Lockhail Hawkins

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  • "The Princess of St Denis" - Theme Song


    Lockhail is a very stylish young business woman primarily residing and operating from St Denis. She is known for having an eye for fashion and can often be found at the tailor's in St Denis trying on different attire, socialising or criticizing people's outfits.

    She owns LACE & BELLS, a successful business providing tailoring and wedding planning services. She has since planned several successful weddings and bachelorette parties for couples who have entrusted her to put together a memorable and special occasion. Her company is her pride and joy, and as a result, she puts all of her time, effort and energy into ensuring she provides the best possible experience for the civilians of New Alexandria.

    People often call her a pretentious 'snob' with a bit of a temper based on rumour and poor first impressions, however, those who truly know her well would say that she has the tendency of being rather impulsive, playful and very loyal to those she considers friends.

    On several occasions, Lockhail has gone above and beyond to ensure the safety of those she cares about, as displayed on one instance when Lockhail caught wind that Alice Jinks had been shot by a man in a bowler hat in the general store in Rhodes from Ricky Shay, when the same culprit was seen riding through town - announced by Ricky Shay; "There goes that bowler-hat-bastard!" To which Lockhail jumped into action, by getting on her horse and bellowing; "Where's my gun?" And riding off after the criminal. Ricky Shay, bewildered by her vigilantism, described the act as being 'one of the bravest things he had ever seen.'

    Outside of her professional life, Lockhail enjoys spending time with her closest friends and family. She is married to a lawyer named Jof Hawkins, with whom she has an infant daughter with, named Heidi. They enjoy quiet evenings with tea in their Estate in St Denis.

    She is particularly close with Heidi's Godmother, Marla Rae Sullivan, a fiery woman known for being a spectacular brawler whom she considers to be her dearest ally, the two are known for pulling pranks and getting into mischief when together. So much so that Wyatt Connington took to calling them 'Double Trouble'.

    She is also close with Mollie Byrd, Ash Wood, Juniper Jacobs, Alarielle Brunner and Mas Blanche.

    {Mollie, Lockhail, Mas, Marla & Juniper being supportive.}

    Early Life 

    Valerica was born in Surrey, England - into a wealthy family known as the Everstones - who decided to move to the State when she was a young girl. Her father had built a successful Empire in the Mining Industry, by funding much of the equipment and providing work for the locals. As such, they were financially well off and could afford the finer things in life. Her family moved to St Denis after buying an extravagant home, and Valerica was bound to her room, living a rather secluded and sheltered life.

    Her father kept an overbearing and watchful eye on her, placing many high expectations on his only child. She received the best education, private tutoring and was practically raised by the household staff, while her elegant mother distracted herself by excessively spending money on the finest attire and jewellery, which Valerica often secretly modelled out of boredom. This thrill consumed her, and developed an intrigue into the world of fashion and jewels.

    As Valerica grew, she became fascinated by the outside world. She grew up with no friends and no other children of her age group and yearned to connect with those around her age. Eventually, after an episode of abuse from her parents, Valerica ran away from home... or so the story goes.
    Shortly after her disappearance, the Everstone Estate was victim to attempted Arson, and the household was found murdered, the bodies were too charred and unrecognisable to configure the autopsy. The Estate was rebuilt and resold, and the Everstone Empire came to an end with the disappearance of its heir. The fortune presumably was moved to the Lemoyne Bank and stored.


    {{ Lockhail in her Prime as a Member of the MC - (Art by Isei - Mas Blanche }}

    After leaving her old life behind, Valerica took on a new name 'Lockhail' and found herself under the mentorship of a woman known as Mas who found her stranded by the docks in the swamp area surrounding St Denis. Be it out of pity or duty, Mas decided to take the teenager under her wing and taught her the basic necessities on how to survive. How to shoot a gun, brawl, hunt and get away with unsavoury unlawful activity.
    It took a while for Lockhail to get accustomed to this new life, especially around domestic chores that her adoptive mother had her do. It taught her discipline and it stripped her (mostly) of the fragilities of her former life.

    From the ages of 16-21, Lockhail rode around with Mas and her sisters, 'the girls' - other strays that Mas had picked along the way.

    They formed a bond akin to family, and they were inseparable.

    Over the years, Mas and her girls executed high-stakes crime and made a living out of it. By day, they laboured in different industries - ranching, farming, hunting and exploring - and by night, they hunted bounties, intimidated other business competitors and robbed those they deemed as 'deserving'.

    What they were most known for however, was their military-style train heists. An an ensemble, they were highly organised and played their parts in tune with their individual strengths. At the peek of their success, they retired. They had decided that it was better to retire while they still had the chance, than get caught and risk being killed.


    "We did what we had to do to survive, and it's time we leave the past behind us."

    The girls went their separate ways, and Lockhail caught a boat with an expedition crew. Embarking on a trip to Africa in search for diamonds. She was overseas for a year and lost most of her money paying the crew. She came back to New Alexandria after the ship was assaulted by Pirates on the coast, robbing her of her last cent - to start a completely new life from scratch, and reuniting with her sisters.

    While the gang is considered 'Retired', old tendencies run deep... and the wedding planner often finds herself meddled in sticky business with questionable folk.

    It's only a matter of time before the wrong side of the law come sniffing around, asking questions.

    Present Life 

    Lockhail is a socialite, having many friends and admirers across the state - she is always being pulled into politely constructed conversations. Though most will receive the same response 'Oh you know, I'm busy with work'.

    Oftentimes folk will stop her to ask for her opinion on their outfits, to which they will likely receive a rather blunt and almost cruel critique from the otherwise well spoken woman.

    "Lockhail, tell me what you think of my outfit!"
    "You couldn't afford my genuine opinion. Do yourself a favour and burn it. It's an eyesore."
    "I... wow. Ouch!"

    Those Considered (Or are) Family:

    Mas Blanche : Adoptive Mother Figure
    Marla Rae : Sister & Friend
    Mollie Byrd : Sister & Friend
    Juniper Jacobs : Sister & Friend
    Alarielle Brunner : Sister & Friend
    Ash Wood : Sister & Friend
    Gretchen Klein : Sister & Friend
    Jof Hawkins : Best friend & Husband
    Heidi Hawkins : Biological daughter

    Alexander Crane : Respected Father figure

    Those trusted:
    Jonathan Fjelholl : A very close and trusted friend, Lockhail has him written down in her diary as one of her emergency contacts. He officiated her wedding.

    Headin Jacobs : She trusts Headin with her life, the two have a lot of chemistry and always have fun together.

    Shelby Lord : Not many earn her trust as naturally as Shelby did. When he was in Prison she offered her support, and she has grown to see Shelby as a little brother.

    Allies & Comrades:
    Connor Boysenberry : Lockhail sees Connor as someone who deserves the world. She is protective over Connor and has gone out of her way to ensure his well being.

    Holly Addair : A very supportive business partner and good friend. Lockhail and Holly appear to have a lot in common.

    Nora Croft : One of Lockhail's closest friend. Lockhail is protective over the young woman and the two always seem to have fun together.

    Billy Butters : Billy makes Lockhail laugh and she considers him a good friend as a result.

    Todd Jones : Both Todd and Lockhail have both gone out of their way to help one another in some capacity. They consider each other good friends.

    Iris Dragner, Kragen Murdoch, Boone Jackson, Theodore Addams, Bob & The Remnants : Despite their troublesome reputation, Lockhail considers The Remnants friends and allies. When she was kidnapped and had her horse killed, The Remnants rode out in an attempt to find the culprit responsible for her injuries. Boone Jackson accompanied her to ensure her safety and also reached out to The Widows to find the man who had harmed her. Iris and Kragen were also the two who found her when she had been stabbed by The Brotherhood in her room at the Rhodes Parlour house, she was also as their wedding. Lockhail does business with their members.

    The Brotherhood : The Brotherhood made an attempt on her life when she was sleeping soundly in her room, purely to get back at Sir Dain Alwyn, who had asked Lockhail to accompany him to the wedding of Manuel and Dahlia.

    The Ramos Brothers: On her first day in State, Lockhail was kidnapped and taken hostage by the trio. She received a concussion from being pistol whipped. She hasn't forgotten and intends on getting them back for that. One day.

    The Krays : The Krays were a big source of tension and distrust when Lockhail first came to state. They tried to intimidate her out of the office space she had chosen to run her business from, accused her of being a spy, made plans to have her killed and became the biggest wedge between her and Marla. They killed a man she considered a friend; Finley Burton as well. By the end, The Krays were on neutral ground with Lockhail - though she is glad they are gone. With that said, she is now on good terms with some of the former members; Wyatt Connington, Alexander Crane and Percy Krane.

    Ares Baldwin : The man who robbed her on two occasions and shot her horse. Lockhail continuously encountered Ares and every encounter she was the victim, except for the last one. By his third attempt, Lockhail was lucky - and she beat the man with her bare fists. He wasn't alone, and it resulted in the third and last kidnapping. There, she demanded he apologize for ruining her outfit and replace her horse with a new one. A promise he never kept, but she was satisfied that she got to bruise him up a little.

    The Blue Marsh
    Monster (Miles) : This criminal kidnapped Lockhail when she was working in her office and took her to the swamps to a cabin, where he made her sow together a doll, prick her finger and drop its blood into its eyes. He made her perform a sacrificial ritual so that a Voodoo Goddess could use her as a vessel to embody. Once she returned to St Denis, Agatha helped her with some herbs to cleanse her spirit and break the curse.

    Scarlet Storm: Lockhail grew to dislike Scarlet the day she was confronted outside of her office by Scarlet, Cosmo and Crane - after she tried to spin a nasty rumour about one of Lockhail's sisters, Marla and her now husband Sal Sullivan. Outnumbered and unarmed, when Lockhail tried to speak - Scarlet responded by launching at her and choking her out unconscious. Lockhail was taken to the hospital in St Denis, was woken up by smelling salts and promptly jumped into action by fist-fighting Scarlet. The Krays at the time, who Scarlet was affiliated with, broke the fight up by having to rope up Lockhail twice to get her to calm down. Lockhail has since learned that Scarlet has been consistently bad-mouthing her and the two never got over their feud. Lockhail believes Scarlet to be a tasteless gossip and doesn't affiliate herself with her. Though Lockhail conducts herself professionally and only interacts with Dr Storm if she absolutely must.


    Mother's Chosen - Member


    "I know you like the outfit, but do you LOVE it?" - To Marcus Church
    "You don't know who you're fucking with." - To Scarlet Storm after she CHOKED her out. They were stopped from fighting after Cosmo Kray bound Lockhail mid fist-fight. They never got to finish it.
    "We are not leaving until we find you the perfect hat." - Lockhail to a customer
    "Was it at least funny?" Lockhail to Headin Jacobs after falling off a roof.


    • Despite residing in St Denis, Lockhail hates the surrounding swamp & marsh land.
    • Prior to Marla Rae being the current best fighter among the girls, Lockhail was the original champion and often boosted about how she couldn't be humbled.
    • She has a strange fascination with Norse Mythology and collects books about this topic. She even learned some old Norse and can read some of the runes, but she doesn't talk about this with anyone because she deems it 'childish'.
    • Lockhail is a useless cook, the only time she attempted to cook was for Connor Boysenberry where she made him some scrambled eggs.
    • Lockhail is known as the 'Golden Child' and is often referred to as 'Mas's' favourite, though she doesn't believe this to be true.
    • Despite her reputation of being a seductress among men, Lockhail possesses a more traditional approach to courting and never dated. In fact, the only man she ever properly considered dating she ended up marrying. They currently have a daughter together named Heidi.
    • Lockhail's favourite horse was called 'Duchess', she was a Criollo and she has since renamed her currently Criollo after her.
    • Darion Rueb named Lockhail The Princess of Saint Denis in reference the supposed resemblance she had to Fletcher Beckett, something akin to the female version - stating that if the two had gotten together, they would have 'set the state on fire' with their fashion antics, according to Rueb. After several comparisons made by other people, the title ended up sticking, though it initially started off as a joke.
    • Her favourite weapon to use is a sawed-off shotgun. Hers is called Princess, and it was gifted by Alexander Crane.
    • Originally, Lockhail wanted to get into the jewellery business - but after being complimented on her outfits, she was persuaded into making a career out of designing them for other people.
    • She temporarily joined The Watchdogs, a group of bounty hunters. However, shortly after applying for her licence she suspected she was pregnant and decided against pursuing such a dangerous line of work. After confirming she was with child, she made plans to promptly leave State to have her daughter.
    • The tree in Emerald Ranch between the train tracks and the Heartland Overflow is her favourite tree. Here she met Sir Dain Alwyn, reunited with Marla and was proposed to by Jof. She has stated that when she passes, she'd like to be buried underneath the tree.
    • Shelby Lord is the only male she would consider to be the closest thing to a little brother, as Lockhail grew up surrounded by women only. He is also currently in the lead of discovering all the members of her sisterhood.
    • Despite being a wedding planner herself, Lockhail decided to get eloped in the St Denis courthouse.
    • She loves all dogs and even owns a prized White-Coat Poodle named Georgette.
    • Lockhail used to be very self conscious of her freckles and did everything she could to hide it under make up.

    Lockhail Hawkins













    Nov 23 1879


    London, England



    Marital Status:

    Married to Jof Hawkins


    Mas Blanche (Adoptive Mother
    Marla Rae (Sister)
    Mollie Byrd (Sister)
    Juniper Jacobs (Sister)
    Ash Wood (Sister)
    Alarielle Brunner (Sister)
    Gretchen Klein (Sister)
    Heidi Hawkins (Daughter)
    Alexander Crane (Father Figure)


    Personal Stylist
    Wedding Planner
    Gang Member


    The Princess of St Denis - given by Darion Rueb
    The Queen of St Denis - By Shelby Lord
    Princess - By Alexander Crane
    The Silvertongue - Given by MC
    Maneater - UNKNOWN
    Stylish Serpent - By Jof
    The Wedding Lady - By Elias Springfield
    The Mouthy Stylist - By Ares Baldwin
    The Lost Diamond - Newspaper Article
    Madame Lockhail - by Lip Darmon

    Faction Affiliations: