Vyacheslav Volotski

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  • Vyacheslav Yuri Volotski (WIP)


    Vyacheslav is a tall and imposing figure, standing at an impressive height of 6'9" and weighing 250 lbs. He has a burly build, suggesting that he is strong and physically capable. Despite his size, he is described as being soft, which could suggest a gentle or kind personality.
    He appears with green eyes and a few scattered moles that are barely noticeable. His dark hair and large trimmed beard suggest that he takes some pride in his appearance and grooming, while his choice of scents - blood or lavender, sometimes a mix of both - The scent of blood is associated with his passion as a hunter, while lavender may suggest a softer, more nurturing side to his personality.
    His face is marked by a prominent scar that runs from the left side of his nose bridge to the top of his forehead. This scar is likely to result from a serious injury he suffered in his childhood when he was hit by a farming accident with a plow machine. Vyacheslav sometimes tells people that a raccoon caused the injury, possibly to make light of the situation or to avoid talking about a traumatic event.
    In addition to the scar on his face, Vyacheslav is also missing part of his left pinky. This was caused by his father, who chopped off his finger in retaliation for something his brother, Vsevolod, had done. This suggests a difficult upbringing and potentially a history of violence within his family.
    Vyacheslav has several other scars on his body that are less prominent than the scar on his face. These scars are likely the result of years of manual labour and physical strain, which have left marks on his shoulders, back, and chest. Despite their faded appearance, they are a testament to Vyacheslav's hard work and perseverance.
    Overall, Vyacheslav's appearance suggests a strong and resilient individual who has endured difficult circumstances in his life.

    Early Life 


    Vyacheslav Volotski was born on May 31st, 1872, and was raised by his parents, Avksenty and Valentina Volotski, along the Volga River in Russia. When his father (Avksenty) learned of Valentina's pregnancy, they pooled their resources and bought a sizable farm outside the city to secure their future. Valentina worked as a housekeeper, while Avksent was a hunter.

    Present Life 


    Vyacheslav rode his horse across New Alexandria, it would eventually crumble and die at his feet. Despite feeling hopeless, Vyacheslav decided to continue his journey and made his way to the nearby town of Rhodes. There, he stumbled upon a magnificent black Turkoman horse, and the kind stableman decided to gift it to him after learning of his situation. Vyacheslav outfitted the new horse with his old tack and made the decision to stay longer in Rhodes.
    Vyacheslav realized that he needed to take some time to relieve the stress on his mind. He made his way to the saloon where he met a lovely woman named Nora Croft. Although Nora was unable to speak, Vyacheslav and she quickly formed a strong bond. Nora and her friend generously gifted him with tools and weapons to help him get back on his feet, and he expressed his gratitude to them repeatedly.


    Best Friends
    Leroy Smith
    Josephine Godfey
    Shiloh Weston
    Bob Volkov

    Close Friends
    Ruslan Nikolaev
    Colt Calloway
    Arthur Thompson
    Joseph Upshur
    Rowan Ward

    Freya Grayson
    Rust Mckeown
    Amos Weston

    Billy Butters
    Olaf Olsen
    Polly Paley
    Boyd Langston
    Louie Pace
    Rowan Ward
    Nathan Burke
    Lip Darmon
    Eddie Clark
    Conner Osborne
    Mabel Bauer
    Ollie Barnes
    Nora Croft

    Hunter's Harvest


    "Wha Da Hell"
    "Vyacheslav Never Dies"


    "Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd" (Past Life and Moving Forward)
    "Walking After You - Foo Fighters" (Vyacheslav Feelings Towards Scarlet)
    "Smile Like You Mean It" - The Killers" (Past Emotions and Present Thoughts)

    Vyacheslav Volotski













    May 31st, 1872


    Samara, Russia (Volga River)



    Marital Status:


    Avksenty Volotski(Father)
    Valentina Volotski (Mother)
    Vsevolod Volotski (Brother)

    Bob Volkov (Father)
    Boone Jackson (Brother)
    Iris Dragner (Sister)
    Robert Murdoch (Brother)
    Jimmy Hersh (Brother)
    Illya Sirenko (Brother)
    Vanya Smirnov (Sister)


    Entrepreneur & Cook


    The Chicken Man

    Faction Affiliations:

    King's Cross General Practice
    Hunter's Harvest
    Volotski's Fried Fowl
    The Ruski Brewski