Clara Ambrose

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    ❁ Clara Ambrose ❁
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    Clara was born to Birch Ambrose and Clara Ambrose in Nyköping, Sweden back in 1881. Her family had their own little bookstore in the city that everyone knew of, The Ambrose Bookstore. Clara always spent her days in the bookstore reading or borrowing a book to go read outside. Always ended up muddy and filthy from sitting or laying on the ground somewhere. Her freckles ended up covered in mud on her face, her blonde hair would look more brown-ish but her blue eyes always stood out from underneath her glasses.

    Just like her mother Clara is very short and petite and they have the same positive and friendly personality, but Clara's appearance is actually more alike to her fathers than her mothers. Clara can be a bit introverted but when she warms up it’s hard to get her to stop giggling and enjoying herself. She is one approachable little lady who loves helping out. You’ll often find her exploring the wilderness with her notebook and bow, since she prefers a bow over a firearm.

    Birch Ambrose (Father - Dead)
    Birch was Clara's father, he was murdered in front of Clara and her mother in May, 1898.

    Clara Walker (Mother - Dead)
    Clara was Clara's mother, she died due to a boating accident with Clara's step-father in January, 1903.

    Alonzo Walker (Step-Father - Dead)
    Alonzo was Clara's step-father, he died due to a boating accident with Clara's mother in January, 1903.

    Annelyn Quinn (Adoptive Big Sister -
    Annelyn and Clara met in New Alexandria in early May, 1903 and quickly became very close. They started calling each other sisters even though they aren't blood related.

    Early Life 

    Clara spent her life growing up in Sweden in her parents bookstore, loving her life and living like there’s no tomorrow. But one day something absolutely horrifying happened to her just a month after she’d turned 17 years old. A group of bandits broke into the bookstore and started burning everything down, killing Clara’s father in the process and slashing her straight across the face before she managed to get away with her mother with the help of their neighbouring Saloon’s owner, Alonzo Walker who saw it all go down. Since then Alonzo and Clara’s mother became very close and he felt like a father to Clara. Alonzo and Clara’s mother ended up getting married just two years later. Alonzo was quite the wealthy man and took care of Clara and her mother for those two years and even let them stay in his house. Clara ended up getting to work at his Saloon while her mother became a stay-at-home mom, made food, cleaned, etc. Clara and her mother are forever in debt to Alonzo.

    Clara did end up joining a small little group calling themselves the Wild Poppies in her town, they wouldn’t so to say do illegal things but they’d more so make their own elixirs, medicine, herbal remedies and other things of the same sort and sell it to people. The thing is they weren’t real, it was all a scam just to earn money but Clara didn’t know this at all, she thought they were all real products and when she figured out it was a scam she left them. They weren’t happy with her at all and said they’d do terrible things to her if she told the authorities, but she did so anyway and they swore when they got out of prison they’d hurt her. So when Clara turned 21 years old in 1902 she decided to leave her life in Sweden and move to New Alexandria all by herself, it was a long and tiring journey for Clara but she eventually made it to her new home.


    Present Life 

    Clara’s new life in New Alexandria started off with her accidentally buying a whole 50 cans of peaches. Luckily, a kind resident was gracious enough to buy 40 of those cans from her so she wouldn't be without any money. After that, Clara ran into someone who gave her a horse. She and the horse, Earl, quickly became inseparable (Clara later in life gave Earl away since he's much to big of a horse for her to manage). Clara also traveled all the way down to Armadillo, where she learned how to use a pickaxe to mine. This became her primary source of income until she got a job at a local press and printing company. She helped sell a book there made by the owner, she'd travel around state and advertise it, and once she was done with that job, she was offered a new position as a cleaner at a saloon.

    At the saloon, Clara met a whole group of lovely people who became her closest friends. This included the owner, his sister who sings beautifully, and many others. While working at the saloon, Clara became known as "Lady Broom" because she joked about marrying a broom, named Broom Groom. Since her job involved cleaning. She enjoyed making everyone laugh with her silliness and jokes.

    Her new life had started amazingly and Clara spends most of her days writing, reading and exploring the wilderness now which she delights in doing. She also started her own business in October 1902, called The Travelling Bookshelf that sells books that both her and other authors have written. Clara adores making books from scratch, writing them, printing them, finding the perfect cover for it and in the end selling them to people who will enjoy them as much as she has, hopefully.

    Later in the year 1902, Clara went back home to Sweden after getting a letter from a family friend that her mother and step-father had died in a boating accident. Clara stayed in Sweden for months trying to get her parents affairs together and of course, grieve their demise. After grieving and getting everything in order Clara returned to New Alexandria in May of 1903. Clara is truly overjoyed now that she's back and able to spend time with all her friends once again , like her closest friend Fredrik Andersen. And she hopes she's able to make many more friends as well. And of course she couldn't be happier about getting to run her business, The Travelling Bookshelf again. Ultimately, writing is her life's fervent passion.

    In June, 1903, a lot of things changed in Clara's life. A lot of Clara's friends moved out of state or decided to leave state for a long period of time, so Clara decided to move out of Saint Denis, since it was a lot of her friends who kept her there. Clara is now living her dream book life wherever the paths take her, meeting new people everyday and travelling all over New Alexandria with her book business. Clara always wanted to be a traveller, someone who could camp out for the night anywhere with beautiful views all around, and now she finally is. She made a lot of new friends as well and tries filling her days with happiness and love.

    Clara also decided to change her name from Meredith Ambrose to Clara Ambrose in late June, 1903. It's been a family tradition in the Ambrose family for the daughter's to take the mother's name when they pass away. So when Clara's mother passed away she thought long and hard about it before deciding anything, since she was afraid her friends might find it weird and not understand why she wants to do it. But it now having been half a year after Clara's mother passed away she finally decided that she wants to take her mother's name after all and continue the family tradition, she'd spoken to two of her friends about the whole name change and they made her feel much more confident about it. So she changed her name in honour of her family to Clara Ambrose. Clara could not be happier about changing her name and is so glad she got the confidence to do so with the help of her friends.



    The Wild Poppies (1900-1901)
    The Wild Poppies were a little group in Nyköping, Sweden that Clara was in for about a year, they sold medicine and herbal remedies that Clara thought were real but it was actually just a scam to make money, when Clara found out about the lies she left them and told the authorities.

    The Four Horsemen (1902-1903)
    Clara started working at The Four Horsemen Saloon in Saint Denis after meeting Lip Darmon who offered her a job there in September 1902. Since then, Clara found pleasure in the company of the group and soon became a valued member among the many friends within it. Finally feeling as if she's found her people. But in June 1903 Lip Darmon moved to France with his husband and The Four Horsemen seized to be.

    The Order of the Third Stag (1903-1903)
    A fraternity that Clara was invited to by her friends, they do hunting and also work as a charity organization. She joined and became Sister Frog by hunting frogs. Gideon Stott left state in late July 1903, The Stag seized to be when he left.



    “Where there’s tea there’s hope.”
    “Keep your spirit wild and look deep into nature's heart.”
    “Glittering eyes in the wilderness is the poetry of nature in motion.”
    “Sometimes all you need is a good cup of tea”
    “Love is like wildflowers; it’s often found in the most unlikely places.”
    “Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look.”
    “I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in.”
    "Spreading love, one book at a time."
    "I got tiny legs!"
    "I love love"



    Clara cannot handle alcoholic beverages well at all and gets quite drunk very easily, so she usually stays away from drinking too much or if at all.

    She prefers her bow over any firearm, she finds firearms to be loud and disturbing. When hunting she’ll always go with the bow.

    Clara writes a lot in her free time and is usually out in the wilderness where she feels the most at peace.

    She doesn't tolerate lying, for any reason.

    Clara has a bloodhound named Tallulah whom she loves and cares for everyday.

    Nexus was Clara's first dog in state, he was an Australian shepherd. Sadly Nexus got hit by a train and died. Clara held a small funeral for him in Strawberry.

    She can be quite the klutz and tends to fall over quite a lot.

    Clara's attention span is very short and she also tends to have a bad memory. So she rarely remembers things and has a hard time standing still for a longer amount of time!

    She’s quite the scaredy cat but she can handle herself for the most part if she really needs to.

    Clara always enjoys a cup of tea no matter what time it is, tea time is always.

    She wears a ripped up red handkerchief as a necklace from her dear friend who left state, Lip Darmon.

    Clara absolutely loves Appaloosa horses. She calls them "Apple Horses".

    She is really scared of trains and tries her hardest to never have to get on one again, having tried riding the train thrice and every time feeling terrified.

    Clara cannot stand the sight of blood, it makes her sick.

    She loves the colour green. She always wears something green.

    Clara writes in her journal from time to time.

    Meredith Ambrose
    Was Clara's former name before changing it to Clara Ambrose.

    Was a nickname given to Clara by her father as a cute little version of her former name.

    Lady Broom
    Was a nickname given to her when she worked at The Four Horsemen since she did cleaning there.

    Little Apple
    Was given to Clara by Vance "Diamond" Cutler while she was teaching him how to read, she nicknamed him Moose.

    Sister Frog
    Was given to her when she joined The Order of the Third Stag.

    Was given to Clara by Roark Calico as a short version of Sister Frog.

    Is a word many have described Clara with since she has a very bubbly and positive personality. It happened so many times that it stuck as a nickname.

    A nickname given to Clara since her favourite flower is sunflowers.

    Book Lady
    Was given to Clara since she runs The Travelling Bookshelf and is known to be a huge bookworm.

    Is a nickname multiple people have called Clara after seeing how much she acts like a small energetic puppy.

    Bird Bones
    Is a nickname given to Clara since she somehow never breaks any bones even though she falls off a lot of things.

    Nutmeg is a brown leopard Appaloosa mare that Clara bought from the stable in Tumbleweed.

    Snowberry is a white blagdon Gypsy Cob mare that Clara bought from Hanging Dog Ranch.

    Earl was a silver Turkoman stallion that Clara was given by Nimble Neighbors when she first arrived in state, it was her first horse ever. She sold him to The Whispering Oaks Ranch since Turkoman's are to big for her to manage.

    Gingerbread was a skewbald Gypsy Cob stallion that Clara was given by her passed friend, Manuel Portucale. She gave Gingerbread away to a charity since she felt unable to care for him.

    Story was a palomino blagdon Gypsy Cob mare that Clara bought from Whispering Oaks Ranch. She gave Story away to a charity since she felt unable to care for her.

    Avalanche was a white blagdon Gypsy Cob stallion that Clara bought from Fort Mercer. She gave Avalanche away to a charity since she felt unable to care for him.

    Freyja was a marble sabino Criollo mare that Clara was given by Roark Calico. She gave Freyja away since she didn't think Freyja suited her.

    Mistral was a rose grey Arabian mare that Clara bought from Ivy Lancaster. She sold Mistral to Lavidia DuPonte who needed a horse and was looking specifically for a rose grey Arabian.

    Aspen was a Sable Champagne Missouri Fox Trotter mare that Clara bought from Isabel Gray. Clara gave Aspen to Jonathan Aakre when he arrived in state since they're childhood friends.

    Kaleidoscope was a leopard Appaloosa mare that Clara bought from the stable in Blackwater. Clara gave Kaleidoscope to The Lone Elk Ranch since she felt unable to care for her.

    Moondance was a albino Arabian mare that Clara bought from Mia Moore. She gave Moondance away to a charity since she felt like Arabians aren't really her type of horse.

    Clara Ambrose









    1,57 cm






    Nyköping, Sweden



    Marital Status:



    Birch Ambrose
    Clara Walker
    Alonzo Walker
    Annelyn Quinn



    Meredith Ambrose
    Lady Broom
    Little Apple
    Sister Frog
    Book Lady
    Bird Bones

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Wild Poppies
    The Four Horsemen
    The Order of the Third Stag