Jackson Trevok

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    A tall, lanky man with coal black hair and blue-green eyes, seen with his trimmed beard and occasionally wearing his black suit or disguises from different groups that he has ticked off. Most recognizable by his height, hat and love of rum. Tends to smile quite often and is rowdy around others, being an avid fan of hunting and getting into trouble. Speaks with a slight western twang on his rather missing Canadian accent, and is rather very smart and proficient in predicting and strategizing. When not wearing gloves, a faint X is scarred on his left palm.

    Early Life 

    1870s - 1880s

    Born in Upper Canada (Ontario), in the newly confederated Dominion of Canada in 1875, Jackson Trevok was born a bastard son from the engagement of Christopher Trevok and Donna Burne, immigrants of Eastern Europe and England. Growing up, Jackson knew how to skin any animal that came into his father's butcher shop, and at the age of 10, was gifted his very first rifle. Although he wasn't very good with it, he could at least pull the trigger. Shy and very awkward around others, Jackson studied many books in his free time and rarely had many friends.


    After the death of his mother in 1895, Jackson decided to head out west. Jackson packed up an old cattleman he bought from a pawner, his gifted rifle and a good old cleaver for the road, and said goodbye to his pa. Buying a ticket for the newly famed Canadian Pacific Railway, Jackson hopped along for the start of a new life. The trip was a long one and was rather uneventful until a train robbery went wrong in Manitoba. Robbers burst onto the train and demanded all the valuables anybody had. Jackson tried to put up a fistfight with the first one on board that tried to board his car but ended up getting bashed in the face with the end of their revolver, knocking him out.

    He eventually was woken up by his fellow passengers, who explained that they were all robbed. Dishevelled and despaired, Jackson arrived in British Colombia penniless and broke. Working odd jobs here and there, barely made it through many of the winters. A miracle occurred when in 1896, gold was found in the Klondike. Seeking fortune, Jackson rushed off to seek his fortune, panning for gold along with the other thousands of treasure seekers. Unfortunately, Jackson was down on his luck, finding very little gold. Setting off with what he had gathered, he started his trip down to New Alexandria looking for new opportunities, whether, with hard work or low scum crime, he attempted to find a way to scrape a living out of this rough rowdy place.

    Present Life 


    January 1901

    Arriving by train in Valentine, Jackson instantly set out to find a quick way to make money, coming across Rico Sansol, who discussed the business opportunity of making some quick cash. Unknowingly, Jackson accompanied Rico and a mysterious friend of his toward the Hagen mine, where it turned into a stick-up on the miners. Not knowing what to do, he went along and made a quick buck, where he would soon learn of the consequences of this misdeed. Upon returning to Valentine, he was quickly approached by Saso Kwashi and Mars Myers, members of a known cannibal gang, who attempted to kidnap him and take him to their lair but was luckily able to break free and make his way to the nearby deputy's department to report the crime, and sneaking away waiting for the next job he did with Rico.

    When contacted to meet Rico in a cabin out by emerald ranch, Jackson was perplexed by the other two he met, Teddy Lauret, the mysterious friend, and Pearl Putnam, the fiancé to Foster Holmes. Rico, enraged at Putnam's treatment, scuffled with Teddy and took off on a horse with Jackson to Saint Denis. Upon reaching there, Jackson and Rico scale the roofs of Saint Denis and made their way to Foster Holmes' office, hoping to kidnap and retrieve compensation from him. Upon arriving at his office, it was empty inside and therefore decided to escape again to the rooftops, where Jackson fell off a roof right in front of Teddy. Questioned by Teddy, Jackson did not reveal Rico's true intentions and decided to do some sleuthing on his own. Learning about the true nature of Teddy and his association with multiple gangs and law departments, Jackson made haste to escape Saint Denis.

    A couple of days later, Jackson was once again looking for work in Valentine, coming across Spencer York, an enthralled businessman from Ireland looking to make his fortune. During a conversation with Spencer, a large gang surround both of them, proclaiming themselves to be The Hagen Crew, protectors of the mine in Mount Hagen. Using his wit and some savvy banter, Jackson repaid the gang the amount necessary so that he didn't lose too much but still paid off the gang to get them off his back. Mr. York proceed to avoid being robbed by paying a fair share himself, whereas both men were left alone and started a friendship that will last the year to come.

    Through some ratting and snitching on Teddy's part, Jackson ended up losing his firearm handed to him by Rico and serving a short period in the local jail at Saint Denis. Released and ready to continue, Jackson contacted Rico on the next job, meeting him at a small farm west of Rhodes. A discussion took place when Teddy emerged from the shed, blaming Jackson for snitching on Rico, being now a wanted man. Jackson refuted this claim, but Rico didn't give a damn about either and instead decided from the day forward to start the Minutemen gang with Jackson, although quite small. Teddy was soon ignored and left by the wayside in Jackson's mind.

    February 1901

    Both Jackson and Rico found refuge in an illegal pelting company, called the Lost River Company, where high-valued pelts from the Great Plains such as Buffalo and Native Land Wildlife were sold to the highest bidder. Soon though, the law caught up to Rico, and seeing their business under threat, Allen Gossman and Michael Rivers shut down the company for the time being.

    Once again out of a fair cash-paying job, Jackson came across the Callaghan Company, run by the three Callahan brothers, Ernest Callaghan, Thomas Callaghan and Andrew Callaghan. At this point, Jackson had become close friends with Kirk McMillan, Tidas Landstream (after some dispute) and Dehlia McCall. This new job was well-paying and being security was a lot easier than attacking it.

    Starting about halfway through the month, the Italian wars started, between The Bastille Italians, led by Willy Bradshaw, and the Blackwater Italians, led by Vincenzo Bonetti, began. This period was rife with hostility, involving the Underwoods and their bar, the Callaghan Company and the many residents of Valentine. The company primarily provided security for the Callaghan brothers during the war.

    Following a security job at a bar, the customers were accosted by the Blackwater Italians under the guise of a gang. It was during this encounter that it was discovered that Ernest Callaghan had betrayed the company, and the aligned Bastille Italians. Jackson assisted in the transport and security ensuring that Ernest was kept under lock and key as he was interrogated by his brothers.

    March 1901

    Due to infighting among the major three brothers of the Callaghan Company, the ownership and license fell through, resulting in its dissolution along with the feud between the brothers who now sought to kill each other in this conflict. The dissolution of the Callaghan Company meant that the Saint Denis Italians had lost their manpower in their fight against the Blackwater Italians, and so it drove them to the edge of a folly attempt to retrieve revenge in the town of Blackwater, decimating the Saint Denis Italians. The victory of the Blackwater Italians was short-lived, as infighting within the higher-ups of the gang led to the death of the leader, Vincenzo Bonetti, with the new leader, Frank Landmark, dissolving the group as a whole. In the end, this once again left Jackson without a job.

    During one of his many visits to his favourite Saloon, the Impromptu Saloon, Jackson encounter a Dewey Mercer and Flynn O'Brady, who spoke of a creature in the woods covered in fur. Deciding to entertain the idea, Jackson accompanied them in their trip across the state. Joined by Colt Anderson, they went into the cave by Elysian Pool, where both Colt and Dewey fell in, and Colt Anderson was presumed dead after this encounter.

    April 1901

    Upon venturing to Strawberry with Flynn Delaney, Jackson ended up in the hands of the remaining Blackwater Italians, seeking revenge for the prior wrongdoings put upon them by the Callaghan Company. Outnumbered, Jackson tried to diplomatically wiggle his way out of the scenario, to a futile endeavour, and was tied to a tree, and shot by a firing squad composed of Henry McCall, Frank Landmark and another. Having survived and being treated medically, Jackson swore revenge on his shooters, something that would one day bring great satisfaction to him.

    Jackson soon received a telegram from Teddy. Asking to resolve their differences, Jackson agreed to meet him somewhere secluded, due to his now infamous reputation. Upon meeting, Teddy had at that point appeared to be a very broken person, missing many appendages and an eye from the punishment he received at the hands of Rico from Jackson's absence and his betrayal. Catching him in an unsuspecting state, Teddy overwhelmed Jackson and proceeded to torture him, stabbing a long machete into his left thigh, and carving an X in his left palm, which would scar him for the rest of his life. Promising to end his life if he ever joined another gang, Teddy knocked Jackson out. Waking up in the Valentine saloon, Jackson knew the end of Teddy was soon, but not by his hand. All he had to do was bide his time...

    In other circles, Jackson made acquaintances with Jacob Loveday, Joseph Manning, Ivan Ulvsbane and two others, forming a social group called the Darn Tootins, which would last until the death of Joseph Manning to a duel with Felix Mercer.

    May 1901

    Having been warned by Teddy of the consequences, Jackson learned nothing and joined the new group taking power in Saint Denis, The Boston Blinders. Offering good pay for measly security, Jackson hopped at the chance to work and met the main five running it all, Arthur Kennedy, Rueben Kennedy, Johnny Steele and Wayne Kennedy. Wayne had all the power at the time, and work was easy and clean, with Arthur being the brash brains of it all. Rueben tended to stick to Arthur, being a yes-man to his every whim. "Uncle" Johnny just stuck to whoever made him the most money and with that, business was going strong.

    One of the first jobs for the Blinders was a security one, transporting his old friend Spencer York across the state to collect his various funds that he deposited by the many banks. Jackson was rather most disgruntled, and his bosses cheated him out of a proper pay and the tardiness and laziness he observed with the members. Jackson was soon laid off a couple of jobs later, for "questioning" the authority of the brothers. It was not a very happy dismissal.

    Dahlia Quinn and Jackson made their way up through Big Valley where they encountered many bears, followed by Dahlia being mauled by one. Jackson rushed off with her to Strawberry, where she was treated by Scarlett Storm and the Blinders. Very preoccupied, they left Jackson primarily alone.

    At an event amongst friends, Jackson encountered Frank Landmark, whereupon sight, was ready to treat him the same treatment he was given. Landmark on the other hand was otherwise repentant, and by paying off damages, the rift was healed between the two. The next was Henry McCall, who then had joined The Boston Blinders since. At a fist fighting competition, Jackson beat McCall into the dirt, satisfyingly getting his revenge on the man who tried to execute him.

    June 1901

    Jackson was soon approached by another hunter, Kragen Murdoch, who had quite a keen interest in Jackson's and Dewey's search before, where he pointed him in the direction of Big Valley. Dewey Mercer had also soon returned, after seemingly months in the coma ward in Annesburg. He recalled what had occurred and persisted in his search for the monster, where Jackson pointed him in the same direction as Murdoch, where the natives and their superstitions were most prominent. Mercer claimed with the tuft of hair he brought back that he spotted the monster, but dismissed by most, Mercer went off to the next creature.

    Following Dewey Mercer, Jackson made his way down to Armadillo, where he proceeded to hang out with the Blinders' accountant, Hank Harold. After killing the varmints and scavengers around the town, Jackson made his way into Outlaw's Rest, where it was filled with Blinders and the like. After a few drinks and getting wasted, Arthur Kennedy and his brothers asked to talk to Jackson, where they proceeded to beat Jackson to a pulp for apparently spilling secrets about their doings, which he hadn't, ontop of Henry McCall's beatdown in the first fighting competition. Jackson was then released, where he scampered back to Valentine to plot his revenge. The next week, Jackson went to Outlaw's Rest again, and after getting completely wasted on nine bottles of Rum, Arthur and Rueben Kennedy both entered into the bar, demanding Jackson to come with them. Jackson refused, where they then tried to force Jackson out at gunpoint, where the bar management raised their firearms in return, protecting Jackson and the other patrons. The Blinders proceeded to back out, and promise to hunt Jackson down and end him.

    The next few weeks, Jackson would watch his back and paranoia played in his decision making and friendships, especially Mas Blanche who was also at the bar that day. At the same time, the Darn Tootins collapsed, with the death of Joseph Manning at the hands of Felix Mercer in a duel, also shutting down the Impromptu Saloon.

    July 1901

    At the yearly July 4th event, Jackson had won a Bloody Navy Revolver, which he then proceeded to cherish and show off. Mas Blanche and other folks were quite intrigued in the weapon and hoped to at some point buy it off him.

    When Wayne Kennedy stepped back and Arthur Kennedy became the forefront of the group, the Blinders rained a tyranny on the State of New Alexandria. This unfortunately led to a majority of the state losing their eyes. Michael Brooke was specifically targeted losing his arm and eye to the Blinders, having to flee into the mountains West of Strawberry, where he would entrust his tenants to Jackson, to hopefully one day get into the laws.

    Due to Jack Cecile's previous experience with the Blinders, his paranoia started getting to affect those around him, including attacking those who associated themselves with the Blinders in anyway. After attacking other folks, Cecile had his eyes upon Jackson for his previous association. Cornering him in his room above the Valentine bar, both pulled out their weapons on each other and ended up in a standoff, only for Evie Flynn to intrude and settle the situation down.

    About a week after the July 4th event, Jackson, accompanied by his friends Jensen Brown and Juniper Jacobs, went to go visit Mas at her homestead out in the Heartlands, where Jensen had to bury a dead creature he had left in her home. Upon burial, Jensen, trying to smear mud on Jackson, was warned that he would be thrown into the tar fields if he did so. Upon doing it, Jackson grab Jensen, and proceeded to run across the Heartlands and dump Jensen into the tar field, before being subdued by Evie Flynn and Juniper. Upon waking up in the doctor's office, Jensen was viewed to have surgery to remove his eye, with Evie threatening Jackson's genitals at knife point for the firearm he won at the July 4th event, which she promptly handed over to Jensen as a sort of payback for the damage he did. Jackson would soon be doing everything in his power, to try and get the the gun back.

    One such thing was a trip to Guarma, where Jackson tried to mystify Jensen in the art of the age of piracy, where both Jackson and Juniper lost Jensen in the thick jungle, only to find him hours of later scowling about being left behind. Another situation was where Jackson tried fishing with Jensen and Juniper, with no avail.

    Unfortunately, The Boston Blinders, to no avail, chased him out of state once they found out Jackson's disguise, to the east, where Jackson hid back up north in Canada, losing them in the soon winter of 1901.


    May 1902

    Sure that The Boston Blinders were no longer after him, Jackson left the comfort of his home country to continue seeking wealth back out west. Upon first returning, Jackson inquired about the many whereabouts of old colleagues and friends, with many having either passed, such as Michael Brooke, to having been imprisoned, such as Jensen Brown, to having left state, such as Mas Blanche.

    One of the first people he visited was Juniper, who had now married a rather tall and dashing man, at least in comparison to Jackson, Rhodri Arber. Jackson and Juniper regalled in many memories, good and bad, and Jackson inquired about the firearm, to which Jackson thoroughly discovered the imprisonment of Jensen in Sisika Penitentiary. He would find out what happened to it, no matter what.

    November 1902

    In his efforts to discover the whereabouts of the firearm, Jackson would consult many lawyers over the months, as well as try to reach Jensen, to no avail. His final option, at least in his eyes, was to join the Department of Prisons. From here, he had access to look at Jensen's prison files, where one name popped up continuously, Mas Blanche. He then deduced that most likely, her want for the firearm was to be expected and in her position of law enforcement at the time, had gotten the firearm from Jensen in some form of way or another. He would try and reach out to her. In the meantime, Jackson continued his training in the Department of Prisons, as the money was stable and the job was easy in comparison to what he had done in the past.

    December 1902

    Upon travelling between shifts at Sisika, Jackson encountered Mas Blanche again , recalling old memories, good and bad, and the friends they had both lost. By pure luck he came across her and inquired about the telegrams he sent, did she have the gun. Unfortunately for Jackson, she did, but had already passed it on along another track, where the person had left the state. Feeling bad for him, Mas Blanche gave him a pretty rarely made, Birch Engraved Bolt-Action Rifle. While this satisfied Jackson for a time, he still craved for the firearm he once lost.


    January 1903

    As the new year rolled around, during a normal training shift, Jackson was fighting in the breakout of a prisoner, where he personally took part of the firing squad that ended the life of Vander Ripley. Jackson would continue his training with the DOP, followed by putting up posters attempting to find a new gun. The shifts at Sisika seemed to vary between the brutal slog with certain co-workers, to good times with some of them like Faolain Lancaster.

    February 1903

    This month had nothing in particular occur, aside from the intake and release of many prisoners, notable ones such as Alan Watson, Felix Nileson, Albert Windsor, with some minor ones such as California Chris, Idaho Isaac and some saying they were wrongfully accused such as Elspeth Stewart and James "Hakkar" Harris.

    March 1903

    At the turn of the month, the same two inmates, being Elspeth Stewart and James "Hakkar" Harris, were on work detail with Aiden Breen where they escaped when wolves attacked the detail. Soon after, the former would die during recapture and the latter escaping to Mexico. Another large noticeable incident occurred involving the attempted murder of former State Representative Archer Cassidy by his former fellow gang member Blake Waters, which had resulted in their coma. Waters was swiftly handled by fellow prison guard Jordan Daniels, in which a full confession came to light.

    April 1903

    Jackson continued on with his job within the DOP, growing further dissatisfied with the treatment by many of the newer Watchmen. Seeing constant less familiar faces and more unfamiliar ones started making Jackson feel out of place in his work environment, even in participating with the executions of many prisoners, like Banjo "Cousin" Coo, Vesper Vicious and more, growing evermore insensitive to the death that surrounded the Department of Prisons.

    July 1903

    The breaking point soon arrived months later, with Jackson quitting the Department of Prisons, tired of the little change and favoritism displayed within its walls. He would soon set his sights on returning to his little room in Valentine, and make it home again.


    TrustedSean O'Sullivan
    Faolain Lancaster
    Hank Harold
    Jebediah Wilkes
    Rico Sansol
    Spencer York
    Kirk McMillan
    Tidus Landstream
    Dehlia McCall
    Jensen Brown
    Juniper Arber (Formerly Juniper Jacobs)
    Flynn Delaney (Formerly Flynn O'Brady)
    Arizona Moses
    Joseph Manning
    Quinc Wright
    Jacob Loveday (Formerly Jacob Stark)
    Samti Smet
    Quinn Holloway


    AcquaintancesWayne Kennedy
    Dewey Mercer
    Mas Blanche
    Lachlyn Kennedy (Formerly Lachlyn Fares)
    Scarlett Storm
    Frank Moses
    Lincoln McCormick
    Evie Flynn
    Vincenzo Bonnetti
    Michael Brooke
    Frank Landmark
    Everett Enderby (Formerly Everett Dufresne)
    Kragen Murdoch
    Jack Cecile
    Joy Goode
    Ivan Ulvsbane
    Lincoln McCormick
    Eira McCormick
    Arizona Moses (Formerly Arizona McCormick)
    Frank Moses
    Apollo Alovich
    Duke Brown
    Nathan Daniels



    EnemiesTeddy Lauret
    Arthur Kennedy
    Rueben Kennedy
    Alexander Kennedy
    Johnny Steele
    Thompson Greene
    Keri Shelby
    Wyatt Connors
    Henry McCall
    Felix Mercer




    "I didn't do nothin'"
    "I want my Bloody Navy..."


    ● Tends to have the worst luck at everything, except when trying to stay alive.
    ● Always wears the same hat between outfits except his disguises.
    ● Prefers to wear gloves, due the sensitivity of the scar on his hand.
    ● Has an unhealthy love for his old Bloody Navy Revolver.

    Journal of Events and Thoughts:
    Journal of an Out of Luck Canuck - The Private Journal of Jackson Trevok

    Jackson Trevok









    6' 0"


    200 lbs


    January 14th, 1875


    Toronto, Ontario, Canada



    Marital Status:



    Christopher Trevok - Alive
    Donna Burne - Deceased
    James Trevok - Alive


    Prison Guard


    The Out of Luck Canuck
    Riff Gunning
    Mr. Trevor

    Faction Affiliations:

    The Lost River Company - Disbanded
    Callaghan & Co. - Disbanded
    The Boston Blinders - Disbanded
    Darn Tootins - Disbanded
    Department of Prisons - Former
    Maple Men Security - Current