Nicholas Carter

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  • Description 

    Nicholas stands at 6'2" tall, and appears to be in well maintained shape, with an athletic physique. He often wears dark colored clothing, not caring for the stigma of being a shady individual being attached to such attire. He has dark brown hair ranging from long to short, depending on whether he's managed to have it tended to. Deep brown pools are what look back if one looks at his eyes. He has a well-kept beard of dark brown, and is almost always seen with his revolver in his holster, and a rifle on his back.

    Early Life 

    His early life was much the same as most kids born around his time. Same situation, too. Family didn't have much money, father wasn't home often, and mother was doing whatever needed to be done to keep the roof over the head of her family. Often times, Nicholas was helping neighbors tend their farms to try and help generate some money to help his mother, while he father would spend months away from home in different States with a group of people he often ran with. Nicholas didn't know what his father was involved in until his fifteenth birthday, at which point he presented him with a midnight black Shire horse named Betty, as well as his first revolver. It was then that his father revealed what he had been doing, and brought him in to the fold, as it were.

    The group had a simple ideal -- Rob those that robbed. Often times, the gang would tail other gangs that had robbed people, corner them, take the items back, and return them to the original owners. This would lead to them receiving payment for their "good deeds". This proceeded for several years, with Nick gaining more influence in the group as time went on. He garnered more influence with local sheriff's and deputies, too. Officially, the law couldn't commit to the same acts that Nicholas and his people did, so they offered unofficial support in the form of turning a blind eye to their actions, or taking longer than normal to arrive at a dispatched location where Nicholas and his people were. It was this influence which would come back to aid Nicholas, when it was revealed that his father had been operating with a separate group. A gang that caused pain to others for no reason, and took what they wanted, whether it was from man, woman or child.

    Having grown jealous, and filled with rage that his son had more favor with his original gang than he did, Michael staged an ambush under the pretense that a family had been locked inside their barn by a shady looking group that wished to traffic the children. So they rode to try and help, and fell right into the trap. The new gang that his father ran with, was waiting, and opened fire, taking down many of Nicholas' people. A fight ensued that lasted two hours, with Nicholas and Michael as the only ones left standing. Much had happened in the years since Michael brought Nicholas in to the gang fold. They had made a lot of money, garnered a lot of favors.. but sorrow also held, as Nick's mother succumbed to sickness and was buried. Michael didn't attend, having been off terrorizing people. He reflected on all of this as he held the rifle up to his father, hearing the approaching horses of the deputies, and pulled the trigger, ending his father's life.

    He had spent the next several years keeping a low profile, surfacing only when he had to, and finishing up any business that needed to be done. Having resolved on what he intended to do, he had one final stop to make. A family that he had been looking after -- a mother that was sick, and two children; boy and girl, who spent their days begging for the smallest of scraps just to try and eat. He kept $100 for himself, and left the remaining $2,400 with them to start a new life, and get medicine for their mother, and then rode off for a fresh start.

    Present Life 

    During the first couple of days in New Alexandria, Nicholas spent most of his time lingering around Valentine. The town had recently recovered from a virulent plague and opened itself to public once again. He seldom spoke, with the exception of a greeting here and there to most. That changed when he was standing outside the main Saloon of Valentine, and was approached by a child and a native woman. He found out that the native woman was named Little Bird, and the child called herself Blue. They spoke for a short period of time, before a man in white approached and demanded that his daughter depart with him. The daughter in question was Blue, however they were not related, and the man scared her.

    Nicholas stood alongside a handful of other people, driving the man away and preventing Blue from joining him. A couple days later, that same man attempted once more, under a different name, and wearing different clothing.. though had the exact same voice. This information was presented to a group of people that were later to be revealed as members of The Colts. Afterwards, a long series of events started that had Nicholas riding alongside a small group of Colts, seemingly brought together under the common goal of keeping Blue safe. This included Rachel Reaper, Fred Benton, Alex Mercer, Scarlet Prescott, and Roslyn Eads. He came to meet several of The Colts, and even had a short term relationship with one of them, Roslyn Eads. However, a series of events including the near death of Blue Hunt and the questionable end of his relationship has left Nicholas once more wandering on his own.

    Despite it all, he continues to live by his personal Creed -- A man is only as good as the word he gives. Those who have done right by him, he does what he can to continue offering assistance. His time with the child Blue has gone from frequent to limited, and he spends most of his days now cutting wood and selling it to local vendors to keep a room so he can sleep, and food in his stomach. He has no idea what awaits him in New Alexandria moving forward, or if he'll even remain in the State for too much longer. But he continues pressing on each day, retreating further into himself as time presses on.


    December 1899 - Early January 1900: Briefly rode with members of The Colts as a friend, but no longer.
    February 1900 - Current: New Austin Rangers


    "I always keep my word."
    "I value respect. Gotta give it to get it."
    "There's a reason I don't open up much.."
    "Get fucked."
    "Not with you, Stank Leg.." - When propositioned at Saloons


    Comes off as quiet.
    Sounds constantly annoyed, but isn't.
    Held respect for Ethan Colt.
    Considers Fred Benton a friend.
    Despises being lied to.

    Nicholas Carter











    214 pounds


    24 July 1870


    South of New York



    Marital Status:

    In a Relationship with Emily Kenward


    Michael Carter (Father) [deceased]
    Judith Carter (Mother) [deceased]
    Darryn Lee Carter (Infant Son) [Alive]
    Blue Hunt (Adopted Little Sister)


    Freelance Hunter, Woodsman


    NikNak, Nick

    Faction Affiliations:

    New Austin Rangers
    The Farmer's Union