Dahlia Quinn

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    Dahlia is easy to recognise with her white hair, green eyes and dark complexion. She always have something on her that is purple.

    Dahlia have dark circles underneath her eyes and appears to be mostly skin and bones. She wears a hat that covers most of her face, and her voice have become soft spoken and full with sadness.

    Early Life 

    Dahlia Quinn was raised by her father, William Quinn, up north in Deadboot Creek. Her father told her a lot about the life of a hunter; he taught her how to use a bow and arrow and the importance of certain things to die so others can live. Because they never left Deadboot Creek Dahlia suffered from malnourishment during her early years which have left her with her hair growing out white and her body always being in some sort of pain. Something she does not like others to know.

    Dahlia never learnt how to deal with feelings since every day seemed to be a day where you had to fight for your survival. So when her father died from the common cold June 25th 1901 she dealt with it by going into survival mode and threw her fathers body in Lake Isabella to avoid the wolves from finding their camp. She did not know how to process her fathers passing and when she found her fathers diary she felt lost. In her fathers diary she learned that her mother had tried to put her in harms way a multitude of times before she turned 1 years old. That was when her father decided to take her away from her mom - but Williams love for Dahlias mother made it impossible for him to truly leave his soulmate. That's why they stayed close to Deadboot Creek throughout Dahlias childhood. When Dahlia learned about this she got frustrated and angry with her father since neither William or Bessie - her mother - were born in New Alexandria and before Dahlia they would frequent Strawberry to sell meat and pelt to the butcher and buy necessities from the general store.

    Dahlia felt betrayed by her father and felt as if she lost her whole identity. The man she admired had lied to her during her whole life and had caused her so much pain because he couldn't leave Deadboot Creek - he couldn't leave the person who had tried to harm her a multitude of times. The north no longer felt like her home and for the first time in her life she realised she didn't need to live there. Before leaving the north for good she went to the house where they would have grown up together as a family and where her mother had lived.

    Dahlia never met her mother and she still doesn't know if her mother is dead or alive - but she also doesn't care.

    Present Life 

    Ever since she left Deadboot Creek Dahlia have grown as a person and been able to find some stability in her own identity. She have gained a lot of friends by giving everyone a chance to tell their story. She have found an interest in studying the animals around her and try to learn what motivates their behaviour and how to safely approach them. Dahlia started to take an interest in the medical field after a lot of her friends were getting themselves injured and she didn't know what to do or how to help them. Dahlia's interest however declined after she realised how much she struggled with retaining the information. When Ironwood Medical disbanded she gave up the idea of becoming a field medic.

    About a week or so after she left Deadboot Creek she met the love of her life - Manuel Portucale. She had never felt such a strong connection to someone before and she is forever grateful for meeting him when she did. Not only did he teach her a lot about herself and helped her process her traumatic past - but he also always seem to find a way to make her feel valued and happy. Even when her past keeps pulling her back to feeling total despair he keeps finding a way to ground her back to the life she have with him.

    After 6 months of being in a relationship with Manuel, he ended it February 2nd 1902 because of Dahlia leaving for a month without a word to process recent events. During Dahlias absence he had met someone else and he did no longer feel the same about Dahlia as he once had. However - Dahlia's love for Manuel had not changed and she does not blame him for his decision or for finding someone else.

    To mend her broken heart and be able to heal she has returned up north near Deadboot Creek. She have been trying to work through her thoughts and feelings by talking to some of her friends - just as Manuel taught her - and she is trying her best to not loose her footing. Being back in cold harsh mountains brought back memories that started to haunt Dahlia and she started to fall back into the mindset of fighting for her survival. The cold is also taking a toll on her health. She went back to the mountains to mend her broken heart but the cold have made Dahlia realise that she never really found her identity and that her feelings might not have been as genuine as she thought.

    Dahlia have always struggled with her identity and who she was as a whole person. In her childhood her sole focus was to survive for another night, and it was those teachings that her father passed onto her. Dahlia didn't know who she was as a person on her own, something she realised quite quickly once her father died and she left Deadboot Creek to navigate a whole new world on her own. She was lost and confused and didn't know who she should listen to and felt uncomfortable with confrontations. So she never truly voiced any controversial opinions or agreed with anything strongly. Dahlia would often put herself in uncomfortable situations because she didn't want to inconvenience people. The moments she experienced true and utter happiness was whenever she was under the influence of drugs. Whether it was alcohol, cannabis or morphine.

    Dahlia used to prefer being alone most of the time due to her different struggles, but when she fell in love with Manuel she never really dared to leave his side once they found each other, since she was afraid of being a nuisance or regretting wanting her alone time. This made her become very dependant on Manuels' company but also rather infuriated by never having any alone time to do whatever she'd like. This is what truly caused her to become completely lost and confused when they got divorced and why it spiralled.

    Dahlia also got taken as hostage a couple of times, by the 3rd time she had become quite apathetic to the whole ordeal and was growing tired of the rise of criminality. She was often ushered away when things were about to go down and it started to make her more and more depressed because she no longer felt safe anywhere in the state. Wherever she went someone was always warning her about someone being around. There was always something or some group being out to get her friends, she was always anxious. Since she was unable to defend herself in any given situation her apathy made her more and more careless since she wanted to feel something. When she sought solitude up in the mountains she started to feel a little less apathy and more indescribable sadness.

    30/6-1901 Cougar attack - 1 deep laceration wound on her left shoulder that needed stitching.

    11/07-1901 Mauled by a bear - A shallow wound to the right thigh - needed stitches; a somewhat deeper wound on her lower back but still rather shallow - that also needed stitches. Got a bottle of Laduman

    21/07-1901 Fell off horse - Dislocated right shoulder

    Consequences from injury - More prone to dislocate her shoulder again

    30/07-1901 Fell off a cliff from being bitch slapped by a bear [does not remember] - Compound skull fracture - no surgery needed. Stitching the wound back together - will need to take it slow until the next check-up.

    Medical treatment -​
    3 painkillers every 4 hours​
    1 painkiller every 4 hours​

    Hope Pisces Check up treatment (05/08-1901) - Broken stitched that are rubbed upwards. Repairs broken stitches with subcuticular stitches - from wearing a hat​

    Medical check-up (10/08-1901) - Stitches been removed - wound on head healing nicely. Keep applying bruise cream on the ribs and change bandages daily.

    1/08-1901 Fell off horse from cougar attack [does not remember]; doctor’s believed it was from a horse kick - Depressed skull fracture - needed surgery - cast on the back of her head. Wound on the upper right side of her head.

    Medical treatment - Local anesthetic with cocaine
    Compression over the stitched area - tree sap around the compression so it works as a cast

    28/10-1901 Got attacked by a cougar - Two deep laceration wounds in her right shoulder and neck.

    Phenazetin - every 3 hour until the pain goes away​

    11/11-1901 Got attacked by a grizzly [does not remember] - Three laceration wounds facing downwards on her left bicep, mild concussion and ringing in her left ear.

    Paracetamol - 2 every 4 hour​

    19/11-1901 Got attacked by a panther - 4 laceration wounds on her lower right arm. 2 needed stitching - stitched by a local that ended in a infection because of forgetting to flush beforehand.

    20/11 Manuel checked her wounds and redid the stitches. One of the two had muscle damage and needed to be stitched twice. Intermittent (?) and Continuous Blanket.

    Paracetamol - 1 every 1 hour​

    21/11 - 2 stitches broke on the deeper wound because of stupid move from Dahlia. Removed stitches and used Retention stitching instead.

    2/2-1902 Got hit by a ram and fell down a mountain [does not remember] - She suffered bruises and swellness around her ribs and her right arm got dislocated. Manuel checked up on her and treated her dislocated shoulder.

    3/2-1902 Got soccer punched by a local - Got a nasty black eye that worsened the next day.

    Iris did some cleaning of her wounds from cutting her own hair with a knife and treated the black-eye with bruise balm​

    4/2-1902 Got attacked by wolves [didn’t get downed] - A wolf dragged her right arm and dislocated it again.

    4/2 Thomas does a check-up on her. He popped back her dislocated arm and also treated her black eye with bruise balm.

    8/2-1902 Fell down a mountain with Billy Boy [does not remember] - She’s bruised up real bad and it hurts whenever she moves.

    10/2-1902 Got attacked by a wolf [didn’t get downed] - A man in Colter tried to take care of the wolves outside. A wolf got inside and Dahlia got clawed on her left shoulder. A deep wound that would need stitching but only got bandaged.

    11/2 Manuel did a check-up on all her wounds and treated them. He also stitched her wound on her shoulder.

    20/7-1902 Got attacked by a cougar [didn’t get downed] - 4 laceration wounds on her thigh - not that deep of a wound will heal on it’s own. 4 laceration wounds on her back - were shallow but needed stitching.

    Medical care
    Change and clean wound every day for 4 days. Then every other day. Until it’s healed. Need to take out the stitching after about a week.


    People Dahlia Values in her Life and Why

    Timothy O'Boyle
    Her first friend in state, a person she values a lot.
    She considers him as family

    Ricky Shay
    One of her closest and oldest friends in State.
    She have very fond memories with Ricky and she truly value him a lot as her friend

    Kragen Murdoch
    A friend she loved to tease and banter with.
    Someone she truly miss.

    Manuel Portucale
    A dear friend to her and her ex-husband.
    Once she could not imagine a life without him or that she would ever want to let him go.
    Whereas now she feels as if all the bridges between them have been burned.

    Henry Weston
    A dear friend to her.
    Someone who has been there for her, both in the good and bad.
    Although she can sometimes get annoyed by the amount of worrying he does.

    Iris Dragner
    Her best friend in state.
    She met Iris the first day Iris came to state and they've been friends ever since.
    No matter what Iris might do or how she decides to live her life, Dahlia will always stand by her.
    A friend she will never let go, despite what she may or may not be guilty of.

    Billy [Whiskey] Butters
    A friend she loves being around.
    She always have fun whenever she is with Billy and he helps her forget the sadness she's suffering from in life.
    He's also her very special Whiskey friend.

    Connor Boysenberry
    A person she would come to consider a mighty fine friend.
    She always loved being in Connor's company and would smile whenever she met him.
    But it wasn't until she came to Colter to grieve her marriage that she became real close to Connor.
    He was, and still is, one of the reasons she keeps on fighting and makes her want to get through this sadness.

    Nora Croft
    Her horsie friend.
    Nora became a dear friend to Dahlia after they spent some hours together looking at all the horses in state.
    Dahlia truly enjoys the memories they have shared and she's felt this strong connection towards Nora. Even though she doesn't quite know why.
    Dahlia is staying in Nora's tent while she waits - and hopes - she'll return safe and sound.


    "Spread the kindness forward"


    • Because of a wolf attack she got in her youth, Dahlia has trouble with her hearing - especially on her right side
      • Her hearing have also worsened since the various wildlife attacks she's been through and being subjected to people carelessly using guns in her presence
    • Dahlia's hearing is rather sensitive since she really needs to focus when she is listening
      • Her hearing worsens tremendously whenever there's loud noises
    • You can tell a lot about Dahlia's current mood and state by her hairstyle
    • Dahlia has a constant pain in her joints and uses drugs to relieve that pain
    • Dahlia never judges a person for their past - only by how they treat her and the actions she witness
    • Dahlia doesn't use contractions when she writes
    • Dahlia don't know how to read maps

    Dahlia Quinn













    22nd February 1879


    Deadboot Creek



    Marital Status:



    Bessie Quinn [Mother - Unknown status]
    William Quinn [Father - Deceased]




    Faction Affiliations: