The Colts

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  • The Colt Gang


    The Colts have notorious values that derive from intimidation, force and a willingness to openly express their intentions through actions of brutal strength and power. More then just another gang in New Alexandria, they value their members openly as a structured family of menacing, but respect oriented individuals from all walks of life. One of the biggest factors that typically separate them over other groups is that if they give their word, they keep it. Many rumors of the group paint all sorts of different portrayals of who they are and what they do, but little seems to be known about their intentions, as they often operate in an era of uncertainty and people generally are never really sure of what exactly they will do in any type of situation, lending additional credibility to the hearsay making it's way around the state.


    Ethan, realizing he wasn't getting any younger, had dispatched elements of his gang, which included Wyatt West and Ryder White, to New Alexandria, to scope out the area for opportunity. After Wyatt was brutally murdered in Valentine, Ryder remained and Ethan Colt had set foot in Blackwater to have a look at the situation and make a determination on moving the gang to the area, to which it was agreed to be done after a chat with Ryder. He was filled with eagerness to do things a little bit differently, slow down from the days of his glory filled youth, to maybe find love, have children and live differently for a change and most importantly, establish a different type of gang that would challenge the status quo of anything that had been experienced before in the State.

    The Colts were formed under Ethan's namesake in New Alexandria after discussion with Ryder White, the acquisition of Ruby West (Ruby Colt), Jesse Sterling and Elias Haines. This group grew rapidly and it did not take long at all to establish their presence to the deputies and other citizens of the state.

    Since the Founding of the Gang in New Alexandria in July of 1899, they have had many challenges cast upon them. They started out to quickly assert themselves into this new world. This was then quickly realized that their was importance to focusing on the gang and valuing the people within it, to slow their actions down, to enjoy the life that they lived, together. As a gang they have lost many of those whom they have loved dearly and have gained many new faces that help continue the life they hold so dear.

    The Colt Gang resides just to the East of the Oil Fields in the Heartlands and consider the Heartlands their home. This is not the location to come and abuse, as the homestead to which this large gang resides, is sacred ground. They will defend it to the very end and have no issue with making that point to others, as often as it is needed.

    Vilify us, make us out to be your enemy, talk poorly about our resolve and never not keep a watchful eye upon yourself and those you seek to care for, as the sound of hooves and clacking iron will be heard, felt and dealt.


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    The Colt Gang




    Date Founded:



    Roslyn Colt
    John Colt


    Rachel Reaper
    Fred Benton
    August Knight
    Wyatt Colt
    Jericho Kelly
    Franklin Black
    Rose Kendall
    Storm Riviera
    Thomas Dewitt
    Henry Knight
    Ellis Hawkins
    Ambroise Galbraith
    Ivy Colt
    Vander Hawk
    Samuel Faraday
    Sam Holt
    Scarlet Prescott