Boyd Langston

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  • Boyd_Langston__7_-removebg-preview.png


    An athletic-looking man with brown hair. His beard tends to grow quite rapidly at times so he has to shave consistently, but he is not very good at this so he nicks himself most of the time, leaving some nasty scabs/scars around his lower chin. He has several scars across his body, but the most noticeable one is on the left side of his face, leaving a glass eye in place of the eye socket. It's quite a nasty scar that he received defending his siblings against a man who broke into his family house at the age of 23.

    Boyd is approximately 6'4 in height and is the tallest out of 9 siblings

    All of his scars consist of:

    * The big one on the left side of his face

    * A nasty cauterization wound on his left shoulder in the shape of a star that's about the size of a baseball.

    * A smiley face-shaped scar on his upper right arm he received from the Skinner Family

    * his torso is filled with 4 different slash scars he also received from the Skinner Family

    * His entire body is pretty much filled with stitched up bullet wound scars.

    * On his left arm is an engraving of a Fish

    Early Life 

    * Before Birth
    In 1863, Bron Langston relocated to Virginia from Canada to be with his beloved, Elise Hughes, whom he cared for deeply. Consumed by his love for her, he proposed and the two were married in 1868. Their love continued to blossom and three years after their wedding, they welcomed their first child, John Langston, who would become the eldest of their nine children. Boyd F. Langston was born when John was only five years old, and he would be the second oldest of the Langston siblings.

    * Childhood
    Boyd was a reserved child, but at 12 years old, he developed a strong attraction to Diane Carter, who was the same age. They kept their relationship a secret from everyone and Boyd would sneak out of the family home to see her almost every other night. Together, they enjoyed various activities such as stargazing and sneaking into the local theater to watch plays and moving-pictures

    However, when Boyd was 15, his father caught him sneaking out and punished him in front of his siblings by beating him with a stick. After forcing the truth out of Boyd, his father forbade him from seeing Diane again. Boyd felt deeply disrespected by his father and harbored intense resentment towards him. Despite the ban, he continued to sneak out and see Diane, even stealing money from his father to do so.

    A song that describes his childhood.

    * Young Adult Life
    When Boyd turned 18, he made a very bad mistake leading to him having a child with Diane. Immediately after the child was born, he married Diane and joined the Military to be able to support his new family. Boyd served in the army for about 5 years, and while he was in the Military, he received letters from Diane that were very worrisome regarding his relationship. He could tell It was dying, and Diane started seeing other people behind his back while Boyd was serving.

    When Boyd turned 23, he received a letter from his Brother, Ricky telling him that his mother had fallen ill. He immediately left for home to see his mother and was her primary caretaker for a while because his dad was too busy with feeling sorry for himself. Boyd's mother passed away 5 months after he got home, and because he had taken so much time with his mother, Diane eventually shut the door on Boyd, and would not allow Boyd to see his Daughter, Daisy Langston. This made Boyd heavily depressed, causing him to drink a lot. He lost his house, so he moved back in with his Family.

    Boyd took it upon himself to take care of his siblings because his dad was too focused on sorrowing to himself, and one night, while Boyd was out drinking, a man had broken into the house where his siblings had been sleeping. When Boyd returned home, he heard a lot of clutter upstairs, so he went to go investigate. He noticed 3 doors had been forced open and he rushed into each room where he would find 2 of his dead siblings cut up in their beds. he walked into the 3rd room, where he found his 16-year-old sister alone in the dark, visibly distraught and upset. He went over to her to ask her what was up and as he got closer he could see a man with a gun pointed at his sister's head, she mouthed "Don't move"

    The Man holding the gun became more and more visible as the light started to hit him. He was a very odd-looking man who appeared very desperate. Boyd tried negotiating with the man, offering him money and valuables to please spare his sister's life. The man lowered his weapon and that's when Boyd ran to get his sister out of the man's grasp. The man quickly raised his weapon, and shot his sister, killing her instantly. Boyd tackled the man and pulled his knife out, but it slipped, causing the man to take the knife, redirecting it into Boyd's face, causing him to bleed all over the place.

    Boyd, still in shock, took the man's gun and shot him 7 times in the head. With blood spewing out of his face, Boyd quickly tore a piece of fabric from his shirt and used it to cover up his face. Boyd lost his eye that night, and saw the Local crazy witch lady who hand crafted him a glass eye.

    Later in the week, Boyd had to watch as 3 of his beloved siblings were lowered into their graves. This made Boyd leave state, where he would eventually end up in a state named "New Alexandria".

    Present Life 

    Boyd is currently buried in a graveyard located in Cholla Springs.

    Currently Writing


    All of Shadow Firm
    Iris Murdoch
    Kragen Murdoch
    Robert Murdoch
    Polly Paley
    Lockhail Hawkins
    Jof Bergman
    Elias Springfield
    Ora Connors
    Owen Beckett


    Headin Jacobs
    Evelyn Bullock
    Boone Jackson
    Ria Lasky
    Damon Lasky
    V. Volotski
    Leroy Smith
    Lip Darmon
    Jacco Vinke
    August Bishop
    Darion Rueb
    Billy Butters
    Isaac O'Neil
    Manuel Carvalho
    Quinn Holloway

    Most of Kings Cross Staff


    Close Friends
    Merilee Holland
    Tod Jones
    Thomas Anderson

    Ramona Hess
    Connor Boysenberry
    Cosmo Kray
    Ricky Langston
    Timothy Langston (Deceased)
    Melody Kennedy
    John Langston
    Jacob Allen

    Avery Hardy

    People he would likely take a bullet for

    Merilee Holland
    Tod Jones
    Melody Kennedy
    Esme Keller
    Jacob Allen
    John Langston
    Ricky Langston
    Piper Langston
    Thomas Anderson
    "The Tea Lady"

    No current partner... yet

    Bron Langston
    Elena Langston
    The Skinner Family
    Kelly Samun and her group
    The Goon Squad
    The Colemans
    Miles Morgan (Deceased)
    The Ashen
    Cobalt Fish
    Jericho Arden
    Tobias Plimmft
    Lars Stefan


    "I just beat the shit out of Eddie Coleman"
    "They call me the wolf slapper"
    "Jesus Christ man"




    Boyd F. Langston











    180 lbs


    May 26th, 1876


    Canada - Moved to Virginia when he was 3



    Marital Status:



    Elena Langston Alive
    Ricky Langston Alive
    Timothy Langston Deceased
    Piper Langston Alive
    Bron Langston Alive
    John Langston Alive
    Elise Langston Deceased
    Gavin Langston Deceased
    Martha Langston Deceased
    Patrick Langston Deceased

    Daisy Langston - Daughter - Alive




    Finn Perkins

    Faction Affiliations:
