Liberty Mae

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  • Liberty Mae Hollister


    At first glance she appears to be a much younger woman, but on closer inspection, her brown hair has begun to grey lightly around her temples. Her hair is always tied back low on her neck in what she describes as a birds nest. She is of average height and weight, slightly on the thin side due to forgetting to eat throughout the day. Her eyes are green and her skin is fair. She does not wear any makeup to add to her appearance. She is an avid believer in the versatility of the poncho and has one on or with her at all times. It is said her love for the poncho began due to her stubbornness. She usually wears a colorful skirt, swearing never to be found in trousers.

    Early Life 

    Born February 14, 1869 in Chicago, Illinois. The only child of Caroline (maiden name Parker) & William Wright. Liberty was formally educated and raised to be a proper young woman. Under her mother’s watchful eye her upbringing was focused on her ultimately becoming a wife and mother. To her mother’s delight, she excelled in cooking and sewing. But much to her mother’s dismay Liberty’s father spoiled her a bit and taught her about the constellations and how to play the guitar. Liberty embraced her life calling and truly looked forward to the day that she would fulfill it.

    Her marriage to James Goodnight was arraigned by her parents when she was 18. James was a banker in her father’s bank. They courted like most couples and the match was determined to be a good one. They were married in 1888, just before her 19th birthday. Their marriage was happy in spite of taking many years before they were blessed with children. In the late winter of 1897 she gave birth to a son, William James Goodnight. Then in the summer of 1898, Thomas Parker Goodnight was born to the overjoyed couple. Liberty flourished as a wife and now finally a mother.

    In 1898, one week before Christmas, Liberty’s infant, Thomas, suddenly came down with a fever. He passed away quickly, before a doctor could even be called. A few months later in March of 1899, Liberty was hanging the laundry and two year-old William wandered near a horse and was kicked. He died instantly. Liberty struggled with the deaths of her boys and made every attempt to help her husband through the difficult time, but he started drinking heavily, gambling and coming home less and less. Eventually, in spite of all her efforts, he stopped coming home entirely. There was a lot of gossip in her social circle surrounding the deaths of her children and her husband’s abandonment. Liberty, feeling she had nowhere to turn, choose to leave Chicago for the West. She hoped to go all the way to San Francisco, but was swindled out of her money on the train and was forced off the train in St. Denis.

    Present Life 

    June - August 1899
    Finding herself in New Alexandria without sufficient funds, Liberty fretted about becoming a beggar woman. Determined to not become one, she struck up a conversation with the gunsmith in Rhodes who gave her a ride to Valentine to meet Mr. Ely who ran the Saloon in Valentine. Liberty had never held a job and is sure that Mr. Ely would never have hired her if it wasn’t for Mr. Hart who had a propensity to enjoy watching figurative train wrecks. Mr. Hart quickly smoothed over Mr. Ely’s valid concern that she would be unfit to work in the saloon and she was hired on the spot. Liberty did not live up to be the complete train wreck Mr. Hart might have hoped for, but she did have a lot of difficulty in her job and most days she hated it.

    Liberty & 2nd husband, Frank Moses

    In the early days in the saloon Liberty felt she did not fit in, especially with the other women of New Alexandria, WHO WEAR PANTS! Noticing her sadness, her good friend, Grant Steward, introduced her to Frank Moses, thinking they were very similar and thus began the fast-paced love affair with Frank. Liberty and Frank seemed like the perfect couple and were married July 29th, 1899. Liberty blossomed as a new wife and barmaid. At this time she realized she actually loved Valentine, her job and the people she knew there. Unfortunately, multiple circumstances drove a wedge between Liberty & Frank and they divorced September 1, 1899. Liberty retained the Moses last name because she was still in love with Frank and quietly prayed for a reconciliation that would never come.

    September 1899
    In early September 1899, the Great Valentine Plague occurred and all of Valentine was closed for quarantine. Liberty suddenly found herself unemployed, unmarried, and starting to feel desperate. Her desperation grew as she watched her savings dwindle to .21cents. During the early days of the quarantine her path crossed many times with a Deputy James Hollister. She lamented to him about her dwindling funds and he offered to buy a lot of stew from her to give to the sick at McFarlands Ranch. Unknown to Deputy Hollister, Liberty’s desperation had reached a boiling point the previous night when she found herself in her buggy parked on the train tracks outside Rhodes. Her friends who found her sitting there had no idea her true intention that night since she laughed it off as a silly place to sit and look at her map. Deputy Hollister’s stew order and subsequent encouragement to create a new saloon location was instrumental in turning Liberty’s world around as her focus changed from herself and her troubles, to focusing on the needs of others. She soon busied herself making quilts and starting Liberty’s Saloon at the Shooting Tree – a place for folks who were scattered by the sickness to gather once again.

    James Hollister and Liberty start spending time together and quickly learn they enjoy one another’s company. The relationship is a surprise for Liberty since she wasn’t looking for anything after two failed marriages and in the middle of a pandemic.

    October 1899
    Liberty, frustrated with the way her life has gone in New Alexandria, determines she needs her Lord front and center in her life once again. She admits to pushing God aside since the deaths of her children so she renews her relationship with God and begins placing a larger importance on her faith daily. As a result, Liberty starts making weekly charitable outreach trips to the Gypsy Camp in Rhodes, North St. Denis and Butchers Creek. Her desire is to provide some relief for folks who may be feeling desperate due to their circumstances in life.

    Liberty's handiwork

    November 1899
    Liberty continues her charity work with great satisfaction. She starts working less and less in the saloon in Valentine for a variety of reasons and starts to look into other pursuits. James Hollister proposes to Liberty on the island in O'Creagh's Run on November 22nd. She happily accepts his proposal.

    James proposes to Liberty

    December 1899
    James is gravely injured by the Comanche coward, BloodMouth and his lower left arm was amputated. That same day, December 28th, Liberty is kidnapped by another man who has a beef with James. Her horse is killed and her life is threatened until she gives information about her deputy friends and love. He is still at large, however she has heard he was caught for a different crime and is serving time in prison. Liberty spent the last few days of 1899 feeling she had lost the man she loved and feared the injury took more than just his arm. She struggled with thoughts of all the suffering she wanted to inflict on BloodMouth and worried those thoughts and desires would ultimately jeopardize her eternity. Her pain and wrath subsided as the days passed and she spent more and more time by James side in the hospital.

    Liberty & Rosie

    January 1900
    James decides he has had enough time in the hospital and leaves with Liberty. To her delight she discovers he still possesses his sense of humor and in spite of his injury is still the man she knows and loves. On the way home from the hospital, James suggests they marry immediately. James & Liberty marry on January 3, 1900 at their home in a simple ceremony with Pastor Stone. Liberty manages to push the painful memories of their ordeal to the back of her mind as she embraces her new life as a wife once again and her and James discuss their plans for the future together.

    Liberty struggles with the loss of her beloved horse, Rosie and can not bear to look at replacement horses. She had been riding Victory, James' horse while he recovered from his injury and had developed a fondness for him. In a selfless act of love, James gives Victory to Liberty and chooses another horse for himself, one that is younger and better able to manage the rigorous work of a deputy. Victory was a gift to James from a Chief when James saved his son while guarding the Wounded Knee Reservation. Liberty realizes the importance of this gift from her husband and gratefully accepts the horse as her own.

    James and Liberty joyfully rejoice upon learning she is expecting their first child. Their hopes for the future are now magnified with the prospect of a family they both greatly desire.

    Liberty & Victory

    Liberty & James pray together.

    February 1900
    New Alexandria experiences increased hostilities in New Austin and on February 16, 1900, two days after her 31st birthday, her beloved James is fatally injured while performing his duties as a Sheriff Deputy in New Austin. Liberty's world is crushed. She is devistated her child will never know his father and decided to create a memory book of all the letters, telegrams and stories about James so she would have a record to share with her child.
    The book is here: James Hollister Memory Book

    March - April 1900
    Liberty struggles quietly with her grief and finds solace in distributing her stew to the Sheriff Deputies & Recruits throughout the state. This simple act keeps her active and focused on others as she fights her swings in grief. To add to her stress, she watches her finances dwindle and refuses assistance even in the face of an empty bank account. She manages to exist on donations from friends who insist as well as sales of her quilts.

    After weeks of pondering what she should do and dwindling finances, she finally decides to enter the race for State Representative for New Alexandria. She campaigns on a shoestring budget as best as she can but eventually the stress and long days catch up to her and her pregnancy becomes at risk. Forced to rest more, Liberty surprises herself and wins one of the three State Representative seats. During this time Liberty is also surprised with a proposition from a long time friend and her ex-husband, Frank Moses, has returned to New Alexandria after being gone since August 1899.


    May 1900
    On the 6th of May in the early morning hours Liberty gave birth to a son, James Frank Hollister. His middle name after Deputy Frank Hamer, good friend of Liberty and long-time friend to James. A quick telegram for assistance to the Sheriff's office brought many friends of hers and James by the house that day. The happiness she felt over the birth of a healthy baby was bittersweet as she was surrounded by her Sheriff's office family. The absence of her husband pulled on her heart even greater this day.


    Liberty & Baby James at Hollister's grave.

    Over the past few months, Liberty had grown closer to Charity Lawson and was pleased to have a friend like her. Making time to see her friend proved extremely difficult so one emotional night, Liberty asked Charity to help her ditch her security detail so the two girls could spend some quality "girl time" together. That night Liberty shared with Charity the thoughts and feelings about her future that she had been trying to process. The surprising proposition from her long time friend was suddenly at the forefront of her mind since the birth of Baby James. Liberty still struggled daily with her grief over losing her husband. But now she was presented with the cold fact that her son needed a father. A father in flesh and blood, not just stories and pictures in a book.

    On her very first outing with Baby James, Liberty, her security and a friend were robbed at gunpoint. Not too long after, a plot to kidnap Liberty and use her for leverage against the Sheriff's office was uncovered. The reality of the hostilities in the state and her desire to protect her son at all costs drove Liberty to reach out to an attorney and draft a will. The will would ensure a guardian for Baby James should anything happen to her. Her will became the very first will notarized in the state and she slept easier knowing Baby James would be cared for and loved.

    Liberty continued to grieve for James in-spite of a small tug that had developed on her heart for her long time friend. She welcomed her busy schedule and his absence with his work to distract her from those thoughts.

    Deliveries with Tommy True

    There was always someone willing to talk politics and Liberty poured herself into her work for the state. She engaged in word battles with her colleague, State Rep Dexter Silo on a regular basis and soon had developed an ally she trusted even though they seemed to disagree on many things.

    Liberty hired an attorney, Marvin Logue, to write her will and for the first time her plans with Tommy True are in front of a strangers eyes. Expecting judgement, Liberty felt much shame and the need to explain her will. She was beyond surprise at the loving, understanding response Mr. Logue gave her. Liberty and Tommy wanted nothing more than for their children to know the happiness of a family and a sibling. But neither of them were ready for another partner. So they agreed to be the missing parent to one another's child. Although this arrangement was all about the children, Liberty experienced so much healing by being allowed to dote over Tommy's little Emerald who was almost a year old. Liberty moved into the house in St. Denis where Emerald and Tommy's mother were living since her home was just too unsafe for her and baby James alone.

    June - July 1900
    Who would have thought that a request that seemed simple enough from the Marshall's office would spark such a debate among the legislators. The reworking of the bounty system was presented to the legislators and Liberty happily took it up. It was weeks of work but ultimately, H.R. 84 Bounties & Outlaw Status was signed into law. It was such a victory for the state and it's citizens. Unfortunately, not all citizens were happy with the law. A gang by the name of the Millers expressed their dislike for the law, which was not surprising since they choose to break most laws within the state. Their most notable crime in Liberty's eyes was the continued harassment of the Swan Saloon in Rhodes, run by one of Liberty's friends, Rosie Grey. The gang did not like the price of a beer and forced Ms. Grey to change her price or face consequences. She did try to bend to their desires but it seemed to break her spirit and she did not run the saloon much after that and it was soon closed for good. To say Liberty hated the Millers for crushing Rosie's dream is an understatement. The Millers catch up to Liberty and demand she veto or repeal the Bounty/Outlaw law or else. She was given 72 hours with no actual consequences given. Of course, even if she could repeal the law, Liberty would do no such thing. She hired additional security and the 72 hours came and went with no contact from the Millers. They continued to prove to her that they were cowards, hoping to push people around with their threats.


    Savan LeFou - Best Friend & Drinking Buddy - Security
    Rush - Prospector and very good friend
    Charity Lawson - best friend and confidant
    Tommy True - it's complicated.
    BloodMouth - Mortal enemy, currently can not find forgiveness in her heart for the coward. DECEASED


    “A well-fed man is a better behaved man.”
    "New Alexandria needs Jesus."
    “Do you want to see my handiwork?”


    Liberty firmly believes Roy has Mange and refuses to pet him. In fact, she has never petted him and has no plans of ever doing so.

    Liberty's horse is an American Paint that she named Rosie. Liberty is convinced Rosie hates her name since she was given no warning by the man she purchased her from. He just immediately insisted she give the horse a name once she decided on purchasing her. From the time Liberty purchased her, Rosie has taken every opportunity to kick Liberty or anyone else around. The horse's temper has been slightly improved with the addition of honey-soaked classic oat cakes as suggested by Deputy James Hollister. Rosie has been stolen 4 times. Rosie was murdered by a criminal with a beef to pick with Deputy Hollister. Killed on December 28, 1899

    Liberty Mae Hollister













    February 14, 1869


    Chicago, Illinois



    Marital Status:

    Widow of Detective James Hollister - deceased


    Parents: Caroline & William Wright - deceased
    Ex-Spouse: James Goodnight - alive
    Frank Moses - alive
    Sons: William & Thomas Goodnight - deceased
    James Frank Hollister - alive


    Valentine Saloon barmaid
    State Representative - New Hanover


    Injustice (outlaw persona)
    Beans (nickname from Rush)

    Faction Affiliations:

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