i to give you the slow or the fast punishment, am i letting you go through what my family did or just end you here" the son managed not to say anything. Nino were looking around, looking at his men. smirked and nodded when he knew what to do. "lock him into one of the rooms with no windows" he smiled while thinking on what the next step was. "lock him in and burn this house to the ground" this is what ninos men did, they locked the son into a room. took as many oil lamps they could find and the oil that was needed. while being in a safe distance the house were lit on fire. screams could be heard, screams of mercy, screams that faded more and more ans the house burnt to the ground. while most of Ninos men were allowed to get to a safehouse to rest, only one were left to stay with nino. a long time friend. they both stood and watched the house burn and didnt leave until early morning, when there were only rubble's left of a once mighty house. on a hill. the war was finally over for The Morettis when the Venturi's leader and next in line were dead and turned to ashes.


    The Castillo Family
    merely 1 and a half year had passed since the loss of his family. what was a loving family man is now just a memory of the past. no more smiles, no love. a hearth of stone. pure hatred towards those thats not family. now an alcoholic, drinking his memory away.

    it was at this time Luciano had been told by Fransesco Castillo that he had his own son Luca Castillo in New alexandria. where he was expanding his business to. Luca was in need of help of capable people to start up. Luciano saw no other way than to send his own son away, to a better place to start over again. do what he is good at. find himself a new life in america

    Changes in the family:
    the family has been around in the state for a while, through ups and downs the family has strived to keep Saint denis safe and calm. tho it cant be said it was calm other places. luca had been gone for a while. he came back one day telling his father had been killed. a power struggle was going on in New york and had to be away for a while, claiming his fathers position. that meant someone else had the oportunity to take the lead. Luca had his talk with Nino about putting Leo as the head of the family due to the clash the two of them had merely montsh before luca left, which could have ended in Leo being killed by Luca due to Leos actions. Nino told Luca, Leo had changed drasticly since their clash, for the better, and he would support Luca's desission of making Leo the new head of the family. it was supposes Lucas sister to take over but it was decided she had to much to learn before it was time. Now luca being the head of the whole crime organisation and Leo leading the family in NA. there was a new spot open in the family, as the second in command. this was given to Nino. a surprise for Nino as he saw Johnny as the new potential Underboss. Tho Nino accepted to take on a new role, and would take on new responsibilities.

    The Four Horsemen:
    The Four Horsemen is a local bar in Saint denis, run by Lip Darmon. When the Castillo's came to SD it wasnt written that the family would go well with the owners of the bar at that time. when they came it was run by Sonny Darmon known as Cosmo Krays at that time. Castillo's at that time had a agreement with The Krays to sell them stolen guns. But the family never felt they were treated as equals. and due to Sonnys attitude towards the family at that time too lead them at a collision course. this was eventually avoided when sonny went off to do his own things and The Krays dissolved. with a new owner things were different. The Castillo's were around more, they supported the business. spent time and had fun. and eventually when sonny were around again, they all connected and could spend time around each other with no issues. this turned the Hoursemen into an extended family, even tho not giving them any belt buckle. Horsemen is a bar, home and a place the family holds near, as its the Hearth of the city, where everyone met and had fun together.

    The Remnants:
    The Remnants and the family hasnt always been as close as they are now and it was close to become a conflict when they came to state. banding with The Ashen, the castillo family paid close attention to The Remnants. their action and behavior were violent and unpredictable. the amount of chaos towards the law, could put other gangs at risk. it didnt really go better when Leo got shot and half of his face were damaged due to Kragen Murdoch. the family might have been behind the robbery of Kragen but no one expected this turn to happen over a few weapons. yet the family withheld and Hit back at mr.murdoch. this set up a need for a meeting between the two groups, which ended the feud. over the time the family saw the Remnants change in behaviour, and they would help each other more and more with their goals and help getting certain targets. this lead up to a close bond between the two groups and an alliance where one would help the other if they requested it. The family would always offer their help if the Remnants would need it. or just keep an eye out for people for them. Castillo's would easily let The Remnants after a short talk go into SD and get their target without standing in their way and The remnants would do the same in blackwater for the family when its needed


    The Castillo Family (Former)


    "i hate People"


    is called smiley by Ylva Castillo because Nino barely smiles anymore

    Nino Moretti













    Monreale, sicily



    Marital Status:



    Adelina Moretti (wife) (deceased)
    Dante Moretti (son) (deceased)


    Underboss of the Castillo Family(Former)



    Faction Affiliations:

    The Castillo Family(Former)