Rue Roussan

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  • Description 

    "I Have a Package at the Post Office to Pick Up"

    Rue Roussan is a twenty year old female Deputy of the NASD who resides primarily in the Heartlands with her husband, Lorenzo Roussan. She is affiliated with the local Government, as a member of LEO, as well as her LEO career based partner Lorenzo Roussan. She is played by Brayces.

    Rue can easily be identified by her high waisted pants, and deep auburn hair tied back in a loose bun. Commonly spotted roaming around with Roussan or idling on the porches of sheriff's Office with Lawrence Carnegie.



    Rue is well versed in word-smiting, and takes pride in keeping notes or organization regarding matters important to her. At times, she can be lofty, airheaded and vacant from her own mind leading her to daydream or get lost in thought. Whilst she loves reading and writing, and is a decently managed well read woman, she is not without flaw. Rue is perhaps too eager at times to fall for the fallacies of those around her specifically when it comes to those of authority. When it comes to the law, Rue follows it to a T, making sure to abide by all ordinances and requests may by those of the LEO department.

    For Rue believes firmly that criminals are criminals, and there may not be hope for ones too far gone down the path of violence to repent and thus places little to no stock in their words and actions often being dimissive of their constant threats, but is easy to sway on her opinions or morals if the voice comes from a higher up in the LEO Department, or a official Government representative. Rue is independent in many ways but still can be a bit lost, like a lamb without a shepard she seeks approval and guidance from those around her to whom she looks up to, most notable those in positions of power.


    Early Life 

    Rue Bennett was born to two loving parents in New Austin, just outside of Tumbleweed. Her mother was a educator herself, and her father a local miner at the near by mines. Shortly soon after her father passed away due to cholera, Rue was sent off to help earn a living for the household. Amidst the sun and sand she grew up gaining a education locally from her mother before a brief stint as a governess to a wealthier family for their young son saw her further this path in life. After the boy came of age and left to pursue further education elsewhere Rue found herself at a loss returning home to her ailing mother whose final wish was for Rue to make something of herself and head out East to seek opportunity before she herself left to reside with other family out of state and age gracefully. Not one to disappoint, Rue packed what she had and spent what little she had saved on a her horse and traveled out East as requested, hoping to make her mother proud. Spending some months making the journey she finally arrived in Valentine, where her new chapter in life started.


    Present Life 

    Rue wasted no time and worked to seek employment, during her seeking she met local petty criminal Darya Zhukov and the two became quick friends despite Darya's choice of income. It was during one fateful day where Darya and Rue were picking out clothing that Detective Lorenzo Roussan entered and offered his fashion advice whilst buying some sweaty cheese. Ever since then, Rue and Roussan had corresponded over letters, getting to know one another intimately before choosing to spend their time beside one another. The pair became close quickly, and it was soon apparent they cared for one another. Now a pair officially, Rue (with the encouragement of Roussan) applied to be a Judicial Clerk and managed to secure the position.

    Recently, Roussan proposed to Rue and the two agree to get married in the near future. Rue has also made a career change and has joined the LEO as a deputy recruit. Now, they are commonly referred to as the couple who breaks the beds in all the Sheriff Offices, to which they adamantly deny.




    Lorenzo Roussan
    Partner in crime, confidant, lover, husband and friend, Lorenzo is Rue's partner. The pair of them share a home in the Heartlands, and a pet cat named Sylvie Wagon-Wheel. Rue thinks the world of Lorenzo, and often attempts to leave him small reminders of her affections through foods she bakes or cooks, and small notes left for him to find when he wakes up. She does her best to follow him no matter where he goes, and looks to him for guidance and leadership. She would do anything for him. They are engaged to be married.


    Darya Zhukov

    Lawrence Carnegie
    Chief Justice Lawrence is someone Rue would consider a friend, though a odd one at that. Rue thinks Lawrence is very wise, and professional who has a deep love of history, Germany and law. She hopes one day to write a novel about her life and title it "three seasons and a book" in honor of Lawrence, due to a conversation they had one day house hunting.


    Tobias Hunter

    Wayne Dagouter

    Lillianah Dagouter




    New Alexandria Sheriff Department, Attorney Generals Office


    "Mhm, mhm."
    "Uh huh, shore."


    - Rue's horse is named Fletcher! After the arrow component.
    - Rue's sawed off is a gift from Roussan.
    - Rue loves baking, knitting, sewing and flower pressing. She carries with her a book of all the flowers she presses.
    - Rue's most recent horse is named Dangerous (a overo mustang), who once belonged to Damon Kray, that Rue took in after Damon's death in a duel at Roussan's hand.
    - With the retirement of Fletcher and the damage done to Dangerous via Daniel Baker's hand, Roussan gifted Gallow to Rue.

    Notable Held Items​

    - Flower Pressing Journal (filled with a assortment of various pressed flowers) - (Gift from her mother)
    - Leather band from a white Sr. Deputy hat made into a makeshift bracelet - (Gift from Lorenzo Roussan)
    - Black wedding band/Engagement ring, with gold inlay swirls. A rune-like symbol etched into the top. - (Gift from Lorenzo Roussan)

    Related Art​


    Rue and Roussan!

    Sketches of Rue and Roussan


    Rue Roussan













    December, 11th


    Outside Tumbleweed, New Austin



    Marital Status:

    Married to Lorenzo Roussan


    Mr. Bennett - [Deceased]
    Mrs. Bennett - [Alive, residing elsewhere]


    Sr. Deputy



    Faction Affiliations: