Wesley Lee

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  • Wesley Lee


    Wesley is a short, thin teenager, looking no older than 16 at most. He looks to be highly malnourished, however his cheeks still have evidence of baby fat.
    He has large doe-like brown eyes, and a button nose. When he smiles, his dimples become extremelly evident.

    He rarely cuts his hair, and has a fondness for pony tails! He likes to wear comfy, colourful clothes.

    Early Life 

    Wesley was born in 1883, in London City.
    Wes is very quiet about his early life, the memories quite fuzzy to him. Only one thing is clear: Wes has had it rough.

    Wes has very little from his early life, though shadows from his past have begun to make appearances.

    Present Life 

    Wesley arrived in state, scared and lost. He'd had to grow up quickly, and never really had a childhood.

    Whilst searching for a purpose, he noticed a flyer written by Dr. Dorian Granger, a manager at Mountain Medical. This piqued his interest and he soon enquired with the man, shortly afterwards he joined Mountain Medical's ranks as a doctor trainee!

    Things were going well for a little while, he began training under one Dr. Elinor Doyle, and was soon introduced to Malene Rasmussen, somebody he took a keen interest in. Two weeks later, the two young adults had become official. Wes had found a family, made up of Elinor Doyle, Leopold Marcus and Mel.

    During this period, Wes had met a certain Kit Detwiler atop a rooftop alongside Lucas Caylor. Kit had agreed to train him in medical.

    However, disaster soon reared it's ugly head and Wes sustained a traumatic brain injury, resulting in a brain bleed that required an emergency surgery.
    Wes's recovery was painfully slow, and it resulted in a loss of coordination and the development of severe anxiety.

    Wes began his recovery, assisted by Malene, and just as things had began to become normal again, Wes had been kidnapped and tortured, and suffered a near irreparable leg fracture resulting in him needing a cane and leg brace to help him move.
    This resulted in a stutter, and a gradual regression of Wes's mental state.

    Malene soon broke up with him, to allow Wes time to heal. Wes, in that fragile mindstate, eventually met Harrison Lee, who soon adopted him as his child.

    Wes was ecstatic, he'd found a family! A dad! However due to Harrison's busy schedule and his induction into the sheriff's office as a deputy, Wes rarely got to see his father.

    Wes soon met Kit Detwiler for a second time, and she soon took on a parental role to the boy.

    Kit soon agreed to adopt the boy, alongside Reese McManus. Wes soon got attached to Lucas Caylor and Ryan Hastings, Wes's partners, and Wes soon saw them as father figures in his life.

    Unfortunately disaster struck once more, two british folk had kidnapped Wes and had bludgeoned and stabbed him. This resulted in severe brain trauma, and Wes soon regressed even further into his childhood.

    At this point, Wes caused trouble around Saint Denis in the form of relatively harmless pranks. He then met a boy named Dallas Clancy who became his firm friend. After a few weeks, Dallas had started the adoption process into the Detwiler family, and has been a big brother and positive role model for Wes since.

    Wes has been a relatively well-behaved child, he's got a young mental state due to the severe emotional and physical trauma he's sustained, and yet he couldn't be happier. He lives with his mama, his papas, his brothers and his vast army of an extended family, including Uncle Stanley, Auntie Catherine Ellison and big cousin Ismay Ellison. He's a happy giggly kid, with a big family and an interest in small animals and drawing people's favourite animals.

    He started a group of child adventurers known as 'The Wanderin' Ducklings', and has been doing supervised 'adventures' around state, with a vast range of 'grown-ups'.

    He's recently started being tutored by Clarissa Pembroke, one of his favourite people in the whole wide world.


    The Wanderin' Ducklings


    "When I feel icky, I just eat cookies and chocolate, do you want some chocolate or some cookies?"

    "Do you want a hug? I'm great at giving hugs!"

    "I HATE cookie jars."

    "Goodnight! Sleep tight! Don't let the bedbugs bite, if they do, hug them tight and they won't come bafk another night! ^^"

    "See ya later alligator!"

    "I'm not a kid! I'm a tiny grown-up!"

    "I don't need babysitters! I'm not a baby!"


    Wesley is obsessed with hedgehogs, and has been planning to open a 'Hedgehog Hotel', the name coined by Henry Clerk.

    Wesley's favourite colour changes daily, usually when he finds out other people's favourite colours.

    Wesley loves flowers, and would like to start to collect them!

    Wesley's got a keen fascination in trying to befriend as many people and animals he can.

    Wes can be easily manipulated, though nothing could persuade him to do crime or to hurt somebody intentionally.

    Wes claims to be the 'fastest gunfighter in the West', despite being terrified of loud noises and not owning a firearm.

    Wesley Lee



    Alive and full of whimsy!








    83 pounds.




    St. Bartholemew's Hospital, London.



    Marital Status:



    Markus Fly (Estranged Biological Father)

    Mary-Belle Fly (Deceased Biological Mother)

    Kit Detwiler (Adoptive Mother)

    Reese McManus (Adoptive Father)

    Harrison Lee (Father)

    Mort Tea Detwiler (Brother)

    Dallas Clancy (Brother)

    Addison Flanagan (Aunt)

    Jaena Shaw (Aunt)

    Ryan Hastings (Father)

    Lucas Caylor (Father)

    "Ms. Hogsworth" (Wesley's favourite plushy.)





    Faction Affiliations:

    Wanderin' Ducklings