Juniper Mercer

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  • Juniper Mercer


    A young caucasian female, who looks to be in her early twenties. She has long brunette hair, that she braids messily every day. What she lacks in height is overshadowed by her overall confidence in starting a conversation. She has a small scar on the bridge of her nose, barely noticeable unless you are close, though she never really talks about how she got it. There is also a distinct skull-shaped scar on her right hand, though it is mostly covered by a glove. Her sapphire eyes seem to glow with warm understanding, and a touch of mischief. She will usually be seen wearing a small feather in her hair.

    Early Life 

    Juniper was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Lucile ‘Lucy’ Mercer. Juniper never got a straight answer on who her father was, though she still took the Mercer name nonetheless. Like most of her family, she knew the misfortune of poverty. Her mother told her that her best option was to look to the future with her siblings. Though this would turn difficult as most of her family would be cut off from her during her early teens for various reasons. Juniper would take on the responsibilities that her mother could not, as Lucile’s job was semi-demanding of her time. Juno would do her best to stay positive throughout her early life and make sure not to be greedy. She would help out wherever needed and found odd jobs to make ends meet. One day a man had come in to see her mother, which wasn’t an unusual occurrence given her line of work, however, he carried himself much differently than anyone from New York. She would come to know him as Fletcher Beckett, becoming intrigued by his conversations. He had talked about the State named New Alexandria and had mentioned Felix Mercer on more than one occasion. This caused her to take the chance to write Felix a letter, hoping he would be one of her missing brothers; she had to know if at least one of her brothers was still alive.

    Present Life 

    After coming to New Alexandria, Juno quickly found out that her brother, Felix, was waiting to pick her up from the train station. Felix informed her that there were more from the family in state, and that their brother Maverick Mercer was alive. This came as a shock to Juniper, as she had believed most of her estranged family to be dead (mainly Maverick). She would soon find out that her brother, Maverick, was a member of The Colts. Juniper would be warned by deputies to not associate with them, as they were a dangerous gang. In true Mercer fashion, she would find herself disregarding their warnings to figure out both sides of the story. Though she never truly got close to many of them, she would often be found waiting outside their homestead, asking to see Maverick or Samual Faraday. If they weren’t available, she’d be found in the fields researching plants.

    Felix would introduce Juniper to several groups of individuals, such as the Boston Blinder’s, and Kings Cross General Practice. Never one to be discouraged by the unknown, Juniper would do her very best to be courteous to the people she met. This would be the general view that she gave to everyone. Felix would also introduce her to a woman named Alexis Reigns, who Juniper would go on to call an important role model.

    Juniper would make her own catering business with her brother Manny's encouragement and would name it after one of her favorite books, opening the business with her friend Scarlet Storm. She would quietly live with her family until the death of her brother Maverick, to Felix’s fiancée - Joy Goode. She would continue her catering business, though her family would soon go their separate ways once again.

    Now with most of her family gone, Juniper was left to herself mostly. Though she didn’t have to wander the state alone for very long, as she made fast friends with Ash Wood and Hayley Aberfeld. Ash soon invited Juniper to live with her, so as to not be alone. This is where Juniper would meet her 'adoptive' family, and spent most of her time cooking warm meals for those she loved.



    Rosewood Ranch
    Olive and Twist
    The Rose 'n Crown
    King's Cross General Practice
    New Alexandria Sheriff's Department
    New Alexandria's Horse Registry


    Apple Fritter :
    Athena :
    Brigit :
    Brownie :
    Carrot-top :
    Dionysus :
    Grape Jelly :
    Marshmellow :
    Mista :
    Pickle :
    Ramesses :
    Shoelace :
    Shortcake :

    Midnight Crescent


    "If you treat everyone with kindness something has to give, right?"

    "I can't bring myself to hate anyone when I haven't lived in their shoes. I want to, but I just can't."

    "You know, I never understood Maverick's dislike for crocodiles until one came sprinting at me... full speed."

    "I honestly thought you were a giant raccoon."


    Juniper had never been one to like horses before coming to New Alexandria and had outright been afraid of them before she had gotten one herself a month later.

    Juniper’s addiction to horses can be traced back to when Alexis asked for help with a horse drive out to Blackwater.

    Juniper has a nervous tick of rubbing the scar on her hand when she is uncomfortable.

    Juniper 'Juno' Mercer











    130 pounds


    Feb. 25th 1878


    Brooklyn - New York



    Marital Status:



    Lucy Mercer (Mother) - Alive
    Luna Quinn (Sister) - Alive
    Lulilana King (Sister) - Alive
    Mary Mercer (Sister) - Alive
    Joseph King (Brother) - Alive
    Alphonse Mercer (Brother) - Alive
    Felix Mercer (Brother) - Alive
    Manny Mercer (Brother) - Alive
    Maverick Mercer (Brother) - Dead
    Alexzander Lee (Brother) - Dead


    Owner of Olive and Twist, Rancher for Rosewood Ranch



    Faction Affiliations: