Ruby Colt

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  • Description 

    A tall Caucasian woman with long black hair, her eyes are fairly squinted with a very light blue. Her hair is positioned over both shoulders, falling over her scar to mostly cover it. She has clear skin, normally wearing dark maroon lipstick. She prides herself on her looks, and is often boasting.

    Early Life 

    Born in Annesburg, her family worked in coal mines and struggled to keep a roof over her head. She soon found work in the stables of Annesburg learning how to work and understand horses. She found a lot of love in working with animals, and was successful in it. Her parents soon passed after she hit the age of 16, and with that she packed up and left town. She moved on her own, until she encountered a boy named Jesse Sterling. He was 13, but they quickly bonded. They grew together, Jesse now being 26, Ruby now being 29. They travelled the state alongside each other, never really dabbling in crime or anything malicious, until they came across a gang in the hills of Blackwater. A man approached Jesse and Ruby and demanded their names, Ruby quickly gave hers but Jesse choked on his words a bit, the noise of the mans gun fired and left Jesse with a scar. That man later turned out to be Ethan Colt, who took Ruby and Jesse in. Ruby and Jesse have been loyal members of the gang since.

    Present Life 

    She holds the rank of second in command of The Colts, a gang which started very violently now roams as a respected but feared family. She is often described as others to be mentally unstable, psychotic, arrogant, or insane. She doesn't see it personally, she just believes she caters to herself and family and focuses on no other. Her children and husband are her main priority, and will give and do anything to protect them. She is now stepping her foot into legal work, training and shoeing horses at the gangs ranch. She is not one that turns over easily, and has a mouth that gets her in trouble more than often. She is seen as Ethan Colts opposite, but they keep each other in check, one without the other means the end of the line for many.


    The Colts - Present
    The Hagens - Present


    Ruby Colt had slowly started to distance herself from the gang, while not intentional it was prominent to some members of the gang. Ethan and Ruby's marriage had begun to deteriorate through the course of him being in Sisika and out. At one point, Ruby received information of Ethan Colt planning to divorce her. After she received a letter from Ethan Colt claiming he no longer felt the same and did not love Ruby anymore, she turned to the person who was close to her at the time, Coyote, of The Faceless. Coyote and Ruby engaged in a temporary romantic relationship, only seeing each other a few times. Once Ruby was given another letter from Ethan claiming he wanted to renew their vows, she stopped seeing Coyote. The information of Ruby seeing Coyote was passed onto Rosyln Eads of The Colts by Ruby Colt. Eventually, Roslyn told Ethan. Ethan eventually confronted Ruby, as she explained herself Ethan told her it was going to be the last day for her on earth. He pulled out a knife, and requested final words from The Colts, and Ruby Colt. Bobby Furguson plead for Ruby's life to be spared, Rachel said her goodbyes as a best friend. Jesse Sterling, the man Ruby grew up with, said his goodbyes as he said she was a sister to him. Ruby at that point said he last words, "I'm sorry." At that point, Ruby Colt was approached from behind by Ethan Colt, and had her throat slit on the dirt of the Colt Homestead.


    "I suggest you shut the fuck up and listen."
    "I am a very good wagon driver."
    "We own the state."
    "I'm Sorry"
    "Legends Never Die, Ruby Colt." - Elena Barns


    Borrowed $60 from Jesse Sterling when she first came into state, still has not paid back, never will.

    Ruby Colt














    Death Date:





    American English

    Marital Status:

    Married to Ethan Colt


    Ivy Colt
    Judith Colt [Deceased]
    River Colt
    Dallas Colt
    The Colts


    Filthy Criminal



    Faction Affiliations:

    The Colts
    The Faceless