Quinn Holloway

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  • Quinn Holloway


    Quinn Holloway is 5ft 6in tall, tan, has black hair and a bushy mustache. He has scars running down the right side of his face, and some faded burn marks on the left side of his neck. His left eye is a rich brown, and his right eye is grey. He has a metal plate in the back of his head, a result of an intensive surgery, and is missing his left pinky and ring finger. He has many scars all over his body, the most noticeable one is a 4in thick horizontal line that goes across his midriff arms on both sides of his body, from an incident in which he was nearly torn in half after being lasso'd off of a passing wagon. He is always seen wearing a black bowler hat with a brown leather strip on it. He typically wears an array of belts to help him keep track of his possessions, and always wears a set of black leather gloves to hide his prosthetic fingers. He often wears a vest, a pair of jeans, and old black work boots.

    Early Life 

    Quinn Holloway was born August 8th of 1878 to a poor family living in the outskirts of Denver Colorado. He had a kind, but meek mother and a cold pragmatic father who believed that his hard earned wages were better spent at the bar and poker table than they were on food and clothes for his family.

    Time drew on and things got worse. In November of 1885 his father lost his job. Unable to find new work, and unwilling to reign in his spending; what little funds the family had were quickly depleted. Several weeks later a blizzard hit. Unable to make the trek to the general store the family of 8 had to subsist off of what little they had on hand. After several days, his father opened the cupboard for dinner. Finding it nearly empty, he accused his wife of hoarding it all. He tore the house upside down, but still could not find any more food. Angry and afraid of having to resort to cannibalism, he gave her an ultimatum. Either she goes out into the snow or her children do. She chose the latter, and picked her eldest, Quinn, and hurled him out into the snow, leaving him for dead at the age of 7.

    Quinn did not die. Over the next several years he wandered the country, little more than a vagrant, until he stumbled upon the coal mines of Colrado. Too young to swing a pick, and was barely able to push a minecart, but he was poor and starving. So he agreed to work for food, and shelter.

    Present Life 

    Over the years he grew up, and by the time he was 18 he decided to demand a change. He asked to get paid in cash instead of bread. His Foreman, not really wanting to laugh in the face of someone currently holding a pickaxe, said he'd think about it. The next day Quinn was transferred to the mines on Mount Hagen in New Alexandria.

    Furious, Quinn demanded that his new foreman pay him, and so he did. For cents on the dollar. Over the next 2 years Quinn worked at Mount Hagen, trying to save up enough money to quit and start his own business. Eventually that day came, and Quinn bought himself a bolt-action and some ammunition.

    Hunting barely made him enough money to upkeep his weapon, so he opened up his own buisness, Holloway's Hunting. His idea was to take rich folk who wanted trophies that they killed themselves, but lacked any actual skill to do so, right up to their predator of choice, and they could have their shot at killing it before it attacked the group and Quinn would be forced to put it down. It was rather successful, and for a while Quinn made a good living. Until about a month later when he was scoping out Grizzlies West for an upcoming hunt, he got ambushed by a Grizzly bear. He was torn to shred, and laid dying in the dirt for hours until he was stumbled upon, and brought to a doctors office. He would up losing all sight in his right eye, and gained a series of claw marks down that side of his face.

    Word about his injury spread, and he was forced to shut down his hunting business. Lost, he wandered the state, cataloguing all of the different animals he had seen, and how to hunt them. Sadly, he never published his manuscript, because he was unwilling to venture down into New Austin, a place he saw as an arid hellscape, far from the mountains he lived on. So he continued hunting and wandering, with little ambition left in his soul, until a kind stranger offered to give him a ride on down from Annesburg to his bar in Saint Denis. He was named Enzo, and the pair talked for a long while. Quinn eventually admitted to be looking for work, but was unsure of what he was actually suited for doing, to which Enzo offhandedly mentioned that they were always hiring at Sisika. Wanting a change, and figuring that bears wouldn't be able to swim across the river, Quinn applied.

    Quinn has worked at Sisika ever since August of 1901. He does relish in guarding inmates day in and day out, but understands its necessity. Over time his work was recognized, and he was promoted to Sr.Watchman, and then some months later, to Watch Captain. Quinn spends most of his time working at Sisika, developing new recruits, and working on the State of Sisika Newspaper, a project that he pioneered, and now oversees.


    Edgar the Dog
    Kate Anderson
    Olivia Howard
    Duke Brown
    Evaline Sanderson
    Apollo Alovich
    Melody Kennedy
    Red LeBlanc
    Katarina Kane
    Moxie Cornette
    Merilee Holland
    Boyd Langston
    Emily Sinclaire
    Julia Quigley
    Elias Springfield
    Ora Springfield

    Shelby Lord
    Dell Hallock
    Misha Hallock
    Ash Larsen
    California Chris
    Most Gangs
    All Horses


    "Listen up! You are now in Department of Prisons custody, and we are going to be taking your sorry asses on a lovely wagon ride over to Sisika. Now some of you will likely want to resist visiting your new forever home, and that just won't do. So I will make this right damn clear, if you so much as have a loose hair fall out of this wagon, or speak out of turn on our ride over to the aforementioned prison you will be spending the the rest of our wagon ride trussed up tighter than a dead hog and staring at the ass of a deputies horse. You understand? Great. Let's get goin' "


    Quinn's best friend is the former Sisika Watchdog Edgar.

    Quinn wears his Bowler Hat religiously. If it isn't on his head, he probably got into a fight earlier, and is currently on his way to get it back.

    Ever since he got mauled by the Grizzly bear, Quinn has developed a compulsive need to keep track of all things on his person, and wears an elaborate array of belts and pouches on his uniform to help him.

    Quinn exclusively hunts predators, his favorite are Timberwolves. His least favorite are Grey Wolves.

    Quinn Holloway















    Denver Colorado



    Marital Status:



    None who he does not despise


    Watch Captain


    Q, Holloway, Quinnie

    Faction Affiliations:

    Department of Prisons