Scarlet Storm

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    Short in stature
    Natural Long Black Hair, tied in a braid.
    (For a short time it was silvery blonde)

    Big Blue eyes
    Fair Tannish Skin
    Has round, full lips.

    Curvy and fit figure.
    ✧Wears dark eye shadow and red lipstick
    Wears Red Roses in Her Hair
    Typically wears all black or red clothes.
    Wears a Choker around her neck to cover a scar.

    Wears silver hoops or antique earrings

    Scarlet is kind hearted and extremely empathetic. She cares deeply and willing to put others before herself.
    Shes loyal to those close to her and helpful to those who are in need.
    Scarlet is as well VERY stubborn. When she has her mind set on something, its hard to deter her.
    She can be a bit of a firecracker as well, quick to defend others
    and calling out injustices. Shes not afraid to stand up for herself or others.
    Scarlet usually shelters her feelings and dislikes opening too much about her traumatic past and her inner thoughts.
    Shes spent a good part of her life by herself which has led her to act more independent rather then seeking help.
    She can be socially awkward and hates long silences in conversation. (You may notice she gets awkward when trying to end a conversation)
    She does her best to get along with everyone around her. If there is someone she doesn't like (or they don't like her) it's usually for good reason.
    She tends to bring up random thoughts that comes to her head and gets easily distracted.
    She got the nickname "Squirrel Brain" because of this.
    Shes very fidgety and doesnt like to stay in one place for too long and because of this
    she is known to wander off when bored or due to her curious nature, to explore places around her.
    Which usually leads her to getting hurt, lost, and/or in trouble.
    She loves animals and has many horses that she loves like children.
    Scarlet is a great marksman (except when it comes to shooting cougars) and has never lost a gun fight (yet)...

    Early Life 

    Scarlet was born September 3rd, 1877 to Martin Storm and Luisa.
    Martin was a traveling merchant, who would exchange good between islands in the Carribean and in southern parts of North America. During a fateful trip to Porto Rico, to procur coffee for trade, he met Luisa in the village of Jayuya.
    They fell in love as soon as they laid eyes upon each other. They were soulmates. Destined.
    It wasnt too long till they were expecting a child together.
    Sadly, when Scarlet entered the world her Mother left soon after. The toll of the delivery, and the lack of medical care was too hard on her. She wasnt able to pull thru.
    Martin was crushed, devastated by the loss but he had a baby to take care of and he began his focus on raising her.


    For the first few years of Scarlets life, she lived on the Island of Porto Rico with her Father. Staying in the same village as her mother, Jayuya.
    He wanted her to get to know the people her mother was apart of. Martin focused on helping the village with it's production of Coffee and transporting goods to the Port of Ponce.
    Some of Scarlets favorite memories was traveling from Jayuya to Ponce, a larger town by the beautiful beaches. Martin would take her to the beach where she run around with her father, collecting shells, learning more about the people her mother came from.
    When she was 5 she danced her Areyto, her naming ceremony, where she received her Taina name, Anaris
    [Ana-Ris]. Which means 'Red Flower'.
    She was also given her Mothers bow, something her Father held onto when she passed. The Caribe from her Mothers tribe taught the young Scarlet how to handle it and soon she was able to hit her marks.
    Martin was proud of his daughter and how much she was like her Mother. Though there were parts of her Mother, worrying traits, that he was unaware of that Scarlet inherited...
    Over time, Martin found it best to find more sustainable, safer work for himself and to support Scarlet. Though the Coffee import business was doing well, the conflict of the land was of great concern to him. With money he had saved, he bought passage for himself and Scarlet to America.
    At the tender age of 7, Scarlet said goodbye to he island living and set sail with her father to Florida and begin a new life there. Scarlet had only known the sea, the forest, the island and the simple living it gave. But Martin helped prepared her for the life she might expect in the States.
    (Photo of 7 year old Scarlet with her Father)

    (Scarlet Traveling the Roads with her Father)

    Scarlet and her father started their travels in Florida, exchanging in goods and doing odd jobs on the side. They lived out of a big Caravan for the first couple of years in the States.
    Scarlet loved the outdoors and getting lost within it. Her father had his hands full with a child who was filled with wonder and curiousity. Her knack for exploring had gotten her in trouble from time to time.

    When she was 9, she was currently staying in a town that was settled near the swamps.
    Her father was currently working a side job, repairing the dilapidated Church.
    Scarlet was suppose to stay at the caravan and tend to her daily chores but curiosity got the best of her. Following a stray cat that caught her attention, she soon found herself lost in the swamps. When her Father returned home that night, he noticed right away she was missing. He easily followed her trail and found a bloodied Scarlet huddled under a tree crying and shaking.
    Her father immediately looked her over for injuries but none could be found.
    Clutching tightly in her hand was a sharp rock, covered in blood and next to her was the corpse of a small Coyote with a cat dead in its mouth.
    Scarlet sobbed out how she tried to save the Cat from the Coyote's clutches but it was too late. So she angrily attacked and killed the Coyote for what it did.
    A side of her was shown that night. The side she inherited from her Mother that even her father wasnt aware of. One that caused her Father worry when he listened to her story.
    Her vengeful rage. But to young Scarlet, she felt what she did was Just.
    She felt like she avenged the cat.
    Scarlet never talked about the incident again and neither did her Father.

    When she was 10, they traveled North, finding themselves in the Carolinas.
    In a small developing town, they settled their roots. Moving into a small cabin nestled in the woods. Martin found a job similar to what he did prior to Scarlets birth.
    Taking grain, goods, and supplies to neighboring towns across the county.
    Scarlet was happy here. She grew close to many folks, helping out those in need and assisting her father with his work as well.
    Scarlet was taught by a retired Professor named Alfred Marks, who moved in the town years prior to her arrival with his wife Sarah Marks. He gave her books, explained the unexplained and peaked her curiousity for the world around her. His wife taught Scarlet how to cook and identify plants you can find in the the wild. Scarlet also took an interest in Mrs. Mark's fancier fashion that she wore. The older lady showed her magazines from New york, where the old couple use to live. Scarlet was surprised to see a world filled fancy dressed folks like Mrs. Mark and dreamed of days where she could be dressed just as elegantly.
    The old couple took care of her like she was one of their own whenever her Father was busy or away on delivery jobs. They were the Grandparents she never had and was always quick to run off to their cottage to see them. Martin was delighted his child was settling well. Scarlet flourished and her life felt complete.
    But life has a funny way of turning things upside down in an instant


    Present Life 


    Arriving to New Alexandria

    Scarlet arrived to New Alexandria towards the end of May of 1901. Scarlet didnt know a single person within the State and was too nervous
    to reach out to those who passed by her. She was quiet. Observed alot and kept to her self. She was looking for a fresh new start at life but was unsure where to begin.
    One day, while visiting Valentine, a man came over to Scarlet, mistakening her for someone else. A conversation was sparked up and he invited her to a Bar opening in Tumbleweed. His name was Joseph Manning and with that invitation, he offered to give Scarlet a gun since she had none.
    She went to the bar in Armadillo, where she met a few friendly faces like Felix Mercer. She was given a Navy Revolver, something she holds very dear still and keeps in safe storage.

    Scarlet eventually met a group of people in Valentine who helped Scarlet understand more of the ways of the land. Headin Jacobs was amongst those people. He took a keen interest in Scarlet and eventually they started dating. During that time, Scarlet was also finding ways to earn money. She began working at a bar in Valentine, that unknown to her, was ran by questionable people. She unknowningly joined their gang, when she accepted a belt buckle from them. During this time, Scarlet felt suffocated by Headin.
    Dating was a new thing to her and she wasnt use to having someone being around her all the time. They got engaged after just a few weeks of dating.
    During her this time, conflict arosed between the Bar she worked at and another Bar in Saint Denis. Henry McCall, the other bar owner, had beef with Scarlets boss but upon meeting him and him saving her from Butcher Creek, they developed a friendship.
    Scarlet eventually grew some tougher skin and broke things off with Headin, who didnt take it very well at the time. She also quit the bar she worked at and went to work for Henry McCalls bar, The McCall Arms.
    There she developed friendships with people who hung around the bar, such as Lachlynn and James Maverick.
    Soon, she discovered the friends she was making were all apart of one BIG gang.

    The Blind Days
    Scarlet was very ignorant of many things when she first came to New Alexandria. It didn't dawn on her for a bit that the bar she worked for and the man she was developing interest in was apart of a gang. The Boston Blinders.
    Scarlet loved the bonds that were forged amongst the group. The friends and family that was around her. She felt safe and secure, something she hadnt felt in a long time. Something she needed, as she had long fear that the man who killed her father wasnt dead. That he was still out there, looking for her, after was she did in revenge.
    She was also soon falling in love with Henry MCcall, as he was falling for her. He had come to her aid when she got hurt in an accident with Jack King.
    Though Henry's response to it was that of violence to King, his protectiveness and care won her heart.
    They started dating, helping him with the bar and eventually being introduced to the gang.
    She got a long well with everybody, especially Henry's adopted Sister Lachlyn. Her fiance, Ruben though, would have doubts about Scarlet. Giving her a hard time here and there but she fought hard to prove him wrong. On many occasions she assisted in keeping members in the group safe. Using her basic medical knowledge to aid and take care of those who got hurt. Arthur, the leader, eventually brought her into the fold. Giving her a lance knife and an engraved pocket watch, which she still wears to this day. He later promoted her to being the secretary for the group, handling all paperwork for the business side of things.

    Scarlet got into all sorts of trouble while with the gang. One man in particular, Jack Cecil, sought revenge against Scarlet.
    Cecil had stabbed Scarlets friend and fellow gang member Sal Sullivan. The two men had consented to a fist fight. Cecil, clearly beginning to lose the fight, stabbed Sal multiple times. The deputies arrested Cecil but only had him serve a very short sentence in the local Jail. Scarlet wasn't happy that the man simply got a slap on the wrist from deputies, so she took it up on herself to exact justice. With Sal, she kidnapped Mr. Cecil in the outskirts of Valentine, taking him to Cumberland falls. She gave a hammer to Sal, telling him to do what he felt was best for the matter. Sal ended up beating him up and whacked his kneecaps, leaving him by the waterfall.
    Cecil later recovered from his injuries and began to obsess over Scarlet. Following her. Threatening her. After a threat she gotten from him, Henry and the others went to go handle Cecil, who was hiding up in Colter. They took him by gunpoint and Scarlet smacked him with her hammer a few times till Henry shot him.
    They had hoped this would be the last they would hear of him but Cecil had more planned.
    One day, Scarlet got a strange telegram which lead her to go to Bacchus to investigate. There she got kidnapped by Cecil. He took her to a cabin and held her for ransom, demanding money from The Blinders. Arthur, George, Wyatt, and Henry all came to respond. Cecil, not the brightest of criminals, stepped out of the house with Scarlet at gunpoint. He failed to notice he was completely surrounded by them, with Henry standing behind him. With all guns pointing at him and refusing to conceed, Henry finally shot Cecil down. Cecil would not be heard from again for some time after this incident but he began to quietly scheme for revenge.

    During her course of time with The Blinders, she got close to a man named James Maverick. He acted as a sort of enforcer amongt the group. Tough but with a soft, sometimes silly side.
    She eventually got engaged to Henry as well, planning a huge and extravagant wedding. Scarlet spoke to James, asking him to walk her down the aisle, with him agreeing to do so. They joked at first about him adopting her but it soon came into reality, with him legally adopting Scarlet the day of her wedding.
    Thought it was suppose to be much joy on her wedding day, it was instead met with violence.
    Cecil plans of revenge came into full force. While everyone was preparing for the wedding, Cecil was seen with 4 other men, stalking the streets of St. Denis. Jack Cecil had hired 4 hitman to help him get his payback. Henry and the others had Scarlet stay at the Governors manor for safety. Henry, Kragen, Mav and Sal were all hunkered down at the Bastille when all 5 of the men busted down the doors, shooting down Mav and Henry, who were standing behind the bar. The two were able to take one down with them.
    With just Sal and Kragen left, the final two outmaneuvered the other men and successfully took them out and dragged them into the streets. Rumor boy snapped a photo of Jack and the hitman laying on the street. He later posted it in his paper, mocking Cecil and his goons for their failure.
    Despite the bloodshed on her wedding day, the wedding itself came out perfect and beautiful. It was a magical moment for Scarlet, feeling like a princess in a fairytale.
    But life was no fairytale and she was no Princess.

