Zurgadai Baghatur

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  • Zurgadai "Jim" Baghatur



    Not the tallest man, and his temper is even shorter. He is known for dressing in bright red clothes, long back hair (typically pulled back), a long and silky goatee, eye patch, and central Asian features.

    Early Life 

    Jim was born in a northern city in Mongolia, the most northern province of the Qing Empire. Like many at the time he was named after a historic hero, like how many in the West are named after Biblical and historical figures. His official birth name was Zurgadai Temurin (Zurgadai, Son of Temur). It was only in the move to America that Temur's title was mistook by immigration for a last name and thus became the last name of Jim and his family. Temur was, named such do to a long distant relative given the same title and for also still holding a relative amount of wealth. The title, roughly meaning knight, near over 500 years past when the country knew its greatest glory under the 5 Great Khans. However the title became less and less prestigious as time went on and the successor states took over after the collapse of the Mongol Empire, at times awarded just for giving a payment to the current ruling dynasty.

    For Jim's birth in 1859, the Taiping Rebellion has been going on for over 8 years, the the Second Opium War (Between Britain and China) raged on for the past 3 years, the Nian Rebellion gripped the country side for the past 8 years, and Clan Wars saw ethnic wars rip the empire apart for the past 4 years. Over 20 million would perish in these wars over religion and economic conditions, a challenge to the The Mandate of Heaven and the legitimacy of the Emperor. Every province knew suffering, disease, and war, this was the breeding ground for the generation of Zurgadai Baghatur. Disillusioned with the death of the Emperor and the failings of the current boy emperor, the family sold all of their livestock and possessions, turning an eye to the lands of America to avoid the constant civil wars and horrid foreign wars.

    The American Civil War had finished, the railroads in America and Canada were cutting across the country and through the mountains. Many immigrants from the Qing Empire came to these lands to carve a path for themselves. This was a dark time for the teenage Zurgadai, called Jebe by his family. Filled with the many struggles and strife that come from being a foreigner in these lands. Zurgadai’s father had used what money he had to start funding the trip for other immigrants, slowly building a business that would bring more railroad workers over. The business was harsh, as it was the replacement to slavery in this land of “freedom”. The workers would have their costs covered but then be forced to work it off as well as charged an interest, food, and board. This left many in continued debt to the Baghaturs. Many would work till they died. Seen as a traitor by many of his countrymen, Zurgadai’s father turned to crueler methods to insure he got his money’s worth and began working more and more with local authorities and the law to ensure the continued forced labor. This act was sappose to be covered by the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution but, was overlooked for many years after as more labor was needed for the industrialization of the West.

    Zurgadai's father, known to be a lover of the bottle and quick to raise a fist in anger, ensured Zurgadai sadly did not have a childhood outside the norm for many on the railroad. As he got older, Zurgadai was given more authority and control under his father’s work. In his 20’s, it would not be uncommon for him to ride out for several days with a few hired hands to hunt down and retrieve fleeing workers. It was a brutal business, one he did not enjoy. Yet it was the loss of his eye that would turn Zurgadai to a different path. While preforming duties overseeing a gang of workers, working one of the new age machine drills to make a pilot hole for explosives, there was an accident in the operation. This accident resulted in a few injuries, mostly minor, but for Zurgadai infection had set in with the eye, costing him vision in it. With the loss of an eye and crack downs (1) (2) from the US, Jim moved on to new fields, leaving his father's business to crumble as it rightfully deserved.

    Giving a nod goodbye to his mother and his siblings, Zurgadai began to make a life for himself doing work on the open range. From ranching, to hunting, to even being a part of a few groups of ill-repute, Zurgadai gained a plethora of life experience. He had traveled often, loved and lost. At the age of 28, Zurgadai lost his Father, drinking and high stress had finally caught up the man, and not a year later madness had taken his mother. Splitting the family’s inheritance between his sister and brother, Zurgadai wanted for nothing and needed nothing. It was a desire to see the wicked nature of those around him punished that Zurgadai decided to join the New Alexandria Sherrif’s Department at the age of 39. Is it a sense of guilt from working under his father, from his actions as a hot-headed youth riding with hot-blooded braggarts, or from the loss of family and lovers that has “Jim” act so cruelly? It is not known to anyone but the man who dresses like the Red Hero or Daichi Tengri (the red god of war), from the stories told to him as a child.

    Present Life 

    Decided to make something of his life and become a politician, to rise above the struggles laid before him.

    In May, 1899, Jim moved into the state when he heard of the rights and opportunities that would be granted to him. After some time, he applied at the NASD and was accepted, in time he achieved his rank of Deputy in August, and Senior Deputy in September. He had served loyally and with tenacity, always one of the harshest on crime. Not known for his negotiations, he was however known for his intimidation techniques and horsemanship. In time however, he became bitter at how the laws were written and how he viewed the Government as being not aggressive enough. He took actions and made himself publicly known to run for office. In December of 1899, he was elected State Representative of West Elizabeth. Serving under the Governor Addison Flanagan, with fellow State Representatives Ramona Ryder and Adelaid Halloway (As the 3rd Legislative Body), Zurgadai has accepted the duties as secretary and has pledged to be the harshest on crime and reform all crime and law bills.

    Jim keeps his family life mainly to himself and rarely talks about courtship or relationships. He has always declared himself dedicated and married to the job. He has, however, publicly adopted a daughter (Hope Pisces), and thus a grand daughter (Ruby Ann Taylor). Sadly, Ruby fell to wolves in October of 1899.

    - Political Record -

    On 11 Jan, 1900, Zurgadai Completed his BAR Exam.


    This State Representative has formed a political party founded on the concept Law is first and foremost. Based on the Civitas Party of Ancient Rome, where it was the party of the people dedicated to Laws and Responsibilities.


    He has voted Aye on the following Bills:

    H.R. 32 Unlawful Escape Act
    H.R. 33 First and Second Degree Amendments
    H.R. 35 Treason Amendment
    H.R. 36 Denton Repeat Offender Act
    H.R. 55 Amendment to H.R. 35
    H.R. 58 Percy's Law
    H.R. 63 Secure the Statehouse
    H.R. 64 Amendment to Sheriffs appointment
    H.R 65 Legislative Transparency Act
    H.R. 70 Clean Slate Amendment

    Drafted and Approved:
    HR 40 Roof Tops
    HR 39 Shotgun Key Heist
    HR 38 Involuntary Incapacitation
    HR 43 Grey Law
    HR 44 Poaching
    HR 45 Fraud
    HR 46 Judgement
    HR 47 Impersonation Amendment
    HR 48 Brandishing
    HR 49 Animals Amendment
    HR 50 Terminology Amendment
    HR. 51 Conspiracy Act
    HR 52 Fletching
    HR 54 Admission Act
    HR 56 Noise Ordinance
    HR 57 Outlaw Amendment
    HR 59 Heritage Site Violation
    HR 60 Criminal Tresspass
    HR 61 New Austin Amendment
    HR 62 Public Sessions Amendment
    HR 66 Carnegie Will Notarization Act
    HR 67 Wagon Theft
    HR 68 Declaration of War

    HR 53 Public Records

    Drafted and Rejected:
    HR 41 Pursuit of Justice
    HR 42 Further Exile
    HR 69 Decency Laws
    HR 71 Prison Break

    Public Letters:
    1st Letter to the People
    2nd Letter to the People
    3rd Letter to the People
    4th Letter to the People
    Last Letter to the People

    On April 25th, 1900
    Assumed Role as Attorney General
    4th Legislative Body Confirmation

    On August 24th, 1900
    Assumed Role as Governor
    4th Administration

    Executive Orders:
    EO 19 Sisika Restoration
    EO 20 AAG
    EO 21 Attorney General
    EO 22 Surgeon General
    EO 23 Secretary of Buisness
    EO 24 Records Order
    EO 25 Judiciary Amendment
    EO 26 Secretary of Press
    EO 27 Senior Justice
    EO 28 Criminal Reform
    EO 29 Fine Hunting
    EO 30 Marshall's Expectations
    EO 31 Sentencing

    Signed into law:
    Wallace General Store
    Cornwall Trade
    HR 84 Amendment
    Self Defense
    Sherriff's Appointment
    AAG's Pay
    Rosie Grey Act
    Sec of Press
    Sec of Buisness
    Surgeon General
    Attorney General
    Correspondence Court
    Outlaw Status
    Gov Family Act
    Adopting Children Act
    Buisness Act
    Emma Foster Act Amendment
    Repeal HR 87
    City Ordinances
    State Wages
    Repeal HR 116


    Government Official
    New Alexandria Sherriff's Department


    "Premediated, Pre-emptive Self Defense."
    "Just cut off their heads and be done with it."
    "Well. . . I could just shoot you. . ."


    Jim really hates crime and criminals. His views were formed from the collapsing days of the Qing Empire, so for him crime and rebellion lead to only death and famine.

    Zurgadai Baghatur













    16 Sept 1859



    Marital Status:



    Adopted Daughter:
    Hope Pisces,
    Grand Daughter:
    Ruby Ann Taylor


    Government Official


    "The Small Red Angry guy"
    "The Angry Little guy"
    "Captain Black Bard"
    "The Pirate looking deputy."

    Faction Affiliations:

    Government & New Alexandria Sherriff's Department