The Remnants

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    Early Remnants Sept. 22nd 1901

    The Remnants are a group of various members from gangs who are no longer active. Thus making them the remains of those groups.
    The gang is a chaotic one, some call them a dysfunctional family. Often times they fight each other, bonk each other, and push each other.

    The gangs previous leaders were ; Theodore Adams, Kragen Murdoch, and Iris Dragner.

    The Remnants originally staked their claim in the town of Blackwater and McFarlanes Ranch. There they ran Bob's Bar, The Laughing Kraken, The Murky Water Security Co & Stoorworm Stones Jewelers. Their goal is to bring life and a small layer of safety to the local Blackwater Businesses, over time some of these Businesses became inactive and new ones opened up such as ; Blackbird & Cougar Gunstore , Vipers Nest , The Cunning Eye , a barber shop , and plenty of saloons.

    The gang is also a ''family'' After Bob Volkov adopted many of the members.


    The Founders

    Founded on August 19th 1901 by Theodore Adams, Kragen Murdoch, and Iris Dragner.
    The 3 created the group in order to instill a sense of having a family and true people to rely on when times got tough.
    Back then this tiny gang consisted of the Iris, Theo, Kragen, Boone Jackson, Thomas Anderson, and Eloise. They lives in an old Jackdaw camp southwest of Strawberry. At their early stages, they were content with minding their own business and doing petty crimes.
    That was until the day that Aiden Kray and some other members of The Krays rode into camp and shot Eloise in the head to show them a lesson of what would happen when they "start rumors." Eloise was so severely damaged in the head from the shooting, she returned home to heal and be with family.
    This sparked a war with The Krays that resulted in a string of attacks by the Remnants on The Krays, one of which was targeted solely at Aiden Kray. After a long spell of tension and attacks, the Krays called for a end to the fighting as they were being attacked by Remnants and Firing Line. Remnants conceded the cease fire, counting it a win in their eyes.

    With the war over they took the moment of quiet to refocus their efforts on Blackwater. The Remnants grew in that golden age, bringing in Jessica King and Kiara, Bob Volkov, Tobias Mason, and Emily Westbrook, and Jimmy Hersh. Thomas on the other hand had found a new passion for medical work and left from the gang on good terms, to this day the group still see's Thomas as family. At this point they moved camp, wanting to leave the ghosts of their pasts behind, the group struck their claim in Macfarlanes. At this time the Remnants started focusing on Businesses, Bob Volkov opened up the Laughing Kraken Bar, Kragen and Boone started Murkey Water Security, and Kragen started repurposing Jewelry (later to be Stoorworm Jewelry).

    The golden age and petty crimes where only going to last so long for this ambitious gang however. One evening the group had planned a big multi-part store robbery that consisted of a jail break. the plan went off without a hitch and shortly after Theodore, Iris, Boone, and Kragen had bounties. As they were eluding from the law they ran into Deputy Jean Claude. When he would not leave, the group chased him down and shot and nearly killed him. This would forever be the turning point in the Remnants aggression and their view in the publics eye. The group stayed under the radar for about a week, having their members help bring them necessary supplies. But the 4 grew tired of running and met with deputies down at Macfarlanes to talk out terms. This ended in a shootout with deputies at Macfarlanes, all 4 of the members were downed by the law and sent to Sisika.


    From that point on, the gang amped up their aggression. They began kidnapping deputies, getting into more shootouts, making hits on particular deputies (one of note is Edward Stonewall)
    The gang also continued to grow. They adopted in Conrad Lloyd, Tyler, Sigyn Durrani, and Robert Murdoch.
    Tyler left the group not long after being in the Remnants however because a lady caught his eye and he wanted to see what life could offer him. This departure was not as sweet as Thomas'.

    The Remnants started to wage war with The Ashen of Strawberry. This was short lived and both had to call a truce due to injured members in The Ashen and the Remnants dealing with fallout from the kidnapping and shooting of Tris Chamberlain. The attempted murder started a mad hunt for Remnants and an attempted execution on Boone Jackson by Deputy Fredrick McCarthy.

    This act on Tris attracted the notice from the Firing Line, who eventually found Boone Jackson, Theodore Adams, Jessica Adams, Emily Westbrook, and Iris and shot them down outside telegrams in Blackwater.

    Some Remnants-Meeting Dec 1901

    During this period the Remnants celebrated the wedding of Theodore and Jessica. But soon hit some turbulence by from the divorce of Kragen and Iris. Also the group tried to pull together, things were never quite the same.
    One day there was a disagreement during a meeting between Boone and Kragen that resulted in Kragen trying to kill Boone.
    this caused a state of unravel in the group. Theodore and Kragen stepped away from leadership and away from the Remnants. The next day Conrad, Kiara, and Jessica left the group, and with Boone in a coma and Jimmy in Sisika facing trial for 1st degree murder, things seemed bleak.

    Iris was left the sole leader of the Remnants. Her and her group that stayed took on a new view of "those who remain."

    Kragen and Conrad, now former members and feeling threated, wanted the Remnants dead. They rode out and shot Robert (Kragens cousin) and Sigyn. However, Their escapades ended when Kragen was talked into handing himself in by Jacob Stark, so that he didn't have to deal with the fact that the law and the remnants were chasing him.

    While in Sisika Jimmy, having just narrowly missed the hangman's noose for his trial, stabbed Kragen to death with a knife he had managed to get a hold of.
    Now that he was missing his wingman, Conrad contacted Robert and faced his former family for the actions he had committed against them.

    This brought about a big time of mourning for the group. Kragen and Conrad dead, Boone might never wake up, and now Jimmy was yet again facing a 1st degree murder trial in which the warden Petra Blackhart vowed she would make sure he would get the death penalty.

    The group still kept powering through however. They brought in 4 new members Raymond Emsworth, Michael O'Brien, Tommy Brenner, and Amos Moses. They patched up relations with the Castillos, and they tried to expand their business ventures.

    Jimmy's verdict came in, Guilty with death by firing squad, the gang was in anguish. Jimmy expressed that he did not want to die yet, and that was all it took. The Remnants planned for 3 days, the night before Jimmy's execution they kidnapped Sr. Deputy Evangelyne Dubois, Deputy Shawn Hurst (Kragen's Father), and a recruit by the name of Avery. Their planning payed off and they escaped with Jimmy in their wagon without a single drop of blood spilled. The rewards meant consequences though. Jimmy, Iris, Robert, Sigyn, and Michael were all deemed outlaws and if Jimmy was caught he would be taken to the nearest gallows and put to death immediately.

    While on the run, Shelby Lord and his Sisters decided to take over Blackwater. They chose the most opportune moment as the Remnants could not readily go into town and uproot them as they would like. The Lords began to set up new businesses and started to gather allies and sway public opinion about The Remnants running Blackwater. While in hiding, a poster war began on the notice boards.


    The Remnants were in hiding for a while as Outlaws. During this time Boone woke from his coma, Robert and Sigyn had a marriage, and the Remnants got into a Shootout with the Lords. The group sent Jimmy off to England so that they could deal with their charges without worrying about his capture and death.

    Once in Sisika however, shit hit the fan. Michael O'Brien was looking at 17 years, Robert and Sigyn at 20 years, and Iris at life in prison with a chance of parole in 20 years. Robert and Sigyn ended up separating while serving their time. Not only that, Jimmy had not gone to England but to Guarma for a short time, only to return with less people to defend him. The group still on the outside along with Shadow Firm tried their best to help Jimmy, but he was eventually found and cornered at Flatneck Station and died in a shootout.
    Given the generosity of Petra Blackhart, warden of Sisika, the group was able to leave the prison under guard and hold a viking funeral for Jimmy and his partner Navy Fish on Flatiron Lake in front of their island camp.

    Eventually the group in Sisika had served their time; Robert, Sigy, and Michael got out of prison. Iris had a parole hearing, the case was a close one, to which Shelby Lord stood as a witness. Despite best efforts however, Iris managed to get out on parole.
    During this time they brought in Nathan Burke into the Remnants, and welcomed Tyler Banks back into their ranks.
    The group was needing a change in how they operated, Iris would have to take a giant step back. She put Robert and Boone as her right hands and they worked to devise a way to refocus the group and help lead them down a better path for the future.

    The business side got to work. They worked on the western fighting tournament, Boone and Sigyn had Stoorworm Stones, Iris had Abeona Carriage Company, Tommy had the Laughing Kraken Bar, and Nathan had Shadow Firm and Farewell Ferries. Together they made the Blackwater Business Commission (BBC) in order to for there to be a community amongst business holders in Blackwater to help each other grow and to support the growth of the town.
    Robert would take Erik, Michael, and Sigy and sometimes Tyler out to rob people or banks.
    The group also brought in Raelynn Pyre as a prospect, as well as Vanya Smirnov and Illya Sirenko from the Ruski Bruski's.
    The family was together, but it was far from perfect, like all families, there were arguments. Robert and Iris weren't seeing eye to eye, and Robert would keep some of the goings on from Iris. Also Sigyn had been kidnapped by her deranged ex-husband and did not feel like she had gotten the support she was looking for after returning. Michael and Erik likewise didn't feel the sense of belonging, they felt closer to Robert and Sigy than they did with the rest of the group. The group tried to hold a family meeting to address the issues but it had gotten too out of hand.

    The day after Nathan and Iris' wedding Robert, Sigyn, Michael, and Erik left the gang. It had been planned for a while, despite Boones best efforts to fix things, the four wanted to split and start their own gang (The Murdoch Gang). Boone was distraught and Iris was upset, It was difficult to process, The Murdoch Gang wanted to still be family while going off and doing their own thing. Despite this, Iris' daughters Jessica King and Kiara Williams rejoined the Remnants, it had been a long time coming.

    Time passed and the gang continued moving forward. Iris made Boone her 2nd in command, The gang left the island camp and settled in Thieves Landing. The group welcomed back Thomas Anderson into their ranks, as well as Maxim Korolev, Jason Black, Clyde Jack, and Ash Smith as new prospects. They refocused their efforts back on their businesses. But Iris took the vacuum of Robert as a time to step back up to the plate and get her hands dirty. With so many new prospects. they were going to need to be taught how the gang likes to operate. Iris and Raelynn would go out with other prospects/members and rob banks and stores.

    Maisy Quinn (Boones adopted daughter) had joined the Hagens and started spending a lot of time with Danny Baker. Because of this, the gang came to grow very fond of Danny. Danny was arrested and sent off to Sisika indefinitely. Maisy as well as the group sympathized for Danny as the years passed on for him. He would send letters to Iris, Nathan, and Maisy regularly expressing the need to escape. So on one night Boone Jackson, Vanya Smirnov, Maxim Korolev, and former member Eric Harela used a work detail in Valentine as an opportunity to break him out.

    Everything was going good until one evening Silverfox and Co. rode into Blackwater. The group held Iris, Raelynn, and Maisy Quinn out of town, they claimed that Iris was snitching on Silverfox and that she managed to land him in prison for a shootout in Rhodes that he accused her of pinning him on. Iris, Rae, and Maisy tried to fight their way out of the situation but were ultimately gunned down. Thus starting a war with Silverfox & Co.
    The war had many casualties, Silverfox and his group wanted $1000 dollars to make things square, but the group was not going to let matters rest after they shot down Iris, Rae, and Maisy. At multiple points the opposing side snatched up members such as Raelynn, Vanya, and Maxim and try to get information or pass along their own. But when they would ride into Blackwater, the Remnants would stand their ground and push them out of town.

