Felix Avery

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    Felix is slightly above average height for his age at 5’11”, has lightly tanned skin dotted with freckles, blond hair cut short, green eyes, and generally dresses in second or third-hand clothing as a rule, reflecting his lower-class status, and is still quite skinny from years of malnutrition, though he's begun to fill out as he grows and eats regular meals. Favors laced up boots, fingerless gloves and his old, worn cowboy hat.

    He has several scars on his face and knuckles from fist-fighting, as well as a collection of others from cougars, wolves, machete wounds, and gunshots.


    Early Life 

    Left on the stoop of a crowded Saint Denis orphanage, Felix knew nothing of who his parents or family were while growing up, instead raised by nuns amongst other unwanted or ‘left-behind’ children. He became close with an older boy named Remy, who, upon Felix being turned out to the streets at age 14 to make room for yet more abandoned children, quickly ushered him into a life of small-time crime.

    Pick-pocketing, burglary, and spying were Felix’s specialities, knowing the rooftops of Saint Denis just as well as the back streets and alleyways, with his friend Remy by his side, along with a group of other children that protected one another, under the watchful eye of the gang that utilised them.

    For two years they aided the gang in coordinating their efforts, running messages, information, and contraband across the city, until they began to push beyond their means, sparking a quiet but brutal gang war.

    In the aftermath, with Remy and many of his friends dead, Felix left Saint Denis, managing to make it to the outskirts of Rhodes before he couldn’t walk any further, the Romanichal encamped there taking him in for a time. After half a year, most of which was spent recovering from the attack that had killed the rest of the children Felix had spent the better part of two years with, he was finally well enough to leave the camp and strike out on his own.

    Equipped with a borrowed horse named Bishop, a revolver, and a determination to repay the Romanichal’s kindness by any means necessary, Felix began taking on any job that paid, honest or otherwise, becoming familiar with the State beyond Saint Denis and the bayou.

    Present Life 

    After leaving the Romanichal encampment, Felix struck out to take any paying job he could find, from farming to deliveries to courier work, to even bartending part-time under the tutelage of Mordecai McFry. In a natural progression, Felix came into contact with more and more people who operated in a grey area in regards to the law, eventually falling in with moonshiners, bank robbers, and convicted criminals.

    Thanks to his friendship with Johnny O’Connor, Felix became affiliated with the Third Generation Krays, The Dapper Flats, and The Jackdaws, and despite being more than willing to fight with them, repeated mistakes made by the leadership in all groups has made him wary of promising any allegiance to other groups or gangs, preferring to keep a certain distance and only help his friends when they need it.

    As grown as he may try to seem, Felix rarely declines a chance to act his age, forging ahead with outings and adventures, whether in company or not, reacquainting himself with old haunts, or discovering new ones.

    The conflicts he himself has, both old and new, are never far from his mind, and current events with The Colts, and The Freemans, has lead to a more callous way of thinking in regards to his and Rose’s safety, and is openly frustrated at the lack of caution the rest of his friends seem to be exhibiting, even with the knowledge of what gangs such as these to do anyone who stands in their way.



    Henry Valentine

    Felix met Henry Valentine his first week in the state alone, the two quickly becoming best friends through a shared love of adventure and senses of humour, often being mistaken for brothers due to their similar age and appearances. Though they had both grown up in Saint Denis, they had led vastly different lives, but still had enough in common that misunderstandings rarely occurred. They both enjoy activities that are considered dangerous, the pair embarking on any number of perilous trips into the Grizzlies, or even across the sea to Guarma, often engaging in friendly but competitive fistfights when the both of them are fit enough to do so. Felix was asked to be Henry’s best man at his wedding to Twinkle Marmalade.

    Twinkle Valentine
    Felix met Twinkle the same day he met Henry, and the two became friends through this connection, and while they weren’t as close, Felix still considers Twinkle a true friend, and a perfect match for Henry. Twinkle’s more understanding nature, and patience for those she decides deserve it are also traits Felix appreciates her for, having suffered his fair share of people who acted as if they had no time for him in the past.

    Rose Avery
    Having met on a hunting trip up to the forests of Annesburg, Felix found himself drawn to Rose from the very beginning. She was kind, and sweet, and had a charmingly naïve nature that made the decision to become her friend easy, and Felix never thought twice about the feelings he was quick to develop for her, becoming almost inseparable from her from thereon.

    Their time together at MacFarlane’s Ranch during the outbreak of Valen du Sang, though a forced quarantine, helped those feelings along, growing stronger, and it wasn’t long before he admitted them to her, and while she was more cautious to do the same, thanks to some sly intervention from Henry Valentine, they soon began to court, and by January 1900 were engaged.

    Married shortly after, the two have weathered many a storm in the form of Freemans, Millers, and Colts. Many of the confrontations that end with one or both of them getting hurt, Felix usually blames upon himself and his mouth, rarely hesitating to call their tormentors out on their behavior, and at his darkest, wonders how Rose can still bear to stand at his side despite his ability to cause and attract trouble.

    Johnny O'Connor
    The start to their friendship was slow, but despite Johnny’s initial volatile personality, they soon became friends, with the two of them confiding in each other more and more. Eventually, Johnny trusted Felix enough to bring him along on robberies on several different occasions, with Felix even acting as the Kray’s getaway driver in one instance.

    Even with his faith in Johnny so recently jeopardised, his loyalty to the man is still secure, still striving to prove himself trustworthy and capable, only becoming more devoted after the Freeman’s attempted to murder O’Connor, following Johnny to each new group he moved on to, never faltering in his self-imposed task to watch his back.

    Johnny Cooke & Fly Wilson
    Felix’s friendship with these two had barely begun before it was ended, leaving Felix feeling robbed, grieving for what he felt would have been a staunch alliance between them, having always found it easier to trust those closer to his age and social status than older, more elevated people.

    Their murders affected him viscerally, driving him to question just how far he himself would go to see the perpetrators punished.

    Lincoln McCormick
    Felix found that he liked the deputy despite himself, with Lincoln quickly becoming one of the only deputies that Felix truly trusted. Learning of Lincoln’s past and his family history only served to cement that trust, lending Felix a determination not to let the man down, and to find a code worthy enough stick to. His staunch insistance that New Austin will always be a safe place for Felix and Rose, regardless of what kind of danger they find themselves in has given Felix a peace of mind he hadn't known he needed.

    Charlie McCormick
    Initially, Charlie’s mothering nature bewildered Felix, confused at her wish to be called ‘Auntie’ but eventually chalked it up to being one of Charlie’s personal eccentricities, obliging only because the distinction seemed to make her happy. Despite that, he wouldn’t hesitate to defend her, and enjoys her company though he finds her lectures grating to listen to.

    Zoe Brown
    From the beginning, Zoe’s calm, steady presence was at odds with her criminal activities, but this didn’t deter them from becoming friends. Their respective connections have thrown them into small conflicts before, usually settled promptly and forgotten about soon after, and while there have been significant gaps between their meetings, Felix doesn’t doubt that they are still friends.

    Jayjay Kray
    Another youngster that he met early on, Felix has never really understood why Jayjay distanced himself from illegal activities, especially considering his name – The Krays being an infamous gang of outlaws – and doesn’t bother to hide his confusion on the subject, with the two occasionally butting heads about the most appropriate course of action in certain situations. Even so, they’ve exchanged their fair share of secrets, and trusted aspects of their past with each other that they wouldn’t have with others.

    Jacob Grussin
    Though Jacob is much older, both he and Felix have much in common, and as a consequence, Jacob tries to guide Felix on a better path than the one he himself took. They have a running joke involving Felix being Jacob’s long-lost bastard son, as their similarities appear uncanny at times.

    Ellen Chase
    Initially Ellen Molotov, there was a certain goody-two-shoes air about her that had Felix keeping his distance from her and her partner Sly, along with several rumours involving Ellen’s adopted parents. Over time, however, Rose and Felix grew closer to the two, eventually considering them best friends, Felix not hesitating to pay a hefty ransom for Ellen after she’d been abducted to ensure her swift and safe return.

    Sylvester Cooper
    After a rocky start (thanks to an early bias developed due to a perceived connection with Snake Face) Felix slowly grew to trust Sly, and with Ellen vouching for him, a genuine friendship began to form. A similar sense of humor and outlook on the world in general did the rest, and Felix now considers Sly a close friend, with a silent understanding regarding actions one must take to survive whilst also balancing one’s own morals and principles.

    Tobias 'Tobi' Hunter
    It was clear from the beginning that both Tobi and Felix shared identical ideas on loyalty, and it didn't take long for a chance to appear for Felix to display it. Following an incident where Felix unquestioningly had Tobi's back while they confronted someone Tobi deemed a threat, the two realized just how alike they were, and Tobi's open support and outrage on the behalf of both Felix and Rose in the wake of them being attacked by The Colts has made him an invaluable friend.

    After the murder of Johnny O'Connor, the two were at odds, with Felix openly condemning Tobi for not stepping in to defend Johnny, stating his belief that Tobi was a coward and an oath-breaker. They reconciled before Johnny's funeral, however, with Felix apologizing for the harsh things he'd said to Tobi, who gave his forgiveness freely and immediately. Their friendship since has been solid, with Tobi even speaking up on Felix's behalf against others who openly insulted him.

    George Bennett & Evelyn Hurst
    Felix saw two kindred spirits in these two, a partnership mirroring the one he shared with Rose. Both of them being criminals was never an issue to him, and despite their long absence from the state, their return saw Felix’s rapport with Georgie grow quickly. Evelyn’s murder broke Georgie’s heart, and Felix was there with him when he sought retaliation for her death. After Georgie’s own murder, to prevent his grief from overwhelming him, Felix instead pushed it to the side, focusing more on keeping himself and those few he cared for alive, though he makes sure to take the time to visit their graves often.

    From the beginning, Felix saw more than just a doe-eyed girl in Poppy. Her skill at her chosen profession was prolific, and it was one he could appreciate, though she found herself in trouble with the law often because of it. It wasn’t until he witnessed the difficult situation Poppy had found herself in that he truly felt a kinship toward her, offering his help to drag her out of it, willing to risk harm to himself in order to do so.

    Charlie Hagen a.k.a "Magpie"
    It was clear from the moment that Felix laid eyes on Magpie that they had similar skillsets, though the younger boy had a knack for talking – a lot. Initially wary of being robbed or having his pockets emptied, a tentative trust formed thanks to the friendship of Rose and Scout Stonebrook, Magpie’s best-friend-turned-girlfriend. Though they find themselves disagreeing quite often, they usually make up within a few days, and each time they do, it only strengthens their bond of friendship, furthering their understanding of each other.

    After his suspected (but disputed, and so far still unproven) betrayal of Felix and Rose to The Colts ended with them narrowly avoiding death, their relationship deteriorated to the point where Felix couldn't stand his presence at all.

    With Magpie's genuine displays of regret, along with a heartfelt apology opened Felix's mind to the idea of forgiveness, though it took many months for him to allow Magpie to try and earn it. With their relationship repaired, and their lessons learned, Felix's attitude toward Magpie has eased, and often spends time with him again, whenever they can meet.

    Scout Sterling
    The calmer, more emotionally mature girl is rarely seen without Magpie, but the times she has been have given Felix a chance to truly understand Scout more. Her steadfast determination and resourcefulness, coupled with the ability to know exactly what to say to diffuse a situation or make someone feel better, quickly secured her a fond place in the group Felix considered his friends.

    Following Rose and Felix's catastrophic encounter with the Colts, Scout's attachment to Jesse Sterling polarized their friendship, and the three no longer speak with anything passing basic civility, and Felix and Rose will go out of their way to avoid the two altogether.

    Agnes McCoy
    Felix’s perception of Agnes is a complicated one; they’re of a similar enough age that he found it easy to like her at first, despite her overly serious nature, but his opinion of her plummeted when she left The Krays to join The Freemans instead, taking Johnny hostage and personally shooting him in the head. Only through Jayjay’s intervention did he agree not to shoot her upon seeing her after the incident that left Johnny almost dead, and missing an eye. Her plan to extricate herself from The Freemans was met with scorn, however, Felix still hopes that she succeeds, for Jayjay’s sake.

    Jean Holt
    As a white-hat, Jean started out with a disadvantage in Felix’s esteem, though with Rose’s help, and Jean’s overall lackadaisical attitude when off-duty tilted his opinion in the older man’s favor. His questionable work practises notwithstanding, Felix does believe wholeheartedly that Jean would protect Rose, with his life if need be (maybe, if he was asked nicely) though he rarely finds himself thrilled to hear that Jean is on duty.

    Cody Calloway
    As many of Felix's friends, Cody is close in age and temperament, with a fierce loyalty that Felix has witnessed more than once, going so far as to confront Felix's enemies for him while Felix was in a coma, and cutting ties to people he was close to for speaking against his friends. Felix does worry about his out-of-control temper, but, having been victim to many instances of people older than him telling him his anger was unjust or unwarranted, he doesn't feel it's his place to rein Cody back, for fear of making Cody feel the same way, and prefers to stand at his side instead, ready to draw iron for Cody the same way that Cody has for him.


    "I don't give a care."

    "Rose, I'm gonna do it."

    "Finish what you started."

    "Got no pebble in my can."

    "Fuck your 'sorry' if you don't mean it."



    - His least favorite food are apples.
    - He can't read.
    - His nickname is ‘Lucky’, though it’s been proven to be very ironic.
    - Considers the rooftops of Saint Denis his home as much as the streets and alleyways.
    - Despises snitches, or anyone who spills secrets to the wrong people.
    - Has a fondness for coyotes and possums.
    - Has little problem approaching wild horses and can often ride them.
    - Has an interest in tarot cards and their meanings.
    - Despises the cold.
    - Enjoys visiting New Austin.
    - Keeps his hair long now due to it being forcibly shaved off when he was young (more recently it was cut by a nurse whilst he was comatose to avoid having to maintain it).
    - Prefers to drink beer, although is developing a taste for whiskey.
    - His favorite colors are yellow, green and red.
    - Has some medical knowledge gained from Rose, and often assists her.
    - Enjoys fighting, fair or otherwise.
    - Suffers sleep paralysis on a regular basis.
    - Is proficient at picking locks with even the most basic tools.

    Notable Belongings

    - Scuffed silver pocket watch.
    - Assortment of spent bullets and animal teeth and claws.
    - A well-maintained, oft-used LeMat revolver.
    - New-looking Colt Navy revolver, with the words ‘TUTTO IL MIO AMORE’ engraved on the frame, barely visible unless you know where to look.
    - A shiny Kray belt buckle.
    - Silver ring with a large citrine gem, gifted by Rose for their engagement.
    - A hunting knife coated with snake venom.
    - An unfinished, mis-matched tarot deck from cards he’s collected scattered around the state.
    - Red bandana he sometimes wears around his wrist or neck that he’s very protective of.
    - Worn bracelet made from lengths of twine and cord with a braid of colored string.
    - A small pot of balm for his chapped lips that Rose made for him for Christmas.

    Felix Avery









    181 cm / 5'11"


    72 kg / 160 lb


    October 31st 1882 (picked himself; unsure of his actual birthdate that year)


    Somewhere in Lemoyne, New Alexandria



    Marital Status:

    Married to Rose Avery


    Mother - Unknown
    Father - Unknown


    General All-Around Nuisance



    Faction Affiliations:

    The Krays [negative]
    The Colts [negative]
    The Freemans [negative]
    The Jackdaws [negative]