Jack King

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    An average sized well built gentleman with light brown hair and green eyes. Bare faced and commonly seen wearing his top hats and long coats. Is a bit snobbish for hygiene but otherwise quite charitable, polite and kind to those he meets. Very heartfelt and attentive friend, but seems to go out on trips with few friends for unspecified amounts of time.

    Early Life 

    1870s - 1880s

    Born in Lincolnshire, the United Kingdom, to the upper class aristocrats of society, Mr. King was endowed in wealth, as the eldest child, inheriting a majority of the fortune of his father's empire.



    The years leading up to an incident, known as the Venezuelan Crisis of 1895, Mr. King an essential role to settle disputes among countries for the better interests of business. Back in 1876, large amounts of Gold were discovered in the Essequibo region within British Guiana, prompting Venezuela to lay claim to the territory, where throughout the 1880's, negotiations were delved into to decide who was the primary benefactor in the territorial claim. Coming to a head in 1895, Mr. King was but an aide to the diplomatic negotiations, playing a larger influence within it with as the Spanish-American War of 1898 exerting American influence in the region boosted King's profits, particularly in his shares of United Fruit. Using his monetary influence, King bribed many of the negotiating parties to largely rule in favour of the Schomburgk Line, ending the crisis in the October of 1899.

    Present Life 


    February 1901

    Mr. King came into state looking for a business opportunity, and some politics. Originally, stumbling across many of the State's well known names, such as lawyer Jupiter Boothe, private detective Foster Holmes and many of the establishments across state.

    Mr. Boothe was a rather intriguing fellow, being a lawyer and the like, having a quite natural disdain for those in Government who got almost nothing done, Mr. King naturally saw him as a man of action. Rather similar in personality, desires for the state and the like, they started working together to figure out the best ways to improve the state post the Hurricane.

    Foster Holmes was in himself, a self made man, who Mr. King saw with the potential to do great things with his agency and the like. During this time however, the Italian Wars raged on, alongside ludicrous gang wars that left the state in financial ruin, economic devastation and the start of a minor recession.

    March 1901

    The end of the Italian wars marked the end of the good times in Saint Denis, as a new street gang, The Boston Blinders, reared their faces. They claimed all the city was theirs. This created conflict with the residents of Saint Denis, such as the roughing up of room owners and the like, which unfortunately, Mr. King, Tenpenny and Jaeger would soon face.

    April 1901

    Jupiter Boothe was soon taken aback by a large crowd and exiled from the United States by the federal purview, leaving Mr. King alone in the state. He proceeded to get into work with Mark Shepard, who at the time wanted to start his own detective agency, separate of Foster Holmes. This soon left to both folks at a sort of standstill, where Foster Holmes soon left state and Mark Shepard turning to crime.

    May 1901

    In broad daylight, Mr. King and Henry Tenpenny were kidnapped by Felix Mercer and a group of misfits over something that folks in top hats did, possibly Felix Nileson and his group. They were both hogtied and dragged to the edge of a cliff, where they were threatened with being tossed over the ledge if they did not answer their questions. Tenpenny would soon sacrifice himself, attempting to wrestle the gun from the captors. Mr. King, seeing no other option, opted to jump into the ravine, taking a blast of shotgun pellets to the shoulder as he fell into the cold rapids of the Dakota River. Through sheer will, Mr. King washed ashore the banks of the river downstream, very waterlogged, almost drowned, and found by Festus McGinty, who rushed him back to the nearest town of Valentine and through some proper medical care.

    June 1901

    Upon meeting a Mr. Robert Gates, Mr. King hit it off, founding the New Alexandria National Bank. Many meetings occurred discussing profit making and meetings between the two and Mr. Tenpenny proceeded in how to make it work.

    Trying to boost his public relations, Mr. King accompanied Scarlet Storm, Michael Brooke and another to the wilds of Ambarino, where a pot full of hallucinogenic substances was discovered. Mr. Brooke and Ms. Storm proceeded to drink from said pot, and have crazy hallucinations. Ms. Storm had soon fastened herself a crown of twigs, and attempted to kill Mr. King with a knife, in which she was promptly knocked unconscious. Upon returning to Valentine, her friend, Henry McCall, thoroughly questioned Mr. King, dragged him out behind the bar, and proceeded to stab Mr. King for such incident, as and understanding was not understood. Soon found by the town's residents, and treated for the stab wounds which luckily had not pierced any vital organs. Mr. King would report the crime later.

    Out of sheer stupidity and not giving up, The Boston Blinders once again, attacked Mr. King in the open streets of Valentine and again, amongst many Civilians, in Saint Denis. These multitude of attempts soured the gang's reputation and resulted in many of their arrests.

    July 1901

    Questioning and Arrest of Tenpenny
    For an investigation done by the department, regarding the infamous New Alexandria Hunting Society, Mr. Tenpenny and Mr. King were brought into questioning, drilled into for three hours, resulting in the eventual crack and break of Mr. Tenpenny, trying to gun down the Law Enforcement within the office. Mr. King was let go on a technicality, only to be kidnapped by Salem Blackwood, who tried to sacrifice Mr. King in the name of wronged women, but he had managed to crawl out of the swamps back to the nearest town, getting treatment and pushing through.

    The increased hostility and violence in the state resulted in Mr. King fleeing back out East, to the safer cities and civilizations where Law Enforcement was more effective.


    July 1902

    After hearing news that the fire had died down, Mr. King returned to New Alexandria, where he restarted up the bank in Robert Gates' absence and attempted to reshape it in a way that was more profitable. Also seeing the the high percentage of financial institutions, Mr. King attempted to merger with as many as possible to grow out his business, starting a lottery for the next month

    August 1902

    Although not a very sound business idea, Mr. King's lottery was a resounding success, selling 93 tickets over a five week period, with a total Jackpot of $1030. Folks from all backgrounds participated in the July 31st - August 28th lottery, from Saint Denis to Blackwater, due to Mr. King's despise of the New Austin area's heat and environment. This was also frowned upon by the residents of that part of state, and as such the lottery didn't grab any attention from such residents. The winner, Bean Buchanan, never collected within the lottery's timeframe and thus, Mr. King made a substantial profit. This would eventually come around though, in the future.

    September 1902

    As the new month rolled around, and Mr. King was kidnapped, and taken to a windmill, where he was threatened to be pushed off unless he promised that he slowed down his wagon in the future when riding through towns, which he happily complied, right before she stole his hat. Mr. King would soon have this resolved by contacting Jackson Boone, a member of The Remnants, who then retrieved his hat for him. Mr. King then proceeded to sell lottery tickets for the month, hiring a fellow by the name of James Hollinger, also known as Jim, who helped him for the duration of the month. Mr. King also hosted a carriage race with his soon to be partner, Miklos Gabor and Mr. Tenpenny. While quite a failure, it did promote both his and Mr. Gabor's respective companies. Mr. Tenpenny occasionally hung around and in doing so, made acquaintances with another fellow called Charles MacCoinneach. Mr. MacCoinneach would be there when Mr. King was once again kidnapped, this time by the Castillo Family, who threatened to toss him down the well for the retrieval of his hat by Mr. Boone. He was soon released and given the warning. Mr. King then continued the lottery, with the winner, Bobby Steele, winning $1290.

    October 1902

    On Hallows eve, Mr. King attended a multitude of parties, such as the Four Horseman Spooky Nite and the All Hallowed Eve's Bash, enjoying in many merrymaking and enjoyment, dressed as a sort of city thug clown. He drew the winning lottery ticket for October and made his way back to Saint Denis, to meet Michael Callahan, who was not there at the time. Following this, Mr. King entertained some street urchins who attempted to pickpocket and steal his hat. A chase ensued in which Mr. King fired his firearm amongst the alleyways in the streets, resulting in the injury of Emmy. Mr. King then proceeded to recount his side of the events to the officers on duty, Iris Moody and Jean Claude. Mr. King then continued The lottery winner, Ria Lasky, winning $750, but unfortunately did not collect, being forfeited to the Bank.

    November 1902

    While mostly uneventful, Mr. King had a few crossings with The Remnants, alongside having the company of Ula Grey and Henry Maddox, assisting him in the lottery. The lottery was also rather tame this month, with Brian Stanton winning the lottery just 2 weeks in, totaling $400. Mr. King was also informed by the Sheriff's department that the case against Felix Mercer for the events of the previous year would be dropped, rather disappointingly.

    Mr. King also pondered upon the idea for running for Governor, gaining support from a facet of individuals and the like, but ultimately, had to get a sustainable amount of friends, especially in the judicial and law enforcement offices.

    December 1902

    Mr. King, in his run for Governor, faced a series of scandals and backlash from prominent gangs in state, and lost the election with not even 5% of the vote. For most of the holidays, Mr. King would be reclusive and remain primarily in his Bank Office, drinking his sorrows away. He would soon be grateful when Connor Boysenberry was released, and be a bit more showing about in the latter half of the month. It was also at this time that he would lose Henry Maddox, his former security, to pneumonia alongside his fine secretary Ula Grey disappearing from the state. This in itself drove a bit into his state of depression.

    He would then celebrate the New Years in Rhodes, amongst many of those who worked at Rosewood Ranch, such as Keith Montgomery, Raven Stanton and Franklin Longmire.


    January 1903

    The new year afoot, Mr. King started running his lottery again, with Jackie Linder winning the month's Winnings of $420. During this period, the posters that were stolen in his run for governor appeared in state, putting him in the running for the Mayor of Butcher's Creek. Those part of the creek destroyed Mr. King's office, resulting in his paranoia growing, with Bean Buchanan reappearing, trying to rob and kill Mr. King for his lottery money. Due to Buchanan, Mr. King started having the Hallocks after him, for rumors on him hunting people in December, in which he had no part of as he was running for governor.

    February 1903

    Upon a decision over a possible way to gain support for the April elections, Mr. King took the lawyer's bar exam. This month saw King being attack by Aiden Breen, Dell Hallock and Caspar Dubois, who attempted to hunt him after his newfound security, Dietrich Hedrick and Keagan Beegan handed him over. Saved by law enforcement, King went into hiding for the remainder of the month, only coming out to give out the lottery's winnings, totaling $450 and handed over to Jane Bell.

    March 1903

    The start of this month was quite chaotic, where Keagan Beegan was released from Sisika Penitentiary, alongside a reconciliation between Mr. King and Dietrich Hedrick over the events of the prior month. Mr. King has remained on edge ever since, with Sergei Hallock making appearances at the New Alexandria National Bank to talk to him, although unsuccessfully. Upon a routine trip to the telegrams, he was confronted by Aiden Breen, where a shootout and following a kidnapping occurred, but foiled by Breen's ill preparedness for what he had planned for Mr. King.

    Upon Breen's return to Sisika Penitentiary, King began making many preparations in his life, such as meeting Levi Thompson and planning a proposal for marriage of Ms. Ula Grey. King had approximately been almost kidnapped an approximate 5 times this month. One included Mato Kawewe and Kaache "Birdie", where without the presence of Mr. Dietrich, he surely would have been taken.

    Mr. King's primary competition, Jason Black Enterprises, defaulted and fell under, leaving his Bank as the sole financial institution in the state.
    This then helped lead to his decision to take a chance, and run for State Representative for the April election, seeing a higher chance of luck in the matter.

    April 1903


    While the Elections were in full swing, Mr. King had to face many challenges and struggles against enemies he had made, tarnishing his campaign alongside his secret lover Ula Gray leaving state, for his own sanity and sake, decided to travel to Guarma during the voting weekend to take him mind off the election, alongside to do some business with the Guarma Import Company. Returning to the state, Mr. King learned of the news of his loss in the election for state representative but out of respect attended the inauguration. Confident for the summer, he drumming up business with many groups across the state.

    The next couple of weeks saw a boom in business opportunities, with meetings of folks such as Archie Claiborne, Dante Leone and plenty of other new citizens.

    Dante, hired on as King's new security, soon got himself into trouble, amongst a few misdemeanour charges regarding an attempted self defense of Carter Evander on the 14th. The trial was granted a continuance after possible evidence had popped up regarding the facts to the case being omitted, with bail granted to Dante to continue his hunting company.

    Claiborne looked for investment for his Railroad, for which Mr. King highly considered, but soon his interest was squashed with the acquisition of Claiborne's company by the Great West Railroad Company, bringing the railways right back across the state under a monopolistic railroad tycoon company.

    This soon left King with the idea to start an oil company with some associates with that venture soon to see.

    May 1903

    May started anew, with King meeting again with Dante Leone, who ran his casino off the Grand Korrigan, a luxury gambling river boat. Mr. King would spend quite a fortune here this month, bleeding out his remaining cash in an attempt to drown out the woes of losing the Election for the second time.

    As the month went on, Franklin Longmire soon passed, sending shockwaves throughout the state, and especially Mr. King, whom Franklin protected for many months the previous year.

    June 1903

    Starting the month off, Mr. King had to deal with the court case of Keagan Beegan, regarding an incident where Keagan Beegan, Dietrich Hedrick, James Hollinger and Jack O'Hare gunned down Aiden Breen, Birdie and Ray Carver.

    In a rally to his defense, Mr. King, alongside another potential attorney, Simon Caulfield, and the possibility of Brath Macwell, started prepping a defense, where upon questioning the parties alongside Keagan, Mr. King was shot point blank by James Hollinger using a Navy Revolver, where he ended up comatose for almost half a week from the blood loss.

    Upon waking, Mr. King was greeted by his former courtship, Ula Grey, followed by good friends of Thomas Bowdre and Keith Montgomery, where conversation occurred about the circumstances with Hollinger, alongside Bowdre's marriage with Mable Bowers, to become Mr. And Mrs. Shepard. Ms. Grey had at this point returned post her marriage to a man her parents betrothed her to in Canada. Being a wedded lady, King soon gave up any prospect of future courtship with her.

    Mr. King slowly made his way working back at the bank, where a brief conversation with Jack O'Hare made King's intentions known regarding retaliation, and dismissed the man from his presence. Then, about a week past this, Mr. King was informed about the intention of the Federal Administration in Washington D.C. to appoint him as the State Representative to replace Tayen Aucuyman.

    The inauguration in Saint Denis was rather short and rushed, with many folks in attendance, jeering and insulting Mr. King and his character, but also saw the return of Henry Tenpenny, whom had only visited for such occasion. Upon leaving the courthouse, he was bombarded with insults by Apollo Alovich and warned by a mysterious ginger lady about the price on his head. Being aware of the many threats on his life and ignoring Mr. Alovich's ravings, Mr. King proceeded in starting to get his agenda presentable to his fellow representatives.

    July 1903

    Hitting the ground running, Mr. King was tackling every sector with a law, where many could not go through, due to the bureaucracy with Federal Congress, alongside his fellow representatives. Going from detainment, to recreational drugs, to the economy to freedoms, Mr. King tried it all, only being able to push a badge reform for the Department of Prisons and their inclusion as a Government institution.

    Post a Public Session of the Legislature with his fellow representatives, Mr. King and Lee Colt were hashing out the final draft of their bills, where John Henry Booth and his wife Dixie Booth attempted to rob the both of them.

    August 1903​

    Leading up to the next election, Mr. King was soon charged for his participation in the hunting society, no thanks the to the snitching by Alan Watson and his crew. He had managed to plea out, but his reputation was set in shambles, and was sentenced to 10 years of labour within the walls of Sisika penitentiary, but spent most if not all of it sick in his cell instead of working.

    In the dark, Mr. King is part of the New Alexandria Hunting Society.

    Convening the meeting

    Full story of the first hunt in Ambarino - Lady and loss

    The Strawberry kidnapping

    Attempted hunt with tenpenny in Rhodes

    Hunting Buffalo with Mildred Brice

    The Attempted hunt of Felix Mercer

    The Revenge of Felix Mercer

    The Hunt of Aiden Breen

    The Meeting of the Nileson Gang

    The Meeting of Highlander

    The Hiring to Attack Breen

    The Attempt at Extortion

    The Murder of Highlander

    The Snuffing of the Flame
    On the same day as King's inauguration to State Representative, a private meeting between the remaining original founders, Tenpenny and King, discussed and concluded that the dissolution of the chapter, at least with the involvement of themselves, should occur.


    TrustedHenry TenpennyAlive
    FriendsJupiter Booth
    Gilbert Jaeger
    Buster Kelly
    Robert Gates
    Mildred Brice
    Henry Maddox
    Dietrich Hedrick
    Dante Leone
    Luca Santino
    Ash Smith


    AcquaintancesConnor Boysenberry
    Scarlett Storm
    Jof Hawkins (Formerly Jof Bergman)
    Festus McGinty

    Agwe Dunsha
    Ula Grey
    Sylvie Selkirk
    Cohren Walker
    Boone Jackson
    Michael Callahan
    Lydia Clayton
    Jason Black
    Keagan Beegan
    Alan Watson
    Felix Nileson
    Albert Windsor
    Dante Alligheri

    EnemiesArthur Kennedy
    Wayne Kennedy
    Rueben Kennedy
    Alexander Kennedy
    Johnny Steele
    Thompson Greene
    Keri Shelby
    Wyatt Connors
    Henry McCall
    Felix Mercer
    Salem Blackwood
    Aiden Breen
    Mato Kawewe
    James "Jim" Hollinger





    "Criminals get what comes to them"
    "Have a good day fellows!"
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, get shot you bastard!"
    "Lottery Tickets?!?"
    "Are you here to talk, or here to tell..."
    "A man with enemies must be doing something right.*


    ● Is constantly mistaken for Alan Watson
    ● Loves wearing top hats
    ● Positions himself with his arms behind his back and hunched

    Jack Frederick King









    5' 10"


    156 lbs


    March 15th, 1876


    Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom



    Marital Status:



    John King - Alive
    Nathaniel King - Alive

    Jameson King - Alive




    Mr. Tophat
    Tophat Man
    Mr. Fancy
    The King
    Mr. King

    Faction Affiliations:

    New Alexandria National Bank - Current
    Black Syrup National Oil - Current
    New Alexandria Hunting Society - Disbanded
    New Alexandria Legislature - Former
