Scout Sterling

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    "The Small but Endearing Orphan"

    Scout Stonebrook is a sixteen year old female pickpocket who resides primarily in Saint Dennis. She is affiliated with Wulf Company Limited, and the street youth of Saint Dennis. She is played by Brayces.

    Scout can easily be identified by her tell-tale flat cap and ragtag clothes. Commonly spotted with fellow street urchin "Magpie" or various Wulf Company Limited associates including Mr. Wulf, Mr. James Harrison, or Mr. Sands.

    Early Life 

    Court records would show that two births on the small Stonebrook farmstead nestled in the Heartlands were registered in the name of Charles in 1882 then a year later in 1883, Suzanna. Exact Month and Days unknown. The Stonebrook farmstead was released back to the state after the dissolution of ownership due to untimely demise of contract holder(s) in 1894.


    Further readings into the property and it's ownership note a loan was taken out on the land in 1878, which included a already established homestead and farm land. Later dealings register the homestead as part of out of the way route toward Valentine, making it a tedious journey to travel to unless intended to.

    Stonebrook livestock would be sold to Valentine livestock trading yard and auction yard though not by brand name or branding. Mainly fowl and sheep. Crops would follow a similar route. Income was declared via these means.

    When payments on the loan failed to deliver in the summer of 1894 the bank sent someone to establish contact with the land owners. Reports delivered that the loan holders had perished rendering the land back to the bank and the loan forfeited as no child, or living family legally residing in the state could overtake the contact. Reports included that Victoria Stonebrook fell to illness during the spring of 1894 dated by a grave marker on the land. It is assumed that Thomas perished in a suspicious fire than took the homestead along with him in a effort to cover for his murder some time later after Victoria's passing. Likely the result of outlaws, or bandits who seized the property and killed the sole owner as examined by remains of obvious conflict found within The Remnants of the building. Though not much property was found left in the ruins, the body of a male with notable stab wounds was nestled amongst the rubble and charred wood. The fire not having cleansed it all.

    Suzanna "Scout" was deemed missing, and subsequently pronounced dead after a period of time, likely taken by the elements. Charles remained abroad, unwilling to return, severing all ties with his family believing them to be all deceased.

    Later on the homestead, and what was left of the structures were demolished and the land sold off.


    Scout, after the fire.


    Scout tends to be a smart ass, snapping back with quick quips when able or stabbing deep with snide remarks when warranted. She can be described as annoying, tedious, playfully logical and level headed. At times her temper can get the best of her, causing her to act out harshly and randomly when provoked, though this is few and far between. She is often considered the "smart one" of the group, thinking things through with a cold logic or nuance better suited for a person much wiser.

    Scouts personality resides with several heavily held personal beliefs that she has cultivated over a short but tumultuous period of time after her life on the Stonebrook farm and before arrival in Saint Denis and are items of conversation she rarely speaks of.

    Debt - Scout heavily believes in what one could call "Moral Debt". Debt or accruements that are gained through ones life via various means that which are typically negative. She believes the point in life is to leave it in the same manner which one arrived; debtless. And to do any less would be a disservice. This is the source of her goodwill and good nature to those around her. This, of course, also pertains to others and those who would seek to do her wrong may not benefit from the same good will as others though in turn those who are kind to her may find themselves not receiving the same quality of good nature depending on their actions.

    Balance - Scout also believes in preserving a balance in life. For every action; a equal reaction is required. For every life taken, a life saved. For anything stolen, something given in return. This applies to the both the past and the present, this balance also can skew how others may perceive her actions as she may do things that others find confusing, but to her they are a means to a end.



    Charlie Magpie
    Magpie was one of the first people Scout ever met in Saint Denis that stuck by her side. The pair expressed a common set of skills and desires, and easily bonded with one another. As time went on, they became closer soon becoming a pair of "Shoes" as they describe their relationship. While Scout cares deeply for Magpie, there are times where she feels he cannot hold up on his own and thus cannot support her if the time came to it. He has expressed a strong will to change and adapt, which keeps the two together despite it all.

    After their breakup (Magpie citing reasons of his dangerous behavior endangering both himself and Scout as the cause) Scout now sees how much Magpie has grown in his time spent with the Hagans. He seems to have taken a shine to their wacky antics and enjoys himself much more, feeling both proud and saddened at watching him live his life Scout remains distantly attached hoping to see more positive things in his future.

    James Harrison
    James first met Scout when he arrived fresh off the boat, she presented a knack for understanding where he came from and offered hm help. Soon helping to aid him with Wulf and his business. James shows he cares a lot for Scout, though often times lacks in expressing it which leads the young girl to believe he cares very little and sees her as nothing more than a annoyance despite what else he may say. Recently, he offered to adopt her and Scout agreed. Solidifying their relationship, though currently this bond is tested and strained due to recent events that have unfolded and continue to unfold.

    After a rough period of disconnect Scout finally decided at the behest of Jesse to dissolve the adoption with James. James, having taken issue with this, chose to speak with Scout regarding the matter believing that her reasons of abandonment are both untrue and unfair to claim. During the conversation James, in a moment of emotion, shot Jesse to which Scout shot James. Believing now that any relationship James and Scout once shared is shattered Scout dwells within her thoughts of regret, and shame. Believing that the past will always repeat it's self and that her own sins will soon need to be atoned for perhaps at James' very own hand.

    Jesse Sterling
    A recent addition to Scouts inner circle is Jesse Sterling, one of the three leaders of the infamous gang known as The Colts. Whilst their friendship started off rocky and with threats of bodily harm toward Scout they soon and swiftly moved past this point reaching a deeper understanding within one another. Scout views Jesse as what every man should be and what every father should strive to be; humorous, dedicated, trusting, loyal and a mentor. His words and teachings help her to understand what she wants from life whilst guiding her on the path she believes she needs to be on in order to succeed. Whether this path is the right path remains to be seen.

    After the shootout against James, Scout has sought solace in Jesse's words and actions often seeking out wisdom or advice for what troubles her. As Jesse believes that she did no wrong against James Scout grapples with the knowledge of her actions, what they mean to her, and how one simple choice has forced her hand and the hands of others. She now knows and fully believes that the only person who will ever be there for her is Jesse (alongside any Colts), feeling as if all others have turned their back on her. She struggles to make him proud before she believes her time is up.

    JayJay Kray
    A boy much wiser than he lets on, Scout finds comfort and discomfort when speaking to Jayjay one on one. Whilst his skills as a medical practitioner are bar none, Scout finds him often lost in his own thoughts never speaking his mind freely causing ideas, wishes and desires to remain unseen. Weighing each thought and word before ushering it into existence. Scout admires JayJays ability to swim between gangs and groups, finding diplomacy and discussion a important and needed task that helps to avoid in pain or killings.

    Rose (Avery)Miller/Felix Avery
    A pair rarely seen without one another, Scout admires the two of them greatly. Realizing that Felix is the more hot headed and vocal one where as Rose the cooler and calmer collected mind behind the duo. Despite their friendship Scout questions some choices they make and have made, knowing that Felix's voice can influence Rose's calm demeanor easily and sway her opinion swiftly from one to the other. In spite of this, Scout knows that she could rely on them in a time of need and would do the same for them if asked.

    After Magpie unwittingly led The Colts directly to the pair, and they both suffered at The Colts hands things have gone downhill for Scout and the Avery's. Scout believes they are on a path of self destruction that will only lead to their deaths. Scout also knows that her affliation to not only Jesse but The Colts in general causes both Felix and Rose to hate Scout immensely and she believes they will never seek her kindness ever again.

    Johnny O’Connor
    A man that Scout considered a level headed leader at one point had quickly changed to that of one who sought nothing but revenge forged through burned bridged and angry words. She often aided Johnny in various means to help him accomplish his goals but toward the end of his life she knew that he would die trying to save the ones he loved. Despite this, Scout vowed to aid him in what way she could and holds true to this promise even today.

    Cody Calloway
    A young boy and former partner of Colette, who has seen nothing but suffering in recent weeks. Scout tries to help guide him on a path away from that of vengeance and angry knowing that he would surely lose himself to those feelings if given the chance. She knows he is a kind-hearted soul, who wants nothing more but to keep his friends alive even amongst the chaos that seems to find him. Whilst she often feels as if her words can offer no reprieve from his pain, she tries her best to speak them and hopes that he may listen.

    Tobias Grey
    A hot headed but ride or die dedicated young London lad, Scout and Tobi became quick friends and see one another as brother and sister. Even among their disagreements Scout would still aid Tobi if the task asked for it. He often is the one to help drive home hard truths, causing Scout to really think on matters than may have evaded her mind.

    Emery Wencer
    A young girl who lives out in New Austin and is tied to the Comanche as well as the Rangers, Scout and Em are a pair that would be friends through thick and thin. Often bouncing off each others energies Scout always finds herself laughing when the two spend time together delighting in causing a ruckus with their relentless teasing. Em with her talent of tarot card readings fascinate Scout to no end as she delights in the occult and superstitious. Even though Em is terrible and reading and writing Scout makes a effort to send her letters and fill her in on details about the on goings in the east.

    Rowan Bridger
    A deputy who's value is placed solely in his job. He takes his job, and service to the state as a top priority and treats everything else below it. A often grumpy, rough exterior of a man Scout finds he actually is a complex and caring person who struggles deeply with how he believes he should act compared to how he may wish to act. Often swaying from one side of upholding the law to the other side of placing trust in those around him. Scout knows that one day, they may cross paths in a negative way and hope it does not come to a loss of life.

    Elena Barns

    Morty Detwiler (Mort Tea)

    The Astor Family
    A religious cult that borders on insane, Scout dislikes greatly as Greyson and Finnegan kidnapped both her and Magpie in order to lure out deputies for their own revenge. During a shootout directed by Jean Holt Scout was shot in the crossfire and injured.​

    Present Life 

    Much of Scouts early life is not something she deluges easily, and preferably notes that her real life started once she arrived in Saint Dennis after the regrettable loss of her family, save Charlie who is still studying abroad, a few years ago. Scout met fellow street kid "Magpie" early on and the two have been in cahoots ever since along with various other street kids making meager earnings through swindling and stealing.


    Scout, arrival in Saint Denis.

    Time with Magpie​


    Commonly the both Magpie and Scout would rustle the locals in hopes of gaining a quick buck, or try out their wits and quick fingers with less attuned residents. Both known for picking pockets, swindling, or plain stealing to get by day to day. It wasn't until Scout met William Wulf, owner and proprietor of the illustrious import and export business aptly titled Wulf Company Limited that her life drastically improved. Wulf resolved to invest in the young girl who happened to have a knack for details, puzzle solving and remaining unnoticed.

    Pictured: Charlie "Magpie"

    Working with Wulf​

    Having spent some time away from the State William Wulf returned and planned to expand his import/export business and needed to get feet back on the ground. As Wulf invested in people, he chose to invest in Scout and provided her with benefits that included a horse of her own. Free rent and board at various connected hotels or saloons in exchange for her work for him.


    The illustrious William Wulf.

    The Man in Black​

    Due to unspecified reasons William Wulf and co. were targeted by a unknown man titled "the Man in Black" due to his attire concerning a black hat and coat. It would seem that the man was sent to investigate Wulf Company Limited and their current on goings but for what reason or purpose, still remains unknown. A report was file with the New Alexandria law enforcement only to be subsequently dropped later on.

    During a confrontation with the man in which he attempted to solicit information about the company Scout was shot in the arm during her escape to which Wulf has noted publicly that the act of violence is "an attack on the company itself".

    Recently the Man in Blacks name has become known amongst the members of Wulf Company Limited.


    Mock posters of The Man in Black.

    Dealing with Dismas Kinder​

    Scout had several run ins with the well known man of Dismas Kinder. During their time together, which was not frequent nor alone, Scout suspected the old man to be what she would consider a vampire. While amusing to others, it wasn't until much later that the members of Wulf Company Limited found themselves on a notorious list held by Kinder's nemesis Paul Gertner a man who had gone around and injured/maimed/killed those close to Kinder in a effort to perform some variation of a old religious sacrifice to some ancient deities. As the mystery unraveled it was soon discovered that Kinder was the mastermind behind the attacks but before he could be caught he swiftly escaped. Though, not all was lost. During this time Scout strengthen her bonds with fellow company members and Magpie as well as other well known individuals such as Cokostov Dobrey, Lilith Morningstar, and Maggie Swift. It is believed that the Man in Black worked for Kinder in a effort to dissuade Wulf Comany from any further investigations.

    Time with the Colts​

    Now considered a pair, Magpie and Scout spent most of their time together harassing locals and residents alike for means of making a quick buck. During a fateful day in Blackwater their friends Rose Miller, Felix Avery and Johnny O'Connor took Ruby Colt hostage for their own reasonings. As Magpie was present and did not aid Ruby, she took it upon herself to advise Magpie on why that was a poor decision threatening him at knife point.
    Later, after this incident, Magpie lashed back calling Ruby a "child killer" on their way out of Valentine. This incident only escalated issues causing Ruby to confront the pair in Rhodes threatening Scout at gunpoint and demanding a apology from Magpie for his comments. Whilst difficult at first, Magpie finally agreed and apologized to which the two of them moved past their differences.

    Later on the Colts rode once more, Ethan Colt whom is married to Ruby, heard of Magpie comments and decided to speak to the boy on his own terms. A agreement was struck between himself and Magpie to which Magpie and Scout needed to obey lest Scout find herself on the harsh end of reprimand by Ethan and the Colts through Magpie's actions.

    Growing Pains​

    Times change, and with them so do people. After tensions reached a all time high, Scout could no longer bear living in fear of death from the Colts and met with Jesse Sterling. At first, their encounters were standoffish, and distant. Choosing instead to speak via letters, to which Scout was able to learn more of the people who wished to do her and those she cared for harm. Hearing their side of matters opened her eyes to how stories can be twisted. The pair spent more and more time talking before meeting in person and carrying on their conversations. It wasn't long before Scout saw Jesse as a fatherly figure. With his help, Scout has turned her own attention back to her self and inner revelations. She took it upon herself to "become stronger" as she saw it in order to hold her own and in turn help others she cares for. Believing that her dedication to those around her cause a weakness and a lack of attention toward her own needs preventing personal growth she has sought help from someone much wiser and stronger in her eyes. Slowly and perhaps without her realizing she finds herself more and more infatuated with the inner dealings of her morally debt, finding solace in balancing what she can before her time is up.


    Jesse Sterling.

    History Repeats​

    After much contention between Jesse and James, Scout finally was convinced to dissolve the adoption of James toward her with Jesse's help. Having already taken Jesse's last name, this would be the final step in cementing Scout as Jesse's daughter, legally. Once news reached James, he took issue and wished to discuss this with Scout face to face believing her to be led astray and her words in the paperwork nothing but lies. During their conversation Jesse was present, tensions were high and in a moment of emotion James raised his weapon at Jesse gunning him down after Jesse made a idle threat toward him.

    Seeing Jesse splayed out bleeding igniting a long buried rage that Scout harbored, and she turned her weapon against the man who she once considered family aiming to kill him. The shot did not take James' life but has thrown both his and Scout's into disarray. As he recovers, Scout has spent her time hiding back at the homestead under the canopy of the Colts, the only ones she now would consider family despite knowing what family means for her, and how often those closest to her all suffer at her hand in the end.

    A Time for Calmness​

    A lot of time has passed and James has since recovered, along with Jesse, from the bout of violence toward one another. A confrontation was reached, and Jesse was awarded the chance to shoot James back for what he did. To which James allowed, and Jesse took. James, surprisingly, survived and since then Scout has not seen nor heard much from the man. The gang continues to strive forward. A brief bit of time saw Jesse and Scout hiding out in New Austin avoiding warrants and event bounties that would see them sent to Sisika, a large and ever present fear of Scouts. One, which haunts her deeply and pushes her further into instability with every visit. One which Jesse has taken note of, and now attempts to steer her away from any crime that could lead to any time spent behind bars on the island.

    After the great flood that cleansed the state it would seem not all things were wiped clean. Old memories, and older wounds seem to be revisited and Scout has spent this time in solitude. Tending to the graves at the Homestead, and contemplating what paths she has taken in life. Remembering the fallen, and doing her best to ensure she doesn't fall apart and clinging to the only person she feels she can trust.


    Wulf Company Limited
    The Colts


    "I ain't never do no picking of no pockets."
    "We're shoes, because they come in a pair."


    - Scout firmly believes in the occult and suspects several residents of New Alexandria to be vampires, witches or werewolves and makes this widely known by calling out those she suspects to be a part of the occult.
    - Scout's horses are always named after the person who purchased them for her.
    - Scouts current horse is named Baylock, and once belonged to Jesse Sterling who gifted the steed to her.
    - Despite her rough upbringing and life, Scout is very well educated.

    Notable Held Items​

    - Silver Pocket Knife - (Gift from Silas Winchester)
    - Set of hand crafted throwing knifes - (Gift from Mr. Yak aka Logan Jackdaw)
    - A worn journal - (Gift from Mr. Sands)
    - A worn black flatcap - (Gift from Mr. Wulf)
    1x Black Morningstar Coin - (Gift from Lilith Morningstar)
    - 9x Notebooks titled "The Redemption of John Ram" - (Found in a cabin in Big Valley) [Returned to John Ram]
    - 1x wood hand craved wolf necklace - (Gift from Elena Barns)
    1x Gold Necklace with a Magpie bird pendant - (Gift from Charlie Magpie)
    - 1x wooden Carved Bird - (Gift from William Oakwood)
    - 1x purple rabbit foot - (Gift from Lucky Schlarey)
    - 1x finely carved wooden horse - (Gift from Ruby Colt)
    - 1x modestly carved wooden bird, with the letter M at it's base - (Gift from Magpie)


    Related Artwork​














    Scout Sterling











    ~80 Lbs




    Hearthlands, New Alexandria



    Marital Status:



    Charlie Stonebrook [Alive/Estranged], Mrs. Stonebrook [Deceased], Mr. Stonebrook [Deceased]




    Susan, Scoot, Scowt

    Faction Affiliations:

    Wulf Company Limited, The Colts