    Although the war was ongoing, there was downtimes, and during the moments of quiet, crime and business continued. One such evening Iris and Raelynn robbed the bank in Blackwater, senior deputies Avery Hardy and Valeria Cortez responded along with Deputy Calvin Kennedy and Recruit Theodore Brown. This time the deputies were tired of the bank robberies. The Remnants tried to not used hostages or unnecessary aggression so as not to spur resentment with the deputies again and so Iris wouldn't face doing back in Sisika for life. But this was also the very reason why Hardy and Cortez decided this was the day to breach the bank. They felt the two were not taking bank robberies seriously enough. Iris swore to them that if they breached the bank, from that day forward all niceties would be gone, she urged them no just catch the two when they ran. But in the end Hardy and Cortez made the call to breach. Both Iris and Raelyn were shot down and Raelynn suffered from a coma.
    Once again there was tension with the deputies, Hardy and Cortez in particular, Iris and Raelynn wanted blood for blood.
    One evening a group of Remnants ( Nathan Burke, Tommy Brenner, and Raelynn Pyre) kidnapped Avery Hardy. They took her out to tall tree's where Iris met up with them, she let Nathan walk away and the group took Avery deeper into tall trees. In a fallen down cabin the group got their revenge on Sr. Deputy Hardy. Iris pistol whipped and shot her in the face.
    From that point they would have to evade attempted 1st degree murder and the rising animosity from the sheriffs office until they could get Cortez.
    While on the run changes were made to the group, Jason Black and Clyde Jack were removed from being prospects, as well as Vanya and Illya left the gang to do their own things.

    After a time, the group was caught one by one for the kidnapping and attempted murder of Avery Hardy. While in the jail cells, Iris told Sheriff John Reid that his senior deputies ruined the decent understanding that had been built between both sides and that deputies were forcing their group to endanger the life of civilians by using them as hostages. Iris said if the deputies want them to get violent, then they would have no choice but to react accordingly.
    After getting out of Sisika, Raelynn still wanted to have their revenge on Cortez but it would prove difficult, the group did however find and beat up Calvin Kennedy for his assistance in the breaching and for yelling that he was going to blow their brains out.
    Certain deputies were still upset about what happened with Hardy, their hostile attitude when trying to bring members in for a few warrants would spur the group to be hostile back, thus escalating situations. During one such event in Valentine, deputies were trying to bring Raelynn in for a warrant and it ended in a shootout. The gang made it out alive but Nathan had been shot and an artery had been grazed. Raelynn provided medical to him but he fell into a mini coma from his injuries.

    Nathan was looked after by Iris and their daughters (Jessica and Kiara) at Wapiti and when he awoke, the gang slowly made their way to Emerald to spend a nice evening out to catch some air. While there, Iris and Montana made a quick ride to Valentine to pick a remnant repeater up for Ash as they were planning on inducting him into the gang. Not but a few minutes back, Jacob Allen, Valeria Cortez, Jasper Creed, and Clark Bergamont rode up over the hills at them with their guns out. The members with warrants jumped on their horses and rode away as fast as they could, the deputies following on their tails. Iris and Nathan, warrantless at the time, hopped on their horses and rode after them. The groups had split up but Iris and Nathan followed one group out towards Van Horn. Nathan told Iris he was supposed to be one of the men in the group of 4 but Iris was filled with guilt that she was not there when was shot and told him that he only just got better. The two heard gunshots in the tree line and Iris saw Jasper Creed running out by the railroad tracks. Iris rode as fast as she could ahead of Nathan to confront Creed, he warned her to leave but Iris told him she had to protect her family. A gunfight ensued, Iris with her repeater and Creed with his sawnoff as Nathan watched from the distance. Iris tried her best but was inevitably shot 3 times in the chest and neck by Creeds shotgun. Nathan rode over and begged to provide medical to Iris and Raelynn, who had also been shot down, but he was told to fuck off at gun point. Iris sustained heavy blood loss but managed to tell Creed to tell Nathan that she was sorry for everything and that she loved him before she passed out from shock. Iris died shortly after arriving to the Annesburg doctors office.

    Nathan showed up in Annesburg where he learned of his wifes passing, soon the rest of the gang showed up and they all got the news that their leader had just died. Her brother Boone was in Sisika at the time and had to learn the news from Raelynn after they were sent. It was a devastating night for the gang, and for the week to follow, there was a lot of tears shed for Iris, the group made Ash a member as per Iris' plans to do so. In her will that was left with Jof Hawkins, She had declared Boone the new leader of the Remnants, she had also made it her final decree that Montana was to be made a full member. Iris left her treasured belongings to her family and closest friends, she also asked in her will that a paper bag of flaming horse shit be left on the porch of the deputies office, and a maggot sandwich to be given to Tris Chamberlain.

    A large funeral was had for Iris, the procession starting in Blackwater and ended in Thieves Landing. All her family, friends, and members of other gangs were in attendance. Many nice things were said about Iris and left for her at her grave, she was buried on the water next to her brother Jimmy.

    In the weeks that followed Iris' death, Nathan was made the second in command of the gang, he would take this position with pride and planned to help his brother in-law Boone pick up the pieces, Jessica Burke would be the third in command of the gang, the three would work together on figuring out where to begin, the gang was without direction for a short while without Iris, they knew one thing, that Jasper Creed would one day pay for the murder of Iris, they decided to play the long game on this, something that would come back to bite them in the long run. For now, they got back to business, they decided that Thieves would be their primary home from now on due to both Iris & Jimmy being laid to rest there, they would check on the grave each day before going about their business.

    After Iris passing, the gang decided from that point onward, that they would not carry Sawn-off shotguns, due to how lethal they were, a petition began, to attempt to remove sawn offs from peoples holsters, this was the remnant's final attempt at making some sort of change in the state for the better, the petition was disliked by most, supported by few and after some time it ultimately failed, this however did not stop the gang from robbing them when they saw somebody carry them, they would either throw them away or keep them in a bag or a box somewhere, to them this was their way of showing the state they would not forget about what happened to Iris.

    This also was the time where Cadence Daly began doing odd jobs for the gang, gathering information and things of that nature, after some time , and the passing of Cade's husband , her and Nathan began spending more time together, this ultimately ended up with them wanting to peruse things further, this was a big worry for Nathan, he was unsure how his un-offical adopted daughters would take him possibly seeing somebody new, after a month or so , Nathan spoke to Boone and said exactly what he had been feeling, and how he was worried about how he , Jessica and Kiara would react, with some hesitation the 3 decided to accept Cade, She was still on the outside at the time and not a member of the gang, but after some weeks she decided to prospect.

    Nathan Speaks to Boone about Cade for the first time, 1902.


    Around this time, Bailee Wolfe, an ex-deputy began hanging around the group. Shortly after, she was turned into a prospect, the gang eventually slipped back into doing crime, needing money to further their goals, they began to more frequently rob people, Something Iris never really enjoyed doing.

    It was Around this time, a ranch opened up at McFarlanes, McCoy's ranch, this eventually led to the owner of the ranch asking the gang to protect the ranch during it's opening hours, Boone began spending more and more time at the ranch, seemingly enjoying the peace after his sisters passing, other members would keep an eye on the ranch when they could, however it was not their priority.

    Nathan & Loke in the bank that led to Nathan being arrested Days later.

    Boone began being more distant as time went on, he would be at the ranch most of the time and not leading the gang, this went on for some months, it left the gang in almost a stalemate, It all came to a full when Nathan, Cade & Rae got arrested for a Bank robbery that happened day's prior, during this Deputy Morty Detwiler confiscated a rare Mexican cattleman that the group had gotten from the bank, this led to tensions raising in the cell's, where Cade held Esme Keller at knife point, a small stand-off ensued, where ultimately Nathan made the call to stand down, he was not sure about what direction Boone wanted the gang to go down, the three had discussed in Sisika, where they decided they would press a gang meeting on Boone once they had left Sisika.

    They got out, and they did as planned, most of the
    active members at the time were present for this meeting, in which Boone listened to the concerns of his members and decided he needed to be there for them. The next day he led a group of remnants consisting of himself, Jess, Cade & Rae to Armadillo, where they held Lt Luke Walker ransom, in turn for Mr Walker, the 4 wanted the gun back that Detwiler had stolen from Nathan days prior.
    Detwiler eventually showed up, without the gun however. This led to Lt Walker getting shot and a shootout between the 4 and Law, in which Boone was hurt, but the other 3 managed to get out okay, this was the start of the Remnants taking a more firm stand on something again since Iris' passing, and showing the State that they still are very much active and are willing to do whatever to get what they deem right. After this , the people present for armadillo had bounties pushed on them and the gang began living a more outlaw lifestyle in comparison to what they did before.

    Boone doing the negotiations for the return of the gun in Armadillo, 1902


    Loke was made into a prospect shortly after this, on the 22nd of October. After hanging around with the gang for some time he decided to go back into the gang life, later on that same day, a shootout occurred between members of the gang and members of Butchers Creek.

    The Relationship between The Gang and Butcher Creek was slowly dwindling ever since the passing of Iris & Kragen, and most members had some sort of issue with the Creek, it all came to a head when Raelynn who had been suffering from a severe head injury at the time was punched by members of the creek in Sisika, Boone decided he was not going to take this laying down and went out looking for the creek along with Jessica & Cade, they killed some of the local cousins at the creek and stole Otis' coat, the coat was left hanging up with blood of there prized Butcher creek pig put all over it, this spurred a reaction from Cousins Otis & Obe who went looking for them shortly after, they came across each other in Flatneck station, where a shootout ensued, where Cade was shot with a shotgun and Jessica. Boone managed to take down Otis who was the last cousin up, after getting into some close-quarter fighting with each other Cade & Jessica were given medical by the people at McCoy's ranch, who were happy to help due to the gang protecting the place for them still at the time, not much conflict occurred between the two gangs after that.


    Plenty of shootouts occurred between the gang and the law at this time, and the gang was getting a lot of charges pushed on them and or getting arrested, it was around this time that members such as Maxim, Tommy, Louie, and more would help Nathan keep things under control while other members such as Jessica, Thomas , Boone, Cade and Rae had heavy warrants and were laying low or in Sisika.

    Nathan and other remnants in a standoff in Saint-Denis, 1902


    During this time, The Callahan Gang had been given outlaw status by the state, and DSM Shawn Hurst came to the gang with a proposition, he wanted them to hunt down Michael Callahan and turn him into the law, and in turn they would give back the Mexican Cattleman that Deputy Detwiler had taken from them, after some thinking, the gang decided to play their hand , which was getting in touch with the Callahan's, and setting DSM Hurst up.


    Jessica, Boone & Nathan meeting with some Callahan's to begin planning a setup for DSM Hurst.


    After some time , the two gangs did just that. A telegram was sent to Hurst saying Michael Callahan was captured at the emerald ranch saloon, when he went inside he was met by Michael, his hands tied behind him loosely, Boone, Nathan , Jessica and Bailee with guns out either side of him. DSM Hurst handed the gun over, and as they left the area some Callahan's who were laying in waiting jumped Hurst and kidnapped him, this was the turning point between The Remnants and The Callahan's, slowly but surely they began meeting up more frequently to discuss ongoing things in the state.

    Michael, Nathan, and Jessica waiting for DSM Hurst to arrive, 1903

    After the Gun incident, the gang were glad to have what they saw as a big win over the law, getting what was there's back, they once again went quite and focused on making money. It was around this time when Boyd Langston, a long-term friend of Boone & Thomas was killed. He was a deputy most of his time in the state, however he went off the deep end towards the end of his life, befriending a woman named Tea Lady, Tea lady was known for giving people Opium - laced tea, she was notoriously known for catching many people out with her tricks. Boyd, ended up getting extremely addicted to Opium, and thus Tea lady too, so when she was arrested by law and bounty hunters he turned to his old friends, Boone and Thomas to help him break Tea lady out. This ultimately ended with Boyd being shot down by his once co-workers, and dying.

    Boone along with Raelynn was shot down in this shootout, and got sent away with Tea Lady, they realized that Tea Lady was not at all a good person and that she ruined Boyd's life. After getting out, Thomas, who swore to get revenge, got his revenge. He, Boone & Bailee would kidnap Tea Lady and shoot her in a house just outside of Van Horn, a while later they found out that she was not dead, it was a victory short-lived.

    Callan Kelly, a friend of Tea Lady heard of what Thomas had done, and he decided to set out to get his revenge on Thomas, for hurting his friend.
    Kelly would take Thomas at gunpoint, and made his Wife Jessica watch as he mildly tortured him, Thomas left with a gunshot through the cheek and a heavily scared face. When Boone heard of what had happened to what he considers his son he wanted Kelly, whom he once considered a friend more than Tea lady even.

    They got word that Kelly would be representing one of their close friends from the Castillo alliance in a court case, Leonardo Agosti, outside the courthouse Boone lay in wait with Bailee & Raeylnn. Once he left they took their opportunity and kidnapped him, taking him to a cave in the middle of

    Boone, Bailee & Rae lay in waiting for Kelly to leave the courthouse, 1903.


    After some time , Jessica & Thomas showed up and replaced Bailee. What followed was around a day of the 4 holding Kelly, this is where the gang done some of the most torture they had ever done. Kelly, while kidnapped began attempting to get to the 4 kidnappers, bringing up Iris along with more. Kelly was found with his hand amputated, a burning scar on his cheek , a gunshot wound and several bruises and cuts from beatings.
    The 4 left calling cards on Kellys body, expecting the vulchers to take him before law found him, however the law would find him and give him medical, he would tell the law who and what had happened , and once again Bounties were pushed on the 4.

    Kelly getting his wound cauterized by the remnants during his kidnapping, 1902.


    The Bounties got pushed on the 4 rather quickly, they were wanted for attempted 1st degree murder, kidnapping and maltreatment, these were extremely heavy charges, in the aftermath, Bailee decided to leave the gang due to her not agreeing with the maltreatment that had occurred to her friend, Kelly.
    Shortly after Bailee leaving, Ash Smith would follow suit, other members could tell he was on the line with leaving and staying for quite some time.

    Erik, Thomas, Nathan , Maxim & Louie discussing Bailee leaving the gang the same day they were told about it, 1902


    She turned herself in for her charges, and pleaded guilty to them, After some time the remainders decided to turn themselves in , the marshals office declared this a big win, the 4 spent most of the month of December inside the walls of Sisika , leaving Nathan in charge of the gang, this was another time where members such as Tommy, Louie, Maxim and more held the back bone of the gang and helped Nathan keep things control on the outside.

    The Marshal's office press , issue NO. 7 talking about The Gang.


    Nathan now without his leader and his third in command, looked to his old friends and allies Luca Castillo & Leo Agosti for help , they gave it in whatever way they could, but sadly the Castillo family would run into their own internal problems that would cause the falling apart of the family that has been in St Denis for so long at this point. Nathan , Cade & Rae would watch from afar as Luca's family turned on him, assassinating him for some internal issues and murdering him. Nathan would carry his body to the Doctors Office where he would be pronounced dead. The death of Luca hurt Nathan, as he would look up to Luca quite often, as a friend and as somebody who usually had the correct advice for him. After filling Boone in on what had occurred via letter the call was made to disband the alliance between The Remnants & The Castillo Family. Archie Cassidy, the Castillo luca considered a son was the one who set him up to be killed, and Nathan , Louie & Rae met with him that same day and told him that they would no longer be allies and The Remnants could not stand by the Castillo family killing their leader.

    Cade, Rae & Nathan speaking with Luca and Blake moments before he would be shot down and killed, 1902.



    Nathan would allow Blake, a Castillo that stayed loyal to her Boss Luca to the end to find safety with them in the west, she stayed with them at camp for some time as they figured out what they will do without their allies in the East. It was also around this time where William Bennet, a young criminal who worked for "Grimm" , another young criminal that done odd jobs for the gang asked if he could prospect with the gang, Nathan decided for now he could hang around until Boone was out to make him an official prospect. Towards the end of December, all the people involved in the kidnapping and torturing of Kelly were slowly but surely coming out of Sisika, the last one to come out was Jessica, Who was let out on Christmas eve. Boone was to be released some days before and some members of the gang decided to wait for him in St Denis, as time went on they slowly became more and more concerned with how long it was taking Boone to arrive at the St Denis docks, so much so Buck & Raelynn decided to go looking for him, they would come across him in in the middle of a standoff between Calan Kelly & a member of the DOP, Kelly had waited at the docks attempting to kill Boone for what was done to him.
    Raelynn & Buck snuck up on him, and Kelly decided to take his chances and to Shoot Boone, he shot him in the chest, and Buck and Rae and the present member of DOP opened fire on him, shooting him down.

    Both Kelly & Boone were taken to the St Denis doctor's office, where Boone fell into a coma for a short while, Kelly on the other hand would pass away from his injuries, The present members were glad that Kelly had died, the present law were not happy to see the gang kill Kelly, and of course the fact they were legally safe to do made it impossible to push charges on them for it.

    The Remnants await for Boone as he lays comatose, December 1902.


    Later that day Cade, Erik, Bennet & Maxim would attempt to kidnap Leonardo Archer, who Cade had a problem with for some time, this ended with them being shot down and sent to Sisika.

    It felt like as members came out, others would go in. Nathan at the time began looking into other avenues for the gang to make some revenue that did not involve them getting locked up and sent away so frequently, he alongside Grimm would come up with some ideas for their home, Thieves Landing, there ideas would range from opening the Saloon, running fighting tournaments, a black market and constant remnant security in case law decided to show up and arrest the guests they invited, for now, this was put on the back burner until everyone got healed up and Christmas passed.

    As the gang entered a new year, they had a different approach to things They had plans that they were determined to follow through on getting done.
    One of the first things Nathan would do was propose to Cade, wanting to get married before heading to far into the new year. They decided to have the ceremony fairly shortly after on the 10th of January, most of the gang was present for it, it was no where near a standard wedding but that's okay, Remnant weddings tend to be that way.

    Shortly after this, Jessica would Tell Nathan she wanted to be formally adopted by him, so they did it and got her named changed officially to Jessica Burke. The gang would continue to work, hitting banks, and extorting where they could and they also began attempting some Ransoms out west, the ranchers out there at the time were for the most part not really protected, and the ransoms did not go exactly to plan, however, they decided that the ransom would bring more problems than it was worth.

    Remnants awaiting for either ranchers or law to show up, 1903.


    Around this time Grimm decided to officially prospect under the gang instead of being an outsider, now that Grimm was fully prospecting the idea of the thieves' landing event popped up again, and this time around with everyone healed up and out of prison for the most part Nathan decided it was a good time to host the first thieves landing event.

    Cards like this were given to the criminals closest to the gang, Including The Ashen, The Callahan's,
    and some freelance criminals such as Ginger Beard.


    As the 12th of February rolled around, the event was all planned and set, as expected the invited criminals did show up, it was a good way for the gang to show that Thieves Landing was their home and that they were willing to make something great out of thieves. The event was a success for the most part, there was a good turnout out and the gang made some money, it was not as much as they originally expected but nonetheless they were happy with it's turnout.

    To be continued...


    Named by Evie Flynn, The Remnants were made by the remnants of a variety of former gangs.

    Their main slogan is "We Remain"

    Although they do not have a designated color, they are very fond of purple.

    They do not have any distinguishing belt buckle, they believe in freedom of clothing and personality with their members for the most part.

    Their favorite deputy to lovingly pester is John Reid. To which the gang has followed all the way out to Rhodes just to heckle him on duty.


    • Remnant weddings have a blood Sacrifice
    • Remnant weddings use another Remnant family member as an officiant


    • were Allied w/ The Castillo's
    • Friends with The Ashen

    The Remnants




    Date Founded:

    August 19th, 1901


    Boone Jackson


    Nathan Burke (2nd in command)
    Thomas Anderson
    Tommy Brenner
    Cade Burke
    Jessica Burke
    Kiara Williams
    Raelynn Pyre
    Montana Buck
    Maxim Korolev
    Louie Pace
    William Bennet
    Loke Cappeln
    Carlyle Grimm (Prospect)
    Callie Jackson
    Bob Volkov

    Former Members:
    Iris Burke [deceased]
    Jimmy Hersh [deceased]
    Erik Harela [deceased]
    Kragen Murdoch [deceased]

    Conrad Lloyd [deceased]
    Tyler Banks [deceased]

    Purple Name = Died a remnant

    Callie Jackson
    Bailee Wolffe

    Ash Smith
    Emily Westbrook
    Illya Sirenko
    Vanya Volkov

    Tobias Mason
    Amos Moses

    Robert Murdoch
    Sigyn Murdoch
    Michael O'Brien
    Raymond Emsworth
    Theodore Adams
