Sean OSullivan

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  • Sean O'Sullivan


    Sean is a tall, ginger lad who comes from irish immigrants. He is a Veterinarian by trade.

    Early Life 

    Sean O'Sullivan is the son of an Irish immigrant. his father died on the boat ride over with his pregnant wife. Sean was born a few days later as they were nearing the coast of the United States. Mrs. O'Sullivan, now a widow, found a small house in Saint Denis and worked for the local tailor once she had her child. Sean spent his childhood impoverished. most of the food he ate was stolen from the shop keeps down near the docks without them noticing. when he was about 17 he was out with his friends when they suggested they rob a cart of food on the way into the city. out of desperation, he agreed. he partook in the robbery and got away with it. although, several days later, a police officer had knocked on the door while he was out asking his mother for his whereabouts.

    fearing the worst, and hoping to save his mother the pain of seeing her child go to prison, he fled. he built a small cabin to the west of van horn so he was close enough he could get to his mother if he needed. while he was living in his cabin, stealing food became harder and harder. van horn was not the city he was used to. there wasn't easy targets in a smaller town. one day during an attempt to steal something, a native man named Three-Crows spotted him in his failed attempt. Three-Crows confronted him and Sean assumed the worst. but instead, Three-Crows offered to teach him to hunt.

    over the next several months they'd meet each week and Three-Crows would teach Sean how to hunt. over months of practice, Sean became quite good. and instead of stealing food, he'd hunt his fill, and then sell the rest. he had a source of income now. each month he'd send his mother half of his earnings. eventually his letters would start getting returned. curious, he went to Saint Denis to find his mother. unfortunately, he learns of her death from Pneumonia three months prior. he set back out to his cabin never to return to Saint Denis if he can help it.

    Present Life 

    Presently, Sean is now a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and a former State Representative for the Central District. he has become an exceptionally successful individual in comparison to where he came from. Sean has worked extremely hard to get where he is, and is very happy with his life.


    McCoy's Veterinary Clinic - Veterinarian
    Felix Avery and Rose Avery - Long Time Friends / Mentors


    "Being good is a choice. choose it."
    "i fucking hate opossums."


    Sean had no idea how to handle a horse when he first got one. Rose Avery walked him through it all. Now hes a veterinarian.
    Sean got into Government on a whim. He had no idea he'd get elected.
    Sean is a talented pianist
    Sean occasionally runs a bar called the "Impromptu Saloon" he opened with Joeseph Manning (deceased)
    Joelene constantly makes fun of him. She is the only person he allows to do so at the rate that she does.

    Sean O'Sullivan



    Alive (retired from server)








    185 lbs




    International Waters, United States Vessel


    Irish Descent

    Marital Status:

    Married to Joelene Cassidy


    Màire O'Sullivan - Mother - Deceased

    Eamon O'Sullivan - Father - Deceased


    Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Part time politician


    Dr O'Sullivan
    Dickweed (By Joelene Cassidy)

    Faction Affiliations: