Nathan Blackwell

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    Nathan Blackwell


    Nathan Blackwell, a man of many faces. A relatively quiet and calculated man, capable of striking unexpectedly and swiftly. Capable of letting his enemy strike first, just so that he could make his next move so much more painful. Nathan's past is filled with pain and regret at his choices, however he does not lack discipline, he can show restraint, he does not forget, he holds onto things said and can take weeks and even months before he even shows his true reaction to something. He fully trusts in his abilities, but tends to hide the fact that he's good with weapons, to lower his opponents guard. He likes to act as if he's just a kind guy, when in reality Nathan is only suppressing his much darker side that lurks behind his smile, just begging to come out at the first chance.

    Yet, he can prove vulnerable as well, his past pains him and almost nobody knows what has actually happened to him and who he really is, Nathan rarely opens up to anybody and to those he does, he shows his full trust. But what he values most is loyalty and respect. He treats people with respect and can prove kind to those who deserve his kindness, but very few do. He’s capable of staying completely quiet for longer periods of time, and some people would rather not disturb him during this time. Nathan's past has shaped him into something nobody could have predicted, what was once a kind, happy kid was now an incredibly dark and dangerous man, who does his best to hide his feelings from others, not hesitant to inflict pain.

    Early Life 

    A large part of Nathan's past remains a secret, however from what is known, Nathan was initially just a regular, happy child, born in Trieste, Italy who would shortly after birth, move to Koper (Capodistria), Slovenia, but would after a few years due to ongoing problems in the country move to Worthing, England. He stayed there a few years, where a notorious group of Thugs known as the Krakens, would choose Nathan as their next toy. Nathan was little else but a kind young fisherman at that point, who had been repeatedly beaten by the group. However, one day things went too far when the group burned down his home. Nathan was left alone and emotionally damaged beyond repair, he left for the woods, to a nearby hunter who took him in. He started learning how to use various items and weapons ranging from bows to rifles. Nathan's dedication to revenge saw his smile slowly fade as his once former self started to fade and he started turning into a much more dangerous man than many could imagine.

    Early life - Part 2

    After a few years had passed, Nathan decided to make his move. Calculated and precise, he eliminated 7 of the 8 thugs involved in the burning of his home. The last one was already gone by the time Nathan had reached him. However not everything went as planned, during Nathan's attack on one of those members of the group, the hunter who had taken Nathan in, was killed in the mix. The hunter was simply passing by as Nathan and the thug were fighting and as the Hunter ran to help out, the thug had managed to draw Nathan's firearm, shooting the Hunter. Nathan's only known scar as of now is on his back from this very fight with the thug, reminding him forever of what had happened that day. As the shot was fired Nathan's immediate surge of rage saw him massacre the thug worse than anybody ever before. The pain and regret proved too much as his past and now the present had caught up with him on the spot, breaking him once more. He wasn't done, he made an even darker step forward, one nobody could have predicted, he burned down the entire camp of the Krakens, not stopping just the eight men who caused the damage to him, but to everyone else that mattered to them. As Nathan had realized that he had lost control of himself, he stayed isolated for well over a year.

    Present Life 

    After well over a year of isolation, Nathan was finally ready to move on from what had happened, leaving for the state of New Alexandria, hoping to start a new life, where on the 5th of May 1902 he landed in Saint Denis.

    The Four Horsemen Saloon


    When Nathan arrived in Saint Denis, he did not know what to do or where to go, so his first thought was to head for the Saloon and surprisingly enough, Nathan had walked into the Bastille, The Four Horsemen Saloon. One of the most Famous and well renowned establishments in New Alexandria. There he would meet Lip Darmon and Sonny Harris. Sonny would hire him as his personal bodyguard and would also teach Nathan things he needed to know about the state and the people around it. Eventually, Sonny had taken Nathan into the Four Horsemen as an employee, therefore being a member of the Horsemen, as their employees are called. Sonny and Nathan would develop a friendship bond through their time together as they were able to understand each other, having similar pasts. On the 24th of March 1902 Nathan had finally signed the contract to formally start working at the Four Horsemen Saloon as Security. Throughout his time at the Horsemen, Nathan would befriend the members of the Horsemen, getting particularly close to Sonny Harris formerly known as Cosmo Cotton.

    Wendigo Firearms

    On the 30th of March 1902 Nathan travelled to Valentine, where he entered the Wendigo Firearms store, where the oldest and most known gunsmith in state, Silas Winchester had worked on his weapons, Nathan had his Bolt Action Rifle, Lancaster Repeater, Volcanic Pistol and Double Barrel Shotgun improved and customised. However, his LeMat Revolver was replaced with another LeMat, labelled by its engraving "The Widowmaker".

    This weapon was designed by Silas himself years ago, for a friend by the name of Damien Crowe, who despite being a wanted man at the time, was being helped by Silas, who had considered him a close friend. The two had shared a friendship in secrecy and they even agreed that he would not mess with any of his people as well.. The man had used it to rob banks and rich people all over the state, nobody that had anything of value was safe. However, he made one fatal slip while robbing the bank in Valentine, where he took somebody close to Silas hostage. When Silas warned him of his mistake, the man did not care and eventually, Silas pulled the trigger, putting him down. Now the LeMat Revolver is in Nathan’s hands, who has had the handle changed to signify that it belongs to a different owner, who will use the firearm with a different mentality and for different purposes than its original owner.

    The Castillo Family

    During his time in state, it was obvious to Nathan from the very moment he stepped foot into the city of Saint Denis that it was run by the Castillo Family. The Family ruled with peace, by investing time and money into the city allowing it to prosper and for the people of Saint Denis to respect the Family. The Family would protect the citizens of Saint Denis from other gangs, families and thugs, leaving a positive first impression to Nathan, despite it being obvious to him that the Castillo's weren't angels either, being involved in both legal and ilegal activities in the background. Nathan ran into the Castillo's the moment he stepped foot into Saint Denis, nowhere else but The Four Horsemen Saloon where he met the likes of Ylva Castillo, Lars Stefano, Nino Moretti, Leonardo Agosti and Jacco Vinke all on his first few days there.

    On the 2nd of June 1902 during his stay at The Four Horsemen Saloon, he was approached by the Caporegime of the Castillo Family Nino Moretti. The two spoke on the balcony of the Four Horsemen, where Nathan was told that the Family had been keeping a close eye on him for a while now. Nathan was formally given the offer to join the Family. Surprised by the offer he had asked for some time to think about the offer, since such a choice isn't an easy one, especially since once you're in, there is very little ways of leaving the Family. The offer had caused a great dilemma within Nathan as his mind was set on what he wanted to do, but somehow he wasn't sure. He wanted to make sure that this was the right choice and certainly the next couple of days weren't easy on him as he failed to sleep much, constantly thinking about it. In the end, he was only delaying the inevitable as he tossed a coin. If the coin landed on Heads he would join the Family, if it landed on Tails, he would reconsider and make sure this was the right choice, naturally, the coin landed on Heads, just as Nathan had expected. Finally, on the 7th of June 1902, Nathan Blackwell, would formally accept the offer to join the family, becoming an associate of the Family, embracing his new role and pledging his allegiance to the Family and it was on this day, that Nathan also met the Don of the Castillo Family himself.

    On the 22nd of July 1902, Nathan Would Finally receive the belt buckle of the family, proving himself to the family, going from Family Associate to becoming a Made Man of the Family, then later on the 20th of October 1902, he would become a Caporegime and leader of the black hand within the family.

    As things, seemed to be going well, they were not, On the 9th of December 1902, Lars Stefan was executed by the family, which created a large void of conflict within the family, as they disagreed with what had happened, unable to believe that had happened. The majority of the family agreed that the leadership had taken things too far and had stopped doing what was best for the family, instead doing what they wanted to do. It was due to this, that the family had slip and had decided to hunt down their leader, the Don of the family. On the 13th of December 1902, The Castillo Family, would be no more in the state of Alexandria as Luca Castillo would disband them through the public telegram system, but that did not save him from the later revenge, where he was shot by Ylva Stefan.

    The Aftermath

    Following the collapse of the Castillo Family, Nathan had fallen into a deep state of depression. He had lost his way, tired, exhausted and conflicted, he spent months at home doing nothing but smoking and drinking. He believes he made mistakes and it was too late to repair them. He came out a damaged man, regardless of what he says, he indeed was a Castillo. He returned to society months later a changed man, no longer as kind as he once was almost seeking for a way back into his old life.

    The next chapter of his life is currently being written...


    The Castillo Family - [Former Caporegime]

    The Four Horsemen Saloon - [Formerly Employed under The Four Horsemen Security Branch.]


    "Un Diavolo Scaccia l'altro"
    Direct Translation from Italian: One devil drives out another.
    Common spoken: It takes a devil to kill a devil.


    Nathan's birth name isn't Nathan Blackwell, when he moved to New Alexandria, he adopted this new name, it is unknown what his past identity was.

    Prefers to wear darker clothes over bright colors.


    Rose Gray Andalusian - Andy the Andalusian [No Longer Owned] - Nathan Blackwell's very first horse, initially had no name, but upon meeting Lip Darmon and Sonny Harris, he was told that horses are more than just a tool, and the horse was named Andy. The horse was used for the first two weeks of his time in state, before sitting in the stables for roughly 4 weeks, before Nathan traded the Horse to Sonny Harris in exchange for a White Face Missouri Fox Trotter named Aphrodite.

    Silver Dark Bay Hungarian Half-Bred - Delilah [Secondary Horse] - A war horse, capable of handling just about anything, it's used to cover longer distances at a steady pace, but unfortunately the horse can't handle Nathan's need for pace and with its very little stamina, the horse was used for just a shorter period of time that is until he acquired Aphrodite. Currently Delilah is Nathan's secondary horse.

    White Face Missouri Fox Trotter - Aphrodite [Primary Horse] - Also known as Demon Horse, the horse can detect fear and dislikes gingers. The horse itself fills fear into foes and anyone that may be dangerous, it has immense speed, fears little to no predators and can run for longer periods of time unlike others. This horse is Nathan's primary horse and was given to him by Sonny Harris in exchange for Andy the Andalusian.


    Nathan did not bring any known belongings from overseas, but has acquired a few during his time in state.
    Castillo Family Belt BuckleOnce displayed Nathan's loyalty and pride in being a member of the Castillo Family. Now only a reminder of his past.
    Gold Pocket Watch
    Show's that Nathan gives money little value despite being quite wealthy, not afraid to throw it out on things he wants.
    "Widowmaker" LeMat RevolverFormerly belonged to Damien Crowe also known as the Demon of Alexandria. Was given to Nathan by Silas Winchester when Nathan entered Wendigo Firearms, looking to upgrade his firearms.
    Pebble with initials N.B. engraved on itPebble was given to Nathan by Sonny Harris. It shows Sonny's trust and care for Nathan and he has kept it on him until the death of Sonny.
    JournalJust a place for Nathan to write freely about his day. Journal is mostly empty.
    Sawn-Off ShotgunGiven by Wallace Bithrow on Olaf Olsen's request as a means for Lip Darmon to protect himself after having been shot twice. Lip has since not used the weapon and has gifted it to Nathan since he could put it to much better use. Item was returned to Mr. Darmon following the fall of the Castillo Family.


    Not many are aware of Nathan's habits except those who are truly close to him.
    Tends to observe his sidearmStares at his sidearm, looking at it and taking care of it.
    Stepping away from everyone and just staring into the distanceTakes a moment for himself, to think about things and clear his mind.
    Taking control of different situationsLikes to take charge in situations where he feels his intervention is needed.


    Not many know of Nathan's wounds or injuries, but the few that do, know the story behind it.
    Single scar on his backA reminder to that dark fateful day when Nathan was stabbed and the Hunter who had helped him was killed.


    Nathan generally has very good self control, however even then, there are triggers that can get him spiraling out of control.
    Mentioning events from his pastCan cause Nathan to either walk away, getting freaked out or even pulling a gun on the person who brought it up, depending on who the person is.

    Nathan Blackwell









    193cm / 6'3


    87kg / 191lbs


    11th September, 1877


    Trieste, Italy



    Marital Status:







    Faction Affiliations:

    The Castillo Family [Former]
    The Horsemen [Former]