The Unofficial NPC Names

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Abilene Morgenstern

Gold Supporter
Apr 14, 2022
Lake Michigan
The gunstore clerk in Valentine is known as Shotgun Steve, legend says that in around 1870 he started standing in that one spot and they built the store around him! We call him Shotgun Steve on account of the only time he moves is when someone aims a gun at the till, man don't speak, but the shotgun he carries barks loud enough.

Ramona Donners

Wild West Legend
Department of Prisons
Bounty Hunter
Feb 20, 2022
The Netherlands
Tipsy Cow has named the Emerald Ranch stable hand Albert!

And the Australian Shepherd that lays by the pole outside the horse pen has always been called Ozzie. He is a good herd dog, but is mostly blind. He can hear and smell the horses, and thinks he's keeping an eye on them, but he isn't aware that he's always nose to the pole.
(I also have names for all the other dogs, [specifically lol] on the property, but Ozzie is the one that's most secure)

His brother that works the corrals moving hay bales and cleaning manure from the pastures is called Magnus.

Magnus is the younger brother of Albert and complains about getting little to nothing from their inheritance after their father passed. Because of this he is as he states "Still shoveling shit" and can't pay the dentist bill for his tooth ache, causing him pain every day. If you were wondering why that fellow is always so extremely aggressive towards you whenever you enter the corral: Be nice, he's got nothing to lose.
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Timothy O'Boyle

Silver Supporter
Jun 22, 2022
Dog in front of the Mission House in Rhodes
The dog is called Rufus, and is seen as the unofficial Mayor of the town of Rhodes.
He’ll come out of his cosy place and sniff you out for a minute or three.
Has the bad habbit of laying in front of the door of The Mission House, making it impossible for people to leave the place. Rumours say he’s been trained to do this by Pastor Beale.

Scarlet Storm

Squirrel Brain
Sheriff's Office Recruit
Department of Prisons
Silver Supporter
May 4, 2022
United States, Fl

Meet Loretta & Lorenzo Davis of Rhodes

He works the crop field behind the sheriff station and she sweeps the patio next door, behind the hotel.
When they are done working, they meet at the shed and talk. Sometimes you hear her complain about her sister being pregnant again but her Doctor saying its just gas (a real line she says lol) Somedays you may find her in a yellow dress and Lorenzo dressed down with a farmers hat. But occasionally they like to match and where pink together.
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Ethel Baker

Headless since 1901
State Marshal's Office
Sheriff's Office
AG's Office
Gold Supporter
Retired Staff
Mar 1, 2020
Dog in front of the Mission House in Rhodes
The dog is called Rufus, and is seen as the unofficial Mayor of the town of Rhodes.
He’ll come out of his cosy place and sniff you out for a minute or three.
Has the bad habbit of laying in front of the door of The Mission House, making it impossible for people to leave the place. Rumours say he’s been trained to do this by Pastor Beale.
The Mayor of Rhodes has always been Roy.

Steven Justice

Sheriff's Office
Jan 21, 2021
The Fence in Thieves Landing:
Mr.Wall. A shady character with little known about his past and a lot of connections with private ships and companies around the US and the world. It's said that it doesn't matter how hot something is he can fence it off and make it disappear.

Some locals whisper that he's taken up residence in The Selkie because him and Gingerbeard go way back, something about Madagascar

Róisín O'Hara

A Fucking Dryad or Something
Sheriff's Office
Apr 16, 2021
The stablemaster in Valentine is Samuel (Sam) Goode.

Running a large stable in a busy livestock town, selling and boarding horses, doing farrier work, and fitting tack keeps Sam very busy. While he is quite kindhearted and knowledgeable, he's nearly always extremely overworked and a little bit frazzled (with no time for your typical Valencrime shenanigans); however, this means he's almost always willing to offer work to someone down on their luck that isn't above shoveling shit (or shmud) for a few hours. He may not often have the time to speak to you for more than a minute, but there are never enough stablehands in a town like Valentine and he always appreciates good, honest business.
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