Marybelle Oswald

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  • Marybelle Oswald


    Marybelle Oswald can often be seen with colourful dresses and hats decorated with flowers, because of her upbringing she rarely wears pants or clothing that are too loose around her body, her shoes usually consists of heels. The only time she isn't dressed to impress is when she's out hunting, she'll usually wear all black, black loose pants and shirt with a belt to keep her hunting equipment with her. Her hair is usually loose, bright orange and short, the few times that it's not falling down in short waves is when there is a certain event such as a dance or if she has to be dolled up, she'll go for a curly side ponytail or bun with lighter make up to present her sweet nature though normally her blush would be light pink and her lipstick a dark red to almost black. Marybelle's face is round and her skin is fair, there are no scars anywhere on her body and her eyes are fairly round but small with extremely light blue eyes. Her face is covered in tiny little freckles and right above the corner of her mouth is a beauty spot that may or may not be real or fake that she may or may not have got into the habit of putting on every morning as her mother used to teach her.

    Early Life 

    From a young age, Marybelle Oswald, was taught that if you act innocent, if you do as your told, you will get everything you want. When she was 5, she was told to start playing piano, so she did, the played and played and then played some more. After she learned to play piano, she needed to know how to cook, a man's love is through their stomach after all. Once she knew how to cook, she was taught how to dress herself properly, a lady should always dress properly, the way you dress shows your wealth and wealth attracts wealth... apparently.

    As she got older, her mother made her write down how to act in a journal that she always kept close as she had started to act out towards her parents, especially when her siblings were born, her younger siblings, so innocent. She started to talk back, she started to get her own wants and likes, for instance, she didn't want to marry any of the men her mother offered her to marry. Her mother, specifically, was more aggressive about it, she loved to spend money and they were slowly losing it because of her, so she needed to marry someone with a good reputation and good money. Matter of fact, all the Oswald children should find a wealthy partner.

    When Marybelle was a teenager, she loved to traveled in the slumps, a place she was told to never go, the back alley of the back alley of Saint Denise. As she walked on the cobblestone in the mud, she heard a whine and when she looked, a small pup, covered in brown mud and wet of rain, skinnier than anything she had seen before. She would never be allowed to keep the pup but they wouldn't be able to stop her, that day she had brought back a husky named Peaches.

    From a young age, the Oswald siblings, were taught to be the perfect partner, be innocent, be manly, be a good housewife, have a good job, you will get everything your parents want.

    Present Life 

    Currently Marybelle Oswald is learning how to live and enjoy life. She has started to learn how to be a rancher and take care of cattle, how to earn her own money and how to have fun with the new friends she's meeting along the way.




    "C'est la vie"
    "If you do not like my food then starve"


    Marybelle smells like her favourite perfume with peach scent.
    Her dog named Peaches usually hangs around Valentine without her.
    She enjoys drinking tea and doesn't drink alcohol (for now).
    She doesn't smoke.
    She plays, mostly, classical piano.
    She tends to zone out during conversations in big groups or needs to move from loud sounds.
    Her vision isn't the best and sometimes it's difficult for her to read because of it.

    Marybelle Oswald









    4'10 - 5'1


    100-116 lbs




    Bordeaux, France



    Marital Status:



    Lucian Oswald, Eloise Oswald +6




    Faction Affiliations: