Wayne Dagouter

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  • Description 

    Wayne has deep blue eyes with brown hair often down to his shoulders. He has dark freckles covering his face, with a noticeable scar across his nose. Wayne is typically laid back, always quick with a joke. He prefers to keep things lighthearted and actively avoids what he considers tedious work.


    Early Life 

    Wayne was born on the 10th of September, 1871. No one knows where he came from, only that he was dropped off in front of the sheriff's office in Reno, Nevada with nothing except a ring and a note bearing his name. Wayne spent his adolescence causing all manner of problems. He would get in fights with other kids, sometimes even adults, vandalize homes and stores, and rob people of their belongings. Often times, most people knew it was Wayne, but tried to look the other way knowing the boy didn't have anyone to teach him better. Despite the best efforts of the citizens of Reno help, giving Wayne time and chances to change, they eventually gave up on him, leaving him to a life of petty crime, accepting that it was just his nature.

    In the winter of 1887, Wayne would make a mistake that would cost him his life. A robbery gone south that led to the shooting and killing of an innocent man. Wayne was apprehended that same night and sentenced to hang at the age of 16. The new sheriff in town, luckily for Wayne, took pity on him, and for reasons still unknown, opted to spare his life. This sheriff would give Wayne his last chance., teaching him truly what was right and wrong and how best to walk the line. From that day forward, Wayne never would go back to crime. He spent the next 11 years with the sheriff of Reno becoming his deputy and protecting the town. Wayne always saw it as a way to make amends, though he knows it will never be enough. At night, after a few drinks, you can usually find Wayne muttering apologies in his sleep.


    Present Life 

    Wayne at the age of 27, knew it was time to leave Reno. He had learned what he could from the sheriff and needed to strike out on his own, forge his own path. Before leaving Reno, Wayne would receive one last gift, a namesake. Taking on the sheriff's last name, "Dagouter" Wayne would leave for New Alexandria where he had heard tale of many violent criminals, but also people with good hearts. When he arrived in June of 1899, he applied immediately to become a deputy for the New Alexandria Sheriff's Department. Once accepted, Wayne spent the next weeks learning how best to help the citizens of the state.

    On the 28th of June, 1899, Wayne was kidnapped along with Deputy Clark by Louise Bronzebucket and her kin. Louise would force Wayne at gunpoint into a wedding with her grandniece, Petunia Bronzebucket. Though never hearing from them since, Wayne to this day isn't sure if the wedding was legal or not.

    Wayne spent the next four months as a deputy of New Alexandria, eventually being promoted to Sr. Deputy.

    On the 20th of October, 1899, Wayne disappeared from New Alexandria. No one knew where he went and some even thought he had died. He returned over a month later with no answers as to where he had been. Anytime someone questions his absence and where he went, he changes the story. Looking to get back to work, Wayne is waiting patiently to be hired on as deputy again to continue his efforts to protect the state of New Alexandria. In the mean time, he has found work as the personal guard for Governor Flanagan, whom he considers a good friend.

    On January 23rd, 1900, Wayne was reinstated into the New Alexandria Sheriff's Department. Since then, he has been serving the NASD loyally and continues to walk the line. Refusing to bend or to look the other way, Wayne has begun to make enemies in the state among the criminal class and even some inside the NASD.

    Wayne met the love of his life, Lillianah Ark, in the last days of January 1900. The two have been nearly inseparable since, working together in the department and were official wed on the 6th of June, 1900. On the same day, the couple adopted their son, Perzival Dagouter.

    As of now, Wayne is still working in the department steadily, looking to bring about change to the state.


    As of September, Wayne has followed his friends and family into the Firing Line. The vigilante group hellbent on making New Alexandria a safer place. Criminals will be put in bars or in the ground. He brought his wife and son, who are now succeeding in their goals. He no longer owns a badge.



    - Firing Line (Active)
    - New Alexandria Sheriff's Department (Formerly)


    - "I can't wait till you's a deputy so we can shoot criminals together."
    - "If you're ever looking to die, come see me."
    - "There's some criminals who deserve their rights; then there's some who deserve to die."


    - Favorite color is green.
    - The nickname, "Daffodil" comes from Antonio Delgato not being able to remember Dagouter and instead started calling him Daffodil. The name stuck.

    - Prefers the desert over other areas.

    Wayne "Daffodil" Dagouter













    Sept. 10 1871





    Marital Status:

    Married to Lillianah Dagouter


    Lillianah Dagouter
    Perzival Dagouter


    Member of the Firing Line


    Daffodil, Ironfist

    Faction Affiliations:

    Firing Line(Active)