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  • Check out our Partnered Grand Theft Auto 5 Roleplaying Community New Day RP!
  1. William Hayes

    October Special Sate Representative Election

    Fliers are distributed to notice boards around New Alexandria The results of this election will be announced on Monday, October 5th 1899 at 4:30pm at the City Hall in Saint Denis. (4:30pm Eastern Time, Event Server which will come online at 4:00pm)
  2. William Hayes

    October Special Sate Representative Election

    Voting has been slightly delayed and will begin sometime before or by 2am Eastern Time. To account for this, the voting end time will be 2am on Monday, rather than 8pm on Sunday. Thanks for your understanding!
  3. William Hayes

    Staff Applications Open (September 22 - September 27)

    Hi all, We are opening up Staff Applications from today until September 27th at 8pm Eastern Time. If you are interested in a Staff position, please fill out an application at the following address: Ensure that you meet all requirements to...
  4. William Hayes

    WWRP Emote List ~WIP~

    Some additions! WWRPChooChoo WWRPBlep WWRPHowdy WWRPWink WWRPDrunk WWRPCry
  5. William Hayes

    WWRP Emote List ~WIP~

    Hi all, Check out some of the WWRP Emotes made by @Camille Couture ! This list will be updated every once and a while as new emotes get added! WWRPOhShit WWRPPeek1 WWRPPeek2 WWRPTorch WWRPYay WWRPTimeToStop WWRPHmmm WWRPGun WWRPLove WWRPHatTip WWRPLaugh
  6. William Hayes

    POLL: Choose a Community Mascot

    Raccoon has won! Thanks all. Look for emotes soon!
  7. William Hayes

    POLL: Choose a Community Mascot

    This seems like something you should raise with the State Government :)
  8. William Hayes

    POLL: Choose a Community Mascot

    Hi all, We're looking to have the community choose a Mascot to represent the community. We are interested in commissioning emotes for the Discord server using this Mascot. We are looking for your votes on what animal it should be! NOTE! This will NOT replace our current cow-skull logo! This...
  9. William Hayes

    WWRP Logos

    I don't think that would really suit the community - I would recommend against it personally
  10. William Hayes

    WWRP Logos

    What do you mean?
  11. William Hayes

    Regarding Recent Outages

    We're alive again! The old connection information should work, but in the event that it doesn't please use "", for both Teamspeak and the Servers. There may be another outage due to DDoS but our new setup allows us to better analyze and mitigate attacks when they happen, so if we do...
  12. William Hayes

    Regarding Recent Outages

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Hi all, We are migrating the server to our new server box, as part of this process we will be making a database backup during the 8pm ET restart. There won't be any downtime associated with this. That being said, the servers will be read-only past 8pm Eastern Time, this...
  13. William Hayes

    Regarding Recent Outages

    Hi all, I am here to provide you all some additional insight and updates to what has been going on with the server in the past 24 hours. Last last night (August 17th) we became the target of a severe DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack. I want to stress that we do not know who is behind...
  14. William Hayes

    Runoff for State Rep Third Seat

    Closed. We'll host a runoff.
  15. William Hayes

    Runoff for State Rep Third Seat

    This thread is an entirely OOC vote. We don't hold IC polls in OOC threads like this, just as a heads up.
  16. William Hayes

    Runoff for State Rep Third Seat

    Yes, this system was based off of real-world situations where a tie was broken by a 50/50 game of chance, as both representatives had the same amount of votes and an equal chance at "winning" the seat. That was the entire intent of doing it the way we've done it because it was a multiple-elected...
  17. William Hayes

    Runoff for State Rep Third Seat

    In the most recent election there was a tie for the third seat between Elylida Beaumonte and Ramona Ryder. This was determined by a dice roll as the "50/50" option to deciding the election. This is what is done in real life and was decided by the people that created the election system. But...
  18. William Hayes

    A Thank-You to our Supporters

    Thank you to our supporters for July! @Frank Hamer @Theodore Brasko @Elylida Beaumonte @Horatio Cantaloupe @Sam Bass @Collin Briggs @Ellie-Mae Corder @Garrett Williamson @Edward Willis Boot @Eva Moon @John Hydra @Virgil Thompson @Abish Strauss @Bobby Billman @John Whyos @Jon...
  19. William Hayes

    Staff Applications Open (July 23 - July 26 8pm ET)

    Applications closed.
  20. William Hayes

    Staff Applications Open (July 23 - July 26 8pm ET)

    Hi all, We are opening up Staff Applications from today until July 26th at 8pm Eastern Time. If you are interested in a Staff position, please fill out an application at the following address: Ensure that you meet all requirements to become...