Ryder White

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  • Ryder White


    Ryder is a tall male, with short blonde hair. ALways cares about his appearance and will always be wearing grey for his affiliation with The Colts. He naturally wears a black cowboy hat. He never has facial hair as he does not like the way it feels. Apart from that one time in the Winter.

    Early Life 

    Ryder was born to Daniel and Sky White in Blackwater, New Alexandria in November 1861. Daniel and Sky owned a tailor shop from their home just outside Blackwater. Sky was the main seamstress and worked hard at her job while Daniel was not on the correct side of the law. Daniel would ride away days at a time to different towns to commit crimes to keep it away from the family. When Ryder was 10 years old his family was driven out of Blackwater after Daniel stole from a wealthy family and was forced to go into hiding making them move down to Tumbleweed.

    Sky set up her little tailor shop in Tumbleweed to give the people a little more normalize, and to connect with the community. Ryder lived a few doors down from the Colt Family, with who Daniel and Ryder started to connect well. Ryder connected with Ethan and started to do everything with him, learning the skills needed to start committing a crime which Daniel never wanted to teach him. Ryder never really connected with others well but always could trust Ethan and Wyatt. At the age of 18 in 1879 he joined the United States Army under the 2nd Infantry Regiment, he stayed in the military for a few years before discharging out in 1884 after fighting in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho Territory, dealing with the Third Indian War Period against the Nez Perce, the Bannocks and then the Sheepeaters.

    Ryder met back up with Ethan during his career in the “Dead Eye Gang” and kept following orders and being the go-between for the other States. While working in Alabama Ryder met a beautiful Field Medic called Stella Haven, who recently moved from the United Kingdom. She and Ryder connected and they fully understood each other however Stella had some deep past, which Ryder helped with. Ryder at the beginning of his friendship with Stella developed feelings and acted on them however was rejected by Stella and he hasn’t tried to date anyone since.

    Present Life 

    Ryder wanted to assist Ethan in expanding the business over to more States and headed to New Alexandria with Wyatt West. On their first day, Wyatt was brutally murdered and Ryder humiliated. Ryder informed Ethan of the matter and Ethan traveled to New Alexandria and that was when they decided to form the gang called “The Colts” with Ruby West, Jesse Sterling, and Elias Haines. After a few months, Ryder invited Stella to come and live in New Alexandria after she was starting to cause issues in Alabama. Stella joined The Colts and life was going well until she lost control of her mind and was murdered by Deputies. Ryder, who was going back and forth between New Alexandria and other States to continue Operations, was informed of her death when he came back.
    Ethan requested the Operations in the other States to be halted which Ryder complied and went back to the other States closing down the “Dead Eye Gang” operations and becoming full time in New Alexandria.

    Ryder has been staying in New Alexandria and working closely with The Colts and their partners. He has started doing basic Private Security when needed. He keeps his head down and to himself.


    The Colts - July 1899 to Present
    Dead Eye Gang - 1884 to July 1899
    United States Army - 1879 - 1884


    "It's a Funeral... I dress my best."
    "Oh for bloody hell Ruby"


    Ryder White











    180 lbs


    November 19th, 1861




    American English

    Marital Status:



    Daniel White (Father) (Deceased)
    Sky White (Mother) (Deceased)
    Ethan Colt (Brother) (Alive)
    Wyatt Colt (Brother) (Alive)
    Stella Haven (Adopted Sister) (Deceased)

    Ruby Colt (Sister-in-Law) (Deceased)
    Ivy Colt (Neice) (Alive)
    Judith Colt (Neice) (Deceased)
    River Colt (Neice) (Alive)
    Dallas Colt (Nephew) (Alive)





    Faction Affiliations: