Sigyn Durrani

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  • Sigyn Murdoch Durrani


    A woman in her early twenties, standing at 5'8.5" tall. Her brown hair is usually kept in a neat bun at the back of her head, not a single strand out of place unintentionally. A slim face, with freckles adorning her long nose and high cheekbones. A pair of crimson-painted lips remain coiled in a smirk most of the time, even as bright ocean-blue eyes survey her surrounding with mild caution wherever she goes.

    Early Life 

    Born to a mother of Swedish heritage, and a father of British, Sigyn grew up in the rural towns of England. Where exactly, someone might ask? She'd say she doesn't know, and this is the truth. Her father was a carpenter, one with a travelling business, which resulted in the Durrani family moving around quite a lot when she was a young girl.

    The Durrani's eventually settled in the quaint little town of Neston during Sigyn's teen years. She spent the days helping her mother around the house, and whenever she got the chance she practised the piano - something she thought would become her livelihood one day.

    Enter Kasper Emsworth. A man six years her senior. A man who not only had trouble following him, but also sought it out. He took an interest in Sigyn and brought her into his merry band of goons, called the Rogue River Mob, with the promise of love. Sigyn and Kasper got married when she was nineteen years of age, and the relationship was built mainly on his manipulation of her naivety.

    Sigyn cut herself free from the backstreet gang when she was 22, after a disagreement in morality on how to handle "business". The result of this was a lengthy court case for divorce, and the reason behind her always wearing gloves..

    Present Life 

    In an attempt to leave her past behind, Sigyn skipped town and travelled across the pond to America, eventually settling in the state of New Alexandria.

    She arrived in Blackwater, with nothing but a wad of cash, the clothes on her back and the memories of the past. She found herself frequenting the saloon in Blackwater, where the Laughing Kraken was usually open. The bar was run by The Remnants, which led Sigyn to befriend one of the co-founders, Iris Dragner, at the time called Iris Murdoch due to her marriage to Kragen Murdoch, another founder of the group.
    After some time of mainly spending time around the gang, Boone Jackson offered Sigyn to talk to the leaders of the group, with the possibility of her becoming a prospect. She saw no issue in this and was greatly appreciative of the opportunity that arose. Despite her former, lesser pleasant experience in a gang, she could already tell that this was a different cup of tea.
    The same day Iris Dragner and Theodore Adams, another one of the founders, offered her the position of a prospect, and Sigyn happily accepted it.

    Unfortunately, Sigyn had to leave the state for a month due to issues with her mother's health, and when she came back she was thrust straight into a gang war.
    She was told she was now a fully-fledged member of The Remnants, and that the group was at war with a rival gang. Sigyn did her best in adapting to the newfound situation, and her head was always kept on a swivel.
    During this time, Boone Jackson kidnapped and shot Undersheriff Tris Chamberlain, which started a manhunt for The Remnants from both the Sheriff's Department and The Firing Line. Deputy Frederick McCarthy attempted to execute Boone whilst holding him in custody, which sent the Remnants down a different rabbit hole of war.
    Despite not showing it outwardly, this impacted Sigyn more than people knew. Boone's attempted execution struck a cord in her, as she saw herself in debt to him for showing her kindness and believing in her abilities despite not really knowing her at the time.

    In early January 1902, Sigyn found herself spending more and more time with Robert Murdoch, Kragen's cousin. The pair grew incredibly close, and some people have described them as "attached to the hip", as you rarely saw one without the other. They officially started dating on the 6th of January, when Sigyn returned from a brief visit back home for the holidays. This was also around the time Iris filed for a divorce against Kragen. This caused some internal turmoil within the gang, as the air often grew tense when they were all gathered.

    After a brief discussion with the Remnants, Sigyn began taking medical lessons from Doctor Thomas Anderson. Seeing as the gang often found themselves in need of medical, Sigyn took it upon herself to be able to provide that if a situation arose. This turned out to be a good call, as she often found herself needing to stitch people up.

    The Split of the Remnants

    In late January, Sigyn, along with Iris and Robert, stood by as Kragen and Boone had a discussion. This discussion quickly turned into an argument and escalated into Kragen drawing his pistol and shooting Boone in the head. The world seemed to slow as the bullet sailed through the air, and everything became a blur as she found herself kneeling on the grass above Boone, trying to keep him stable in whatever manner she could whilst waiting for a doctor. Despite her medical training, she'd yet to be taught how to deal with a head wound, especially a bullet wound.
    Boone slipped into a coma, hanging on by threads, and the guilt began to gnaw away at Sigyn... As previously mentioned, she saw herself in debt to the man and considered him family at this point. She blamed herself for not being able to do more, both during the argument and the medical.

    This caused a downfall within the Remnants. Kragen and Theodore ended up leaving the gang, along with three other members. Theodore's leaving struck another cord within Sigyn, as she'd always looked up to him and turned to him for advice.

    On January 30th, Sigyn and Robert were riding from Emerald Ranch towards Saint Denis for a business meeting. They never made it there, as they were stopped along the tracks at gunpoint by Kragen and Conrad Lloyd, another former member. A brief argument ensued before Kragen shot Sigyn and Conrad shot Robert, vowing that "All
    Remnants will die", leaving them to carry on the message if they made it out alive.
    After being left in a pool of their own blood, they were saved by a rider-by and were taken to be given medical attention.

    This all came to an end when Jimmy stabbed Kragen to death in Sisika, and Sigyn went with Robert to execute Conrad.


    On 11th of February, Sigyn was one of the four Remnants who decided to try and break Jimmy out right before his execution, which he faced as a result of the murder of Kragen. The group was successful, but despite their happy cheers and celebration, there was no rest in sight for the gang.

    All five accumulated public bounties and the status of an outlaw and proceeded to be on the run for 10 days.
    With being on the run came lots and lots of hiding and staying out of people's sight. Sigyn's mental state worsened over this period as the cabin fever grew worse and worse. She lost touch with reality; not knowing what she wanted, what she was thinking, or who she really was. With never really being alone and always around the group, she didn't get the time away to think things over, which weakened her judgement.

    Robert and Sigyn got married during their time as outlaws, on the 16th of February.

    On the 20th of February, the Remnants - all aside from Jimmy whom they thought was safe - got help from Shadow Firm to hand themselves over to the law. A rumour had spread about insurrection getting the same punishment as 1st-degree murder, with the possibility of facing capital, and the gang wasn't very keen on letting that happen.
    Sigyn and Robert were sentenced to 20 years in Sisika, Michael faced 10 years and Iris got life with the chance for parole.

    The time in Sisika certainly took its toll on Sigyn's mental health. She'd rather take the hiding than be completely stuck in one place for twenty years. Her mentality worsened and she grew cold, and turned into a shell of what she used to be. Believing she was protecting Robert, she divorced him in hopes of saving him from getting dragged down in her own downfall.

    To Be Continued...

    Sigyn's Journal


    • Since November 1901, Sigyn has been a full-fledged member of the criminal group known as The Remnants, after some time as a "recruit".

    • With the friendship the Remnants carry with the Shadow Firm, Sigyn can usually be found mingling around this group of people, despite their lack of involvement in criminal life.

    • In January of 1902, Sigyn formed the business known as BMD Entertainment, along with the Shadow Firm founder Nathan Burke and her husband & fellow Remnant Robert Murdoch. The name is an acronym for the three founders' surnames.



    • Sigyn was on February 11th branded an Outlaw of the State.
      On the 20th of February, she was caught and sentenced to 20 years in Sisika.
    • Sigyn has never been seen not wearing a pair of gloves, not even when getting ready for bed.
    • Her first arrest and sentence to Sisika were due to the kidnapping of then-Lieutenant John Reid.
    • It's uncommon knowledge that her middle name is Freya.
    • Sigyn is a terrible cook, and mostly ate apples at the beginning of her time in the state.
      She can still be found snacking on one instead of an actual meal.

    Sigyn Freya Murdoch Durrani



    Alive and kicking




    25 yrs old


    174 cm / 5'8.5"




    7th of March, 1877


    Unknown, England



    Marital Status:



    Elina Durrani (Mother)
    Ewan Durrani (
    Robert Murdoch (
    Kasper Emsworth (


    Co-Owner of Stoormworm Stones


    Siggy (Common Nickname)
    Ellie Williams (Outlaw)
    Piglet (Store Robbery)
    Freya Derrington (Robbery)

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Murdoch Gang