    A stupid decision was made. One that Scarlet fought hard against.
    Arthur, Henry, Rueben, Lachlynn were all asked by Joy Goode to kill Inya Nordskof. Inya had killed her adoptive dad, after mistreatment from him, and Joy wanted her dead.
    Scarlet felt compassion for Inya, as she had been through enough. Scarlet begged them not to do something so stupid and rash but they did it anyways.
    The violent choice of the leaders led to the downfall of The Blinders. Arthur and Rueben left State and Henry returned to England with his Brother. Scarlet went with Henry, staying in England for a week, but it wasnt her home. Henry had became more angry, violent even. The man she loved and knew wasnt the same anymore, so she returned home to New Alexandria.
    She felt alone, abandoned. As many of the former members either left to go back home or went on to do their own things.
    Her adoptive father, Mav, gave her the company she long needed. Their bond grew even more from this.
    Scarlet resorted to drinking alot, going to Manny Mercers bar in Van horn to get drunk and forget. She became really friendly with the Rykers, who kept an eye out for her.
    She eventually reunited with Marla and Sal. Sal had became close to the new residence of The Bastille. The Krays.
    He introduced her to the group, stating how they share the same values as The Blinders. They dont rob, they dont kill without reason, they werent there to cause harm to the city but to help it grow. Scarlet was drawn to those aspects, as well as the aspect of being around a large group to keep her safe. As she was still fearful of the man who could possibly be after her.
    After being introduced to the group, Constantino Kray, started pursuing Scarlet. In September of 1901, they started to date and she became a hang around with the group.
    But The Krays werent what she was lead to believe....

    To Be Continued....


    The Boston Blinders (Former Member)
    The Krays (Former Initiate)
    King's Cross General Practice (Former Employee)
    Olive and Twist - Employee
    Ailments & Antidotes (Owner) (Closed)
    Rose & Marigold: Medical Practice (Co-owner)
    Stargey Farms (Co-owner)

    ♡ Romantic Partner ♡
    Lee Colt

    - Scarlet has always known who Lee was but never spoken much to him. Asides from a few hellos here and there, they had not much interacted.
    Scarlet use to think he hated her, from a cold interaction she got from Katarina and him, though later that day he offered her safety when The Colemans were hunting her.
    It wasnt until his nomination for State Rep did they really get to know each other. Scarlet interviewed him about the position and soon after, Marcus Church invited Lee to come on a Scarlet & Josie adventure through the swamps. Their chemistry was instantaneous and soon they were hanging out almost every other day.
    During this time, Kat Kane was also expressing interest, which confused Scarlet since she was with Colt Calloway. Not wanting to loose a chance on someone who felt like a soulmate, Scarlet confessed her feelings to Lee after a State Rep meeting. Lee, expressing he would like nothing more then to be with someone like Scarlet, stated he was hesistant. His last relationship ended with him being cheated and abandoned, which Scarlet understood too well. With their feelings on the table, they got even closer.
    In early November, Scarlet got ill. Her metal plate dislodged after a serious fall and was causing an infection. She was found unconcious and was comatose for a few days in the hospital. Lee stayed by her side through it all. Placing his Union hat next to her on the bed.
    On November 15th, she woke up, surrounded by her family, friends and Lee. They took Scarlet back to the ranch, where her and Lee sat together in the field staring up at the stars.
    Lee, upon realizing how much it affected him almost loosing Scarlet, opened more. They shared their first kiss that night and thus began a beautiful relationship, which has shown Scarlet that true love does exist.

    ★ Family ★
    Martin Storm (Biological Father) - Deceased
    February 17th 1852 - November 25th 1892

    Yuisa Storm (Biological Mother) - Deceased
    July 8th 1856 - September 3rd 1877

    James Maverick (Adoptive Father) - Deceased
    August 22nd 1869 - December 18th 1901

    Joseph Upshur (Cousin) - Alive

    𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝/Wife
    Josephine Church

    - The friendship between the two started when they made a pact the first day they met. Agreeing to be Best Friends to annoy
    Frank Landmark. Little did they know then that their friendship blossomed into one of the strongest bonds Scarlet has.
    Josie is the sister she never had and the confidant she always need. She cant imagine her life without her.

    She's part of the wives club.

    𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝/Wife
    Rowan Ward

    -Scarlet met Rowan when Rowan worked for Shadow Firm and was in a relationship with Ruslan, another member.
    They didnt talk much till Scarlet came to Rowans support after her breakup with Rus.
    They bonded over many things and Rowan soon seperated herself from the Firm, spending more time with people like Colt and Joseph, Scarlets cousin.
    Scarlet and Josie offered their cabin to Rowan, which she moved into with Colt and Joseph. Scarlet and Rowan have been very close since.
    She is apart of the Wives club.

    𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝/Wife
    Josie 'Dos' Porter

    - Scarlet met Josie, after Lee and Josie ran into her and brought her along on an outing. Josie, needing a place to stay, moved in with them on their farm near Emerald.
    Josie was given the nickname 'Josie Dos' to help defferentiate between her and Josie. Josie Dos began learning medicine and over time, they grew close.
    Eventually, they bonded more and soon Josie Dos became apart of the Wives Club. The group of girls did an impromptu ceremony, marking her apart of the Wife Life.

    ★The Family★
    Shiloh Weston
    Amos Weston
    Joseph Upshur
    Colt Calloway
    Marcus Church
    Joseph Upshur

    ★Closest Friends★
    Juniper Mercer
    Marla Sullivan (Sister Figure)
    Sal Sullivan (Brother Figure)
    Archer Cassidy
    Elizabeth Bowers

    ★Good Friends★
    Billy Butters
    Polly Paley
    Connor Boysenberry
    Darion Rueb
    Anne Wright
    Tony Dale
    Freya Wolfe
    Red Leblanc
    Sasha Stroganov
    Emma Stroganov
    Hannah Westbrooke
    James Kane
    Katarina Kane
    Yuka True

    😡 Enemies/Dislikes 😡

    - A few from her past and present.
    Most whom are dead while some are not worth mentioning...
    - Cougars/Panthers

    - Olivia Cabal: Scarlet first met Olivia while she was dating V. She was rude and standoffish but it came full circle when it was revealed she was apart of The Ashen. Prior to the reveal and after, Cabal had always shown a distain to both Scarlet and Josie, which led to Scarlet detesting her and a lot of her violent actions as a gang member in The Ashen.

    - Lockhail & Jof Hawkins: Lockhail would express a lot of jealousy over Scarlets close friendship with Marla and would try to impede on it as much as possible. Along with other confrontations, Scarlet disliked Lockhails way of life of using men. Witnessing her hurting people she cared about through her manipulative actions.
    Scarlet began to disdain her and her husband Jof even more, after learning Jof had cheated on Josie with Lockhail. Cheating being something Scarlet greatly hates.

    -Iris Burke: Scarlet had got a long well with Iris till she caught Iris flirting and making moves on V (Scarlets partner at the time) on a trip to Guarma. Her dislike grew when she learned Nathan cheated on Freya, a good friend of Scarlet, to be with Iris.

    -Ruslan Nikolav: Rowans ex. He treated Rowan poorly, even more so after pulling what he thought was a 'funny' prank on her, which caused her to leave him. His response to the break up was not good, leading Scarlet to sadly not like her former friend Rus.

    -Jack King: After an accident long ago, along with his questionable activities, Scarlet is wary of King. Scarlet avoids him, especially after a heated argument in Rhodes when he tried to throw false allegations against the current legislative.

    -Ula Grey: Ula had inserted herself and stirred drama when Scarlet was confronting King in Rhodes. A couple months later, Scarlet had witnessed Ula with King and Dietrich, stalking Scarlet, Rowan and Josie near Annesburg to Brandywine. Her questionable associations and actions had lead Scarlet to believe she participates in Kings nefarious acts, making her wary of Ula as well.

