Opichi Ishpiming

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  • Description 

    Early Life 

    Opi was born in northern Minnesota, her father Soaring Eagle was War Chief of the Ojibwe Wolf Clan. Her father died from tuberculosis when Opi was 5 years old. Her mother Gavenia McIntosh was half Irish and half Scottish Opi has 8 blood sisters an 7 blood brothers, all but one are half siblings. Opi found out on October 1st 1902 that her friend Bekka Greywood is her full blood sister her given birth name was Omiimii Babaamise in english translates to Dove That Flies About. They may not look similar due to Bekka having a lighter skin tone like their mother Gavenia. Bekka was kidnapped as an infant never meeting her real family until now. Gavenia moved north east with Opi into Ontario Canada. Gavenia sent Opi to a school where she was treated well, Opi and her mother went fishing 4 times a week. Opi's mother died from influenza when Opi was 10 years old, Opi also nearly died from it. Opi was placed in a catholic orphanage and was treated poorly by the priest their. She refused to believe in their ways and was defiant, at age 11 she was punished by having a cross with the word sinner branded into the middle of her back. She also has scars from her hands being constantly hit with rulers and sticks which scarred her hands. Just a month before she turned 12 Opi was adopted into a good home and that is when she met her sister Norah Jones. Norah the oldest of the two helped take care of Opi, she taught Opi how to use a bow and how to fight. Norah gave Opi a black hat with a white bandana tied around it, which was too big at the time but once Opi grew older she was able to wear it and it remains her favorite hat to this day. When Opi turned 16 she went out in search of the Ojibwe, she left her adoptive mom and Norah a letter and said her goodbyes to them. Opi found an Ojibwe tribe but it was not the one her father belonged to, the tribal elders and council deemed she was not allowed to learn about the Ojibwe culture due to her only being half Ojibwe but Opi did learn some of the language. Opi set out on her own. At age 17 Opi gave birth to her daughter she named Raya. Her daughter was taken from her forcefully and placed in a orphanage and she has not seen her until a recent visit to Canada. After she found out her adoptive mother has been taking care of Raya.

    Present Life 

    Opi is a Forester (full blood) of the Yvwi Detlugv tribe, is married to tribe council member Little Doe, is a bounty hunter, helps her mom Eli by working for Nimble Neighbors horse charity, works security at the Lazy KC Farm.


    Yvwi Detlugv



    Opichi Ishpiming (English translation means Robin In The Sky)













    November 2, 1883




    Ojibwe, Irish/Scottish

    Marital Status:

    Married to Little Doe by tribal marriage


    Bekka Greywood (full sister)
    Norah Jones (adoptive sister)
    Amazing Doyle (adoptive sister)
    Elinor Doyle (adoptive mother)
    Raya (daughter 1 year old)


    Bounty Hunter, Works security, Horse Charity work


    Opi, Robin, Little Bird, Tiny Norah (given by her Chief Mato Kawewe)

    Faction Affiliations: