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  • Check out our Partnered Grand Theft Auto 5 Roleplaying Community New Day RP!
  1. William Hayes

    Change, and the Staff Team

    Hi all, This is a topic I wanted to speak about for a while, because I think some things are lost in translation or aren't always known to people, and I wanted to provide some insight to our process in the Staff Team especially when it comes to major decisions. Decisions that effect the...
  2. William Hayes

    Extend the Day/Night Cycle [POLL]

    There's quite a few posts here that address this already as not really being possible at this time, so proposal would just be to change the entire cycle, day and night. As addressed in a few posts (as well as the OP) the proposal would change the time by 2x at most. So 48 minutes -> 96 minutes...
  3. William Hayes

    Extend the Day/Night Cycle [POLL]

    Yeah, unfortunately - If it was feasible, I would agree. It's just not within the realm of possibility right now:
  4. William Hayes

    Extend the Day/Night Cycle [POLL]

    If this is something we could do we would, but it's not within the realm of possibility at least for the time being.
  5. William Hayes

    Extend the Day/Night Cycle [POLL]

    Folks, I'm not sure where the 3 hours is coming from - I'll reiterate these posts and state that this would mean the maximum is 96 minutes - Just over 1.5 hours. Because of the way it would be done (It's a fairly janky method of getting things to work, hence rubberbanding) that the day/night...
  6. William Hayes

    Extend the Day/Night Cycle [POLL]

    This is already being looked into
  7. William Hayes

    Extend the Day/Night Cycle [POLL]

    I made changing votes possible when I made the poll so it should be something you can do on your own
  8. William Hayes

    Extend the Day/Night Cycle [POLL]

    It would likely not be longer than 2x the current day/night cycle. The exact amount is undetermined. But yeah, at most 2x.
  9. William Hayes

    Extend the Day/Night Cycle [POLL]

    Hi all, We believe we are able to extend the day/night cycle from its current length of 48 minutes. This however would likely cause rubber-banding of the sun/moon, although it wouldn't be jarring it may be noticible. We wanted to create this poll to gather the communities input given the...
  10. William Hayes

    Halloween Events *IMPORTANT INFORMATION* 11pm event registration
  11. William Hayes

    Halloween Events *IMPORTANT INFORMATION*

    It will be on a special event server with a restricted Whitelist so that only registered users will be able to attend. The port will be announced once we do some testing on it :)
  12. William Hayes

    Halloween Events *IMPORTANT INFORMATION* 3pm event registration
  13. William Hayes

    Halloween Events *IMPORTANT INFORMATION*

    Boo! Hi all, We have some spooky and exciting events we are planning for Halloween, on Saturday October 31st. There will be two sets of events available for people to attend, and the events will be fairly different from one another. This thread will outline the differences for those interested...
  14. William Hayes

    New Suggestions Forum

    Hi all! Some news: The old Suggestions forum has been closed (for new threads, users can still post on existing threads). This has been replaced with the new Suggestions forum with a new format! Users can now upvote and downvote suggestions anonymously, and there are new sorting options for...
  15. William Hayes

    Mute Character Policy & Guidelines

    Temporarily closed again. Anyone who has requested before this post will still be processed.
  16. William Hayes

    Forum Conversation Folders

    Hi all, I have implemented Forum Conversation Folders into the forums. I meant to do this a while ago but got sidetracked with other things. Each user can have up to 4 different folders to file Conversations. You can create and view your folders here:
  17. William Hayes

    Mute Character Policy & Guidelines

    Reopened with limited availability.
  18. William Hayes

    One Year

    I am wholeheartedly in the same boat.
  19. William Hayes

    One Year

    Time flies. It was on this night one year ago that myself and Billy McGee were talking to each other about the possibility of a Red Dead Redemption 2 roleplay server. Him and I were both part of a Grand Theft Auto RP community at the time, but were interested in trying something new. It was...