Ula Grey

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  • Ula Elizabeth Rose Grey


    Ula's typical state of mind is to be bright and cheerful, and she has a kind and caring heart which compels her to help others and to put their well being above her own. However, she can also be very competitive and arrogant in certain situations, especially when others, appear to do things better than her.
    Her competitive nature and drive for perfection, as well as some of her insecurities, lead her to set high standards for herself, and sometimes gave her a tendency to be bossy.

    She has long ashy/sandy blonde hair that she keeps curled up, though there is already a slight natural wave. She is slightly tan as she enjoys being out in the sun but it is overshadowed by her freckles that are all over her body. Her dress tends to be the colour yellow but she loves to switch between all the autumn colours as they are her favourite.
    Ula's body is a bit on the chubbier side but she is much stronger than she looks, having an hourglass figure.
    She has many scars but covers them with makeup or clothing, Though at times you may see them across her arms, back and ankles. She also keeps up with fashion trends, keeping herself well kept, Her nails usually painted in some way. Always making the effort to keep herself tidy and clean.

    She often wears a pearl necklace gifted to her from her mother and is never seen without it on her person.


    Early Life 

    Ula was born February 14th 1879 at home on her fathers estate. Her childhood started out well, at least from what she remembers. Ula spent 95% of her time with her mother Nuala, spending lots of time out in the gardens as her mother seemed to be unwell and not able to leave the estate. She never really got along with her siblings but they were also kept separated and never got to spend time alone together. Often only seeing eachother in passing or at family meals.
    Unfortunately when Ula was around 7 years old her mother went with her father to a business/social event and never returned. Her father returned alone around a month later and he explained that her mother suddenly fell sick and passed at a hospital in Saskatchewan. He brought back her mothers ashes in an urn and Ula took it upon herself to care for the urn as no one else in her family seemed interested. Nor had she ever met her mothers side of the family.

    The Grey Estate was vast and enclosed by a brick fence, Ula since birth was limited to where she could travel to. Most of her childhood was spent exploring her own family estate, making friends with the workers as well as doing her required education with tutors. She was homeschooled and only left the estate with her fathers permission, usually only attending social events or family vacations where she was heavily supervised.
    She was raised by her father to be married out of the family, as he didn't hold her in high regard once her mother passed and he aquired a new wife. She didn't fit in with his image of family and wanted her out.

    Ula was used to getting beatings and punishments for not living up to her fathers standards but when she turned 18 years old she noticed staff she became close over the years start either disappearing or getting fired.
    Eventually the only person left was her personal maid, Mia.
    At this point Ula was at her limit, feeling hopeless and lost. She yearned for the life that the workers of the estate lived, from the glimpses she saw. While they didn't often have much she saw how much the families loved eachother and it broke her. The evening of her birthday she decided that she would start saving any valuables she could sell and plan a get away. Mia was informed of this and helped Miss Grey as much as she could. This lasted until Ula was around 21 years old and it was announced that Ula was to be engaged.
    She met with the man once and she got the same sinking feeling she got from her father, she knew this man was bad news, he was also much older than her.
    That night she cried in Mia's arms and they spent the next week planning her escape.

    On the evening of Ula's 22nd birthday herself and Mia enacted their plan. Unfortunately Mia was caught helping Ula escape, She sacrificed herself to make sure Ula could get away. Ula would find out later that Mia was murdered for helping her escape.
    For the next year Ula travelled by foot in disguise, living mostly in small camps and rarely visiting towns as she made her way out of the country to New Alexandria.
    Given that she had no experience in these areas it was rough for her but she managed to pull through, barely.

    Present Life 

    Ula managed to make her way to New Alexandria and started to make permanent lodgings in St.Denis.
    Luckily she was able to find work at The New Alexandria Bank as an employee of Jack King, Starting by selling lottery tickets but eventually becoming his assistant.
    During this time Ula did her best to branch out to others but her lack of social skills growing up hindered her ability and she eventually hit walls with people that she felt she couldn't overcome.
    Fortunately this wasn't the case with Jack and they grew very close as he helped her with her ventures and ideas. He helped her gain a handful of friends and became someone irreplaceable to her, even as the rumors spread to her about him she refused to believe them as no one else showed her the same kindness he did.

    As her life became more stable and her name got spread around more, she eventually was found by workers of her father. Though for months she still managed to evade their capture, to the point her friends planned to go to Guarma with her. She was excited as it was hinted she may be proposed to and she felt finally things were going her way, even if her fathers shadow lingered over her.
    Unfortunately a few days before the trip she was captured and taken back to Canada, where she was then forced into her marriage with Ren Corrigan. While she was given more freedoms than she thought, as this marriage was to a younger man, He still didn't treat her well. His main goal making sure their marriage looks good so as long as she avoided scandals she was free to do as she pleased in New Alexandria.
    She has had to distance herself from her old employer due to his bad reputation and their history together, leaving her without many friends left.
    Though she received an allowance from her husband which she uses to publish her magazine and run her business "Myrrhmade Apparel" which she continues to run to this day.


    FriendsNuala Badger
    Henry Maddox
    Dietrich Hedrick
    Jim Hollinger
    Jean Morello
    Lip Darmon
    The Sin Family
    Zoe Ramirez
    Erik McConal
    Missing, Assumed Deceased
    Missing, Assumed Deceased

    Neutral/AcquaintancesFredrik Andersen
    Gideon Stott
    Carl Draven
    Roberta Cunningham
    Apollo Alovich
    Evaline Alovich
    Annelyn Quinn
    Wilam Faulkner
    Mato Kawewe
    Jesse Wolfpike
    Fenrir Odinson
    Franklin Longmire
    Jack King

    DislikeFinnian Grey
    Kieran Grey
    Ren Corrigan
    Boone O'Hara
    Wiliam Brooks
    Scarlett Storm



    "Don't take criticism from people you wouldn't go to for advice"
    "I can get things done and look pretty, They don't have to be exclusive"
    "Contrary to popular belief-"


    • Autumn is her favourite season and colours.
    • She is obsessed with merfolk lore and Roman architecture
    • Lived in different houses across the BC, AB and SK provinces
    • Favourite flower is Apple Blossoms, When in season she decorates her hair with them, sometimes dipping them in dyes.
    • Despite her uptown appearance she grew up on a large estate surrounded by nature, not leaving often. Thus she prefers the peace of a small town or countryside.
      If it wasnt for the mud and isolation she would prefer to live in a place like Strawberry.
    • Ula is a character I had before that I adapted to WWRP, She originally is a Mermaid.
      Artist : Jacequil
    • Ula's Current "Theme"
      Lyn Lapid - Little Island

    Ula E. Grey











    125 lbs


    February 14th 1879


    Victoria BC, Canada



    Marital Status:

    Married (NPC)


    Mother : Nuala Badger (Deceased)
    Father : Finnian Grey (Alive)
    Half Brother : Kieran Grey (Alive)
    Husband : Ren Corrigan (Alive)


    EIC of Myrrhmade Magazine



    Faction Affiliations:
