Cornelia Considene

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  • Cornelia Considene


    Small should be the last thing you think of when meeting Cornelia. Although her stature may be small, she sure does make up for it with her precision suturing. Often described as sweet and sassy, you may often find her running around with a coffee cup in one hand as well as the other. Coming in at just over five foot, Cornelia can be quick on her feet upon arriving at any scene that requires her medical attention, CC and her trusty steed Lockhart can cross the state quick as you can say "Medical emergency, coming through!"

    Early Life 

    Born to a family of Australian-American immigrants, the Considene family settled in the state of California after migrating to the country in 1853 from the small convict island of Van Diemen’s Land. Upon failing to strike rich during the California Gold Rush, Cornelia’s grandparents continued to migrate across the country, eventually landing upon a prosperous town somewhere out West, Cornelia’s grandfather would continue to gold pan until very late in his life, planting the seed for his son Francis, who would inherit the love and desire for the ore.

    In 1897, the Considene family had now migrated to the small settlement of Tumbleweed, New Austin. Cornelia’s parents, Francis and Luella Considene both worked hard labouring jobs to provide for their small family, which in turn, left Cornelia to take care of the home and her young siblings. Caring for her siblings quickly became second nature for her, as she grew older, so did her values; empathic, kindness and compassion. You would often find her caring for a basket full of feral kittens or nursing an injured songbird back to health, or most often; bandaging her younger siblings small knee or elbow scuffs.

    Francis, working as an ore miner at the nearby Gaptooth Breach mine and Luella, a housekeeper. Fed up with labour conditions and with the desire for striking rich still coursing through Francis' veins, it was not before too long that the small family was packing up their belongings and life up to travel cross country. The first time Cornelia had set foot outside out of New Austin.

    Present Life 

    1899, Cornelia had settled herself in the small town of Strawberry, Big Valley. After working with a local doctor for a few months, doing small chores such as cleaning the practice and collecting herbs for remedies. Eventually, Cornelia had saved enough pocket change to be able to travel across the state to find Dr. Hope Pisces, owner of Caduceus Cross Medical. There, she would become a trainee Nurse and continue through her schooling to become a Registered Nurse.

    In September of 1899, New Alexandria was taken by a mysterious new illness that would come to be known as the Valentine Plague. Cornelia was among the first responders to be dispatched to MacFarlane’s Ranch to take care of the infected and nurse them back to health. There, she would meet Jesse Sterling, whom she would go on to court for many months. Cornelia also became very close with many members of The Colt’s gang who were working as security, appointed by the New Alexandria Sheriff’s Department to keep both doctor and patient safe in the lawless county of New Austin.

    Upon the eradication of the Valentine Plague, Cornelia along with fellow peers Dawson McGath and Louis McFarlane came together to bring the Red Thread Medical team to life, now working alongside with Mountain Medical as a subsidiary. After meeting with Dr. Jaena Shaw, Cornelia was rewarded her doctorate role and now continues to work across the state helping those who are in need as she continues to study, hoping one day to become a teacher herself as well as specialising in psychology in the future.


    For a short period whilst courting Jesse Sterling, Cornelia became apart of The Colt's gang.


    "Hold on, I need coffee first."


    • Cornelia has a severe addiction to caffeine, often drinking upwards of sixteen cups per day yet she will deny any addiction accusation.
    • She is also employed by Undersheriff Antonio Delgato as his salaried personal assistant and doctor. Does she actually do her job? Questionable. Has she ever missed a single pay check? Never.
    • Cornelia's horse was named and bought by her previous beau, Jesse Sterling. Lockhart is a Sorrel Overo Criollo.
    • She also had a horse named Lionel.
    • The first time Cornelia met Ethan Colt, he immediately began to call her ‘Corn’ as she treated a stab wound he had received from his wife, Ruby Colt.
    • Cornelia was one of the first responders during the Valentine Plague that spread across New Alexandria in September of 1899. She was also selected to be apart of the Pestilence Relief formed by Governess Addison Flanigan and attended the emergency meeting held at her Governess' mansion in St. Denis.
    • Although Cornelia is no longer apart of The Colt's, she continues to call Ethan Colt and Ruby Colt her family.
    • Cornelia considers her very close friend Luella Hunter as her own sister, Luella being the first person she met in the state after her family moved away.

    Cornelia Considene











    115 lbs




    Tumbleweed, New Austin


    Australian American

    Marital Status:




    Doctor under Red Thread Medical


    "CC”, “Corn”

    Faction Affiliations:

    Mountain Medical