Connor Boysenberry

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  • Connor Boysenberry (A continuous WIP)


    A large man with light brown hair and blue eyes, wrinkled sun damaged skin, commonly seen with a large untrimmed beard and seemingly prefers to wear clothing with earthy colors such as browns and greens. Folk mostly recognize him from his skunk hat which he named Sarah. Typically he wears a kind, honest face and comes across jolly and fun-loving. Known to be a bit naive and dimwitted at times, which also plays into his brutal honesty. Words spoken by him rarely come across as anything but genuine. He speaks with a hearty simpleness, though is known to show signs of deeper levels of intelligence which surprises many. Currently holds a certain sadness in his eyes, and his smile, if it is present, doesn't seem to last very long.

    Early Life 

    Once upon a time, on the outskirts of a small mountain town, there was a rather large cabin known to house a headmistress and many children whom she cared for, known to be an orphanage. One early morning, just before the sun had risen, a lone woman had left a basket on the doorstep of this cabin. Her reasons unknown. As the headmistress and the eldest child prepared for their morning routine of cooking for the rest of the children, the eldest child heard small cries coming from just outside. Naturally, as the headmistress had become accustomed to the deliveries of undesired children, she knew exactly what it was. She brought the basket inside and set it in the center of the room, with all of the children circling around the basket and gazing inside with the natural curiosity that most children possess. "A baby!" One child cried out. And that it was, a baby boy, who cried relentlessly. "What do we call him?" Another asked, looking to the headmistress. With an indifferent sigh, and a wave of her hand, she dismissed the child's question. "I don't have time to worry about naming it, and neither should all of you. Now stop your gawking and help me in the kitchen!" In unison, the children replied "Yes Headmistress" and began assisting. Only the youngest of the children were allowed to remain with the small baby in the basket, and after some time, the smallest among them, a young girl who had been sitting beside the small baby, leaning over the basket to stare inside said a name that ended up sticking. "Connor".

    And with that, he had been known as Connor ever since. Time passed, and the baby grew. Even in his early years, he was rather large. Clumsy. Often earning a look of dismay and disappointment from the headmistress with every spill of a cup or crash of a plate being dropped. He quickly outgrew his older siblings, though they still remained protective of him as their not-so-little little brother. The Headmistress, though seemingly harsh and cruel, did teach and nurture all of the children, and with that came the eventual departure of many orphans Connor grew to look up to. Many would sneak out into the night to escape the life of the orphanage, as they had grown to detest the treatment of the headmistress. However, he would see plenty orphans, now well into their teenage years, officially state their goodbyes to the others as they became of age. With that, the headmistress would begrudgingly give them a surname, as was custom. Blueberry. Gooseberry. Huckleberry. All berry surnames were given to those that had grown old enough to head out on their own. The children of the orphanage had an unofficial ritual of begging them not to leave, crying, hugging, and eventually waving goodbye as they walked off into the distance away from the orphanage.

    Connor, though awkward and "simple" as the other children put it, was happy and content with his existence, often spending his time with his sister Rhea. Rhea, being the one closest to his age, and the one who had originally leaned over his basket and given him his name all those years ago. They would spend the most time together among the children, laying outside and stargazing. As the two aged, Rhea would spend less and less time with him, going out into the nearby mountain town and spending her time with the local town boys. Connor, though saddened by this, didn't hold it against his sister, as she always came home and shared stories of her misadventures with him.

    Those days wouldn't last, and soon, Rhea had grown restless at the orphanage. Connor, now well into his teens, still had the mindset of a child and begged her not to leave. Though Rhea all but made up her mind. It was time. And Connor, though hard to swallow, accepted this. He would see his older sister off with the other orphans. Rhea, being given the surname of Strawberry, left the orphanage, leaving Connor with a deep sadness he wouldn't soon forget. Connor stayed at the orphanage longer than most, thinking about the regret he felt for not leaving with his sister. Despite his awkward size and natural clumsiness, the orphans cherished him, comforting him and each other during this time. They encouraged him to take a step forward, leaving the Orphanage. And with their encouragement, eventually the decision was made. Much to the headmistress' disbelief, she didn't hesitate to allow his departure, as he had grown older than most did before they decided to leave. And with that decision, she gave him the surname of Boysenberry.

    The unofficial ritual felt different. It was still filled with tears and hugs, though there was no begging for Connor not to leave. The orphans smiled and offered parting gifts to remember them by. Connor, though scared and anxious of leaving, was excited, as any young man would be to set out on their own. He waved goodbye to the orphanage, and began his new life.

    Present Life 



    Friends Connor would trust with his life:
    Ramona Hess
    Vinny Brackeen
    Benjamin McCallister
    Tod Jones
    Nora Croft

    Very Close Friends:
    Jensen Brown
    Billy Butters
    Polly Paley
    Elvis Harrow
    Lockhail Hawkins
    Boyd Langston
    Franciszek Kowalski
    Johanna Kowalska
    Dahlia Quinn

    Timothy O'Boyle
    Boris Petrovich
    Manuel Portucale
    Bob Volkov
    Michael Rivers
    Mabel Pettybone
    Chief Bones of the Arikoan
    Kieran Shelby
    Riley Shelby
    Ellen Stone
    Jonah Stone
    Jof Bergman
    Elias Springfield
    Marius Springfield
    Ora Springfield
    Pink Fish
    Headin Jacobs
    Scarlet Storm
    Evie Bullock
    Timmy Langston
    Boris Petrovich
    Viktoria Petrovich
    Malachi Shepherd
    Amelia Duvall
    George McCall
    Henry Steele
    Evaline Sanderson
    Apollo Alovich
    Moxie Cornette
    Gale Harper
    Lip Darmon
    Faolain Lancaster
    Sonny Darmon
    Bram Donners
    Fredrik Anderson
    Headin Jacobs
    Winona Jacobs
    Jesse Pike
    Mato Kawewe

    Suspicious Acquaintances:
    Jack King
    Shelby Lord
    Iris Murdoch (deceased)
    Jimmy Hersh (deceased)
    Obediah Sticks
    Cousin Lonnie (deceased)
    "Tea Lady"
    Lydia Clayton
    Dell Hallock
    Misha Hallock (deceased)

    Prior Love Interests:
    Cousin Tammy (deceased)

    Romantic Relationships:


    Known Orphanage Relatives:
    Rhea Strawberry


    • "Alright!"
    • "God dammit Boyd..."


    • All children from his orphanage are given a berry as a surname, his being Boysenberry.
    • Has a strong preference for mares, stating their temperament is much better suited to him.
    • For some reason he names every one of his horses "Bug" unless gifted by someone else, leaving the horse's name left alone.
      • His first horse: Bug, a Light Grey Shire mare. Loved her dearly. Given to someone new to state.
      • His second horse: Bug II, a Palomino Blagdon Gypsy Cob stallion. Temperament didn't agree with Connor.
      • His third horse: Bug III, a Mealy Dapple Breton mare. Loved her dearly. Died from a gunshot through the skull which supposedly traumatized Connor
      • His fourth horse: Hummingbird, a Piebald Tobiano Hungarian Halfbred mare, given by Dahlia Quinn. Loved her dearly. Died by blood loss from gunshot wounds, supposedly in the incident that caused Connor to lose his memory.
      • His fifth horse: Bug IV, a Mealy Dapple Breton mare. Loved her dearly. Passed away from natural causes, most likely old age during Connor's imprisonment. It took time for Connor to adjust to riding after his memory loss, but he eventually grew attached to Bug IV just like his previous horses.
      • His sixth horse: Pudge, a Red Chestnut Suffolk Punch, given by Evaline Alovich. Though hesitant at first, loves her dearly. Was trained by Mato to lower herself to the ground, assisting Connor with getting up into the saddle to accommodate his physical limits.
      • His seventh horse: Sonsela (wip)
    • Has a habit of calling people Mr./Ms./Mrs. followed by their first name instead of their surname.
    • He would keep a collection of items given to him as gifts, which he treasured dearly.
      • A fine purple coat given to him by Jack King
      • 🏹An Antler Bow given to him by Benjamin McCallister.
      • 🦨 A skunk hat which he accidentally crushed to death which his sister made into a hat for him.
      • 🧣A pink scarf knitted for him by Polly Paley. (Stolen by Lockland Shoesmith and Lacey Ray)
      • 🧦 A pair of warm socks made by Mabel Pettybone as an early Christmas gift.
      • 🦌 A chocolate deer given by Nora Croft which he preserves in Colter to keep from melting
      • 📖Three books of various authors in which Ramona Hess gave to him to keep his mind occupied.
      • 🦨A folded piece of paper made by Faolain Lancaster, which he called "Origami" that resembles a skunk.
      • 🦯A wooden walking cane given by Evaline Alovich during his time in Sisika due to his degrading physical condition. He is very self conscious about using it.
      • 🥾A pair of supportive boots, specifically to provide stability to Connor's knees, given by Faolain Lancaster.

    Connor Boysenberry



    Deceased (10/14/1903)














    European descent

    Marital Status:



    Rhea Strawberry. Many brothers and sisters from his orphanage.


    Saloon Owner



    Faction Affiliations:

    Lost River Company (disbanded) Bed Time Bandits, The Four Horsemen Saloon, Rosewood Ranch

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