Tucker Bordelon

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  • Tucker Bordelon


    Scrawny little redhead with green eyes. A longing puppy dog face, though his features seem a little asymmetrical. Living in the swamps, he was caught out by his usual apparel of overalls and bare feet. After spending some time in New Alexandria and acclimating to civilization, he would later don his iconic red, white, and black poncho, given to him by his master, Atticus.

    Early Life 

    A tentative young man, Tucker's never known the function of a family. He spent most of his childhood trying to garner his father's approval, while witnessing the aggression he released on Tucker's mother. The only sort of care or protection he'd received were from neighbors or his very distant brother. After witnessing his father kill his mother, his father made him dig the grave. Before he could finish, Tucker used the shovel to kill his father, and sit at the grave for 2 days before his brother came by to finish burying her, and drag his broken younger brother to New Alexandria. "There's good people here. Just take extra care with figuring out who they are." His brother left him some cash and set off on his own.

    Present Life 

    After having a friendly run in with the law, Tucker thought he'd gain the approval he'd been seeking from them. His attempts to help had mixed results. Usually involving faulty and inadequate information, or just encroaching too far on Sheriff's department business. He'd met his first friend while spying on her speaking with a deputy. Judith Evans, a dirty young lady, running around Blackwater, barefoot.
    He'd stay out of legal trouble for the most part, apart from being told by deputies to quit spying on them, until he met Fly Wilson. Tucker, smitten by this young lady, went on a crime spree, following her every whim. Eventually, Fly had accepted him as her romantic partner. This would prove fatal for the boy. With Fly's associations being tied in so closely to Snakeface, and Judith having been adopted by The Colts, Tucker was being pulled in opposing directions.
    During one of his "investigations" Tucker met Deputy Hershy (Duke Brown). He'd accidentally confessed to a crime, in which Duke showed mercy and gave Tucker a chance to run for it. Duke saw the innocence inside the boy and tried to nurture it, pulling him further from Fly's influence. Duke had even started investigating an undersheriff that had threatened Tucker's life for bearing witness to corruption.
    Eventually, Tucker would allow the deputies to convince him that Fly may not be right for him, as he wasn't a fan of the grim and terrible things she wanted him to do. Tucker never liked hurting people. So he broke up with her. With one family now ostracizing him (Fly and Johnny), he'd no one left to go to but Judith, who'd been staying at the Colt homestead. The Colts had catered to Tucker and Judith's growing friendship, and encouraged him to hang around more. Seeing this acceptance and approval, Tucker wanted to earn it. He began reporting everything he could find useful directly to Ethan Colt, pulling him further into their family, and closer to Judith. Upon both Tucker and Judith getting sick and being quarantined in MacFarlene's Ranch, the two began to grow even closer. Tucker started to take note of how pretty Judith was and how much she'd looked out for him.
    Once Tucker had recovered, he helped Judith escape quarantine as she'd worried for her own health and questioned whether MacFarlene's was the best option for her to recover. It was just the two of them hiding out in a shack with limited visitation from Uncle Jesse Sterling, and Dr. Jaena Shaw. Eventually Snakeface caught them out, and with a vendetta against The Colts, Tucker convinced Snakeface he was trying to screw the Colts over by stealing away their daughter. This proved fruitful as the gang rode away without further trouble.
    After being caught by Judith's new father, Ethan Colt, he was tied up, and dragged to the Homestead. Ethan threatened his life and made him explain himself. This was the first time Tucker spoke out his feelings and realized how he'd felt for Judith. She reciprocated her feelings and the two were now partnered for life.


    Understudy to Atticus Robbins;
    Surrogate son to Duke Brown;
    Unoffically adopted by Ethan and Ruby Colt;
    Former partner of Fly Wilson;


    After spending way more time with the Colts than with Lincoln's Angels (Fly Wilson's ragtag gang), Fly grew more and more frustrated with Tucker. She felt he'd abandoned him. Especially after taking part in the attempted murder of Johnny (of which Tucker risked his life to stop), and torture of Fly. Fly brought Tucker out to the lab in Brandywine where she wanted to leave him with a message. She shot him in the leg, and left him there, sending a telegram to the deputies as to where to find him. It didn't seem to be a lethal event. Until Tucker made the trek down to Annesburg, bleeding with an open wound, falling in the mud constantly as rain poured down on him. Eventually he'd make it and get treatment. The wound wasn't yet cleaned thoroughly enough, and by the time it was he'd already contracted tetanus. The first week was fine. But by the 3rd, he'd made plans with Duke to go on a trip. But the trip was cut short as he seized, falling off the horse and brought to the Rhodes Sheriff's office for treatment from Jaena Shaw. "I don't wanna go." He ultimately perished in the Rhodes Sheriff's Office on 10/28/1899 3PM at the young age of 16.


    *When being called as a witness in court*
    "Tucker Bordelon, will you please approach the stand?"
    "Yes, your highness."
    "Could you, in your own words, describe what happened that day?"
    "Here we go again."


    His mother is actually also his aunt, and his father is actually also his uncle. - The distribution of correct and incorrect information Tucker gathers when spying is based on a roll of the dice. - The last name Bordelon and his place of prior residence are based off my OOC family on my cajun mother's side. It's a fairly common last name in Louisiana.

    Tucker Bordelon











    135 lbs


    December 19th, 1882

    Death Date:

    October 28th, 1899


    Atchafalaya, Louisiana



    Marital Status:

    Judith Evans (Colt) (partner) [Deceased]


    Josiah Bordelon (father) [Deceased];
    Annabelle Bordelon (mother) [Deceased];
    Dale Bordelon (brother);
    Duke Brown (surrogate father)





    Faction Affiliations:

    Lincoln's Angels