Tipsy Cow Trading Post

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  • Description 

    A trading post based out of Emerald Ranch with a strict "no money" policy where anyone and everyone is welcomed no matter history, background, or association. However the property is not a "safe from the law" location. If issues are started on the property, consequences and reprimand will follow.

    Tipsy Cow has 6 rules which have always been in place and still stand to this day:
    1. We don't sell anything - we trade. Money means nothing here.
    2. Don't bring your problems to our front door - we wont judge you for your business.
    3. Horses should be stabled, left in the enclosure opposite Saloon, or hitched in open grass.
    4. Be tolerant of others or be gone.
    5. Horse thieving and livestock rustling are ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES and will be reported to the Law!
    6. Don't canter or gallop inside the ranch.

    The former business and owners that saw to the upkeep of Emerald Ranch dissolved before Tipsy Cow Trading Post came in to pick up the pieces. The Remnants of that workforce can still be seen working in concert with TCTP, though their bitterness can still be felt in their hostility towards the trading post and outsiders. TCTP earns no profit from the stables and tack services, which is owned by the New Alexandria Government. The saloon is considered an "open bar with a suggested donation" so that Tipsy Cow may resupply the bar with spirits as needed.

    Everything else that is under the name of Tipsy Cow are completely free services, which have consisted of: doctoring, a horse retirement service, horse training, basic horse services (mane/tail detanglement, hoof care, etc), general food and drink, and more.


    Originally created by Lillith Lucifer, Cualli Taza around June 18th, 1899. Before it was even a state-recognized business, the knowledge and word-of-mouth of Tipsy Cow became a well known and familiar name across the state. The first Fourth of July event was held on the grounds and fields surrounding the Emerald Ranch property, solidifying the early reputation of the trading post. On July 17th it finally became a state-recognized business.

    For the next couple months, Tipsy Cow thrived as a business and communal hangout location, drawing in dozens of people at any one time just for chats with friends. There were numerous community events like group coal runs to Colter, ice harvesting from the lakes around Mount Hagen, supply caravans to New Austin, and more. Over time, Cualli began to focus more on his Wapiti heritage and spent more and more time with the tribe, Lillith following closely after him. At the same time, Tommy True frequented out of state visits to his home in Texas to work out his personal life. With the "Faces" of Tipsy Cow off the ranch, it seemed like attention and interest started to slow.

    On September 9th the Valen Du Sang (aka The Valentine Plague) hit New Alexandria quick and sudden. The owners and active management of the trading post avoided the state for their health and safety with Lillith and her partner Cualli Taza returning to South Africa, and Tommy taking his new family to Canada, leaving only manager Naomi Black and other long-term, discrete, third co-owner Charity Lawson to be the ones looking after the ranch. The two worked well together managing different times of the day so there was actively someone on the property to greet and trade with. However one month later it was informed that Lillith and Cualli were not returning and official ownership had been passed onto Charity and Naomi. Not long after, they extended another invitation of ownership to Tommy True.

    Within the early part of October, Emerald Ranch and Tipsy Cow began to become a target to attacks and robberies, despite not being focused on money. Multiple visits and threats by Rafa Ramirez aka Snakeface and his gang hit the ranch until one day things became violent. People were shot at and lanterns were destroyed, causing parts of the wooden structures of the doctor's office, saloon, horse barn, and multiple parts of fence line to burn and become severely damaged. Word spread quickly through the state about the incident and Naomi and Charity planned and put together a 2 day event of "The Emerald Ranch Rebuild" which was quite successful both days. Friends, family, deputies, known criminals, and civilians from all walks of life came together for a common purpose of fixing what had been destroyed. It was one of, if not the, largest community event in Tipsy Cow history at the time.

    It was later to be surpassed by a two day cattle drive in early January; a trade between Tipsy Cow and Coyote Crossing based out of MacFarlane's Ranch located in New Austin. By then Charity had resigned from ownership and had assisted with starting up Coyote Crossing, leaving it with Tommy and Naomi. However, the drive was the last event Tommy had to do with Tipsy Cow before he also decided to resign after, leaving Naomi as the sole owner.

    Former employees:
    Lillith Lucifer
    Cualli Taza
    Michael Sapphire
    Clarissa Pembroke
    Dismas Kinder II
    Susan Durant
    Cathrine Ellison
    John Camden
    Tommy True
    Cokostov Dobrey
    Dallas Clancy
    Jim Brown
    Leroy Barnett
    Hiram Gregory​





    Date Founded:

    June 18, 1899 (2020)


    Emerald Ranch


    Charity Lawson
    Amazing Doyle