Dawson McGath

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  • Dr. Dawson McGath


    A ginger Irish-American man, often described as patient, empathetic, and considerate. He has a strong moral compass and cares for many people. Sometimes too much so to a fault. Often seen as friendly but at times knows more than he lets on to most.

    A deep scar cuts through some of his freckles on his left cheek. There are many scars along his back and torso he's collected over time from the various daily ways of getting hurt in New Alexandria. His back is scattered with very old scaring in crisis crossing patterns and he is almost never seen without his scarf tucked closely to his neck, outside a few select people. There are numerous other scars he has but rarely takes off more than his shirt even when just swimming.

    The tips of his fingers are thicker than his palms from the many times he's pricked his fingers while sewing to the point that if he does he doesn't notice. His hands are not callused like someone that works with wood or metal but toughened and firm from leatherwork.

    He doesn't find himself hurt very often because he ducks for cover or runs as fast as he can from bullets or attacks unlike most in the state that runs towards trouble with a gun in hand. He will try to avoid aiming a gun at a person unless he absolutely has to.

    Early Life 

    Present Life 



    "Okay okay alright okay..."


    • Loves all types of food and loves to cook at home but he has a strong dislike for canned corn. (FOIC)
    • Dawson was one of the first responders to see the beginning of the Valentine Plague on September 9th, 1899. Many sleepless days and nights were spent at MacFarlane's Ranch. Many interesting bonds were made during this time. (Public Knowledge)
    • Going from a tailor of about 5 years to a doctor in 3 months was a process but his skills with thread translated over to a skilled hand in stitching. (Public Knowledge)
    • Dawson has gone through a few different occupations when he was younger to make money and get by, one of them being an escort which he will joke about with friends. (FOIC)
    • Dawson is never seen without his scarf on, or at the very least something covering his neck. (Public Knowledge)
    • He has an extreme fear of ropes and being tied up. (FOIC)

    Dawson McGath











    151 lbs


    January 2nd, 1875


    American East Coast Waters


    Irish American

    Marital Status:

    Married to Louis McFarlane


    Mother - Ilene McGath (Alive)
    Father - Morris McGath (Missing)
    Brother - Patrick McGath (Alive)

    Grant Steward (Alive)
    Antonio Delgato (Alive)
    Piper Delgato (Alive)
    Ellen Molotov (Alive)
    Louis McFarlane (Alive)
    Ace McFarlane (Alive)
    Thomas Foster (Alive)
    Cornelia Considene (Alive)


    Founder of Red Thread Medical
    Mountain Medical Manager


    "Sweet Potato"

    Faction Affiliations:

    Mountain Medical