    -Mas Blanche: Scarlet and Josie witnessed and reported corrupt actions Mas had done while as a deputy. She was working with The Colemans, warning them when Sheriffs were coming to make arrests. Mas, along with Lockhail, deduced Scarlet and Josie made the report and told The Coleman's, who then hunted them till they gave up on their endeavors.

    -Vyacheslav Volotski: Scarlets short lived ex husband. He was very jealous over Scarlet, in an almost controlling manner.
    They were together for 6 months when they finally got married, something Scarlet was hesitant about doing.
    3 days after the wedding, V had an episode where he was treating Scarlet very poorly. Scarlet finally told him she was having enough of his actions and demanded he changed. Instead, he abandoned her. Stealing a chunk of money they earned together and giving important personal effects of hers to others out of spite.
    The damage V did to Scarlet left a huge emotional scar. But she powered through it and became stronger in the end.


    "Son of a Bitch"-General Frustration Quote
    "M'Lady" - What she says to Josie, Rowan, & Josie Dos



    She has been in 5 gunfights and has played the major part in winning them.
    She has a metal plate in her head due brain surgery to remove scar tissue.
    She nearly lost her arm after petting a Grizzly Bear. She thought he was friendly. She now has a wire in that arm.
    She has very bad memory problems, due to mutiple brain injuries.
    Scarlet is indeed very accident prone.
    Privately brags about Knocking out Lockhail Hawkins after confronting her for harmful lies she was spreading about her best friends Sal & Marla's relationship

    (although she just meant to push her away when she tried walking up to Scarlet. Scarlets small gremlin energy proved to be too powerful)
    She was close to The Krays, was even an initiate. She left after not agreeing with their values.
    She was once deputized by Zeke Bell, to help him and another deputy against The Godfreys. She now likes to ask Leos to deputize her just for giggles
    Her adoptive Father passed away in her arms in Valentines as they looked on to the sunrise with Katarina Kane. It created a strong bond between her and Kat
    She wears a red choker, which covers a scar on her neck from she got shot at back in October 1901.
    She usually is seen wearing a Silver Pocketwatch, which was a gift given to her when she joined The Boston Blinders.

    All her hand guns are engraved with a Panther out of irony, she hates panthers.
    Her Navy was her first gun. Gifted to her by Joseph Manning, a legenday gunsmith. The gun means a lot to her and she keeps it locked for safe keeping since Manning's death.
    Scarlets Taino name is Anaris, which means 'Red Flower'. It is the reason she wears red roses in her hair and the affinity towards the color red.
    She often states the reason why she is so small was due to being malnourished as a child. Though that isn't the actual reason. She's just small.
    She owns a blonde wig that she bought while on a trip to see a Dr out East. She use to wear it to help conceal that most of her head was shaven due to medical treatments she got done while gone. Now she wears it occasionaly for events or when it fits her mood.

    ✧Scarlet's Theme Songs

    'When you were young'- The Killers
    'Somewhere only we know'- Rhianne
    'Rhiannon'- Fleetwood Mac
    'Something in the Orange' - Zach Bryan (Song that Josephine Godfey Sang when Scarlets Father died)
    'Im just a girl'- Florence & The Machine Cover
    'Evil'- Melanie Martinez (Song represents her growth after the betrayal from V, her ex)

    Scarlet Storm















    Jayuya, Porto Rico


    Taino/Latina/Canadian Mix

    Marital Status:

    Courting Lee Colt


    Martin Storm -Biological Father
    Yuisa Storm- Biological Mother
    (Both deceased)
    James Maverick -Adoptive Dad
    Joseph Upshur -Cousin


    Doctor. Pharmacist. Surgeon
    Chicken Farmer
    Judicial Clerk
    State Representative (Former)
    Secretary of Press (Former)
    Bartender (First Job)


    Anaris (Taino given name)
    "Little Gremlin"
    "Squirrel Brain"
    "Story Book Princess"- Mr. Oz

    Faction Affiliations:

    Rose & Marigold Medical Practice
    New Alexandria State Government
    Ailments & Antidotes Pharmacy
    Stargey